Chapter 105: Four imperial edicts in a row!

"What did you say, a fine of ten coppers?" The scarred official was stunned, thinking he heard wrongly.

Fan Xin led troops to besiege the government office, but he was only fined ten cents for such a serious crime.

On the contrary, my own Lord Zhou was forced to resist but was demoted to a commoner and imprisoned in prison. The gap between the two sides was too big, right?

Wu Zetian put her hands behind her back and looked down at the minor officials.

"Go back and tell Zhou Xing that if there is anything wrong with Fan Xin, the whole Zhou family will be waiting to be buried with him!"

Sensing the murderous intent in the Queen Mother's tone, the scarred clerk was so frightened that he trembled all over, knelt on the ground and kowtowed twice before returning to report the news.

I couldn't figure out who Fan Xin was. How could the Queen Mother value him so much?
When the minor officials left Shangyang Palace, all the ministers looked at each other and nodded with satisfaction.

Although they didn't like Fan Xin, they didn't like Zhou Xing, the executioner, even more.

Today the Queen Mother severely punished Zhou Xing in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, undoubtedly telling them that the cruel politics of officials was coming to an end.

"Queen Mother, as a young minister of Dali Temple, Fan Xin led troops to commit crimes in broad daylight. Isn't the fine of ten cents too light?" Di Renjie stood up and asked.

Wu Zetian glanced at him and her expression softened a bit: "How does Di Aiqing think we should deal with it?"

"Back to the Queen Mother, Fengge Luantai received a report from Yingzhoutang a few days ago. Cao Renshi, Zhang Xuanyu and other troops are fighting fiercely with the Khitan people in the Dongshi Canyon area."

"The war situation is very unfavorable to us. I believe that the top priority is to select a royal heir as soon as possible and to accompany two loyal, brave and reliable ministers to the Turks."

"Use the power of the Turks to eradicate the Khitan and other rebel forces in one fell swoop, so that we, the Tang Dynasty, can concentrate all our efforts on dealing with the Tibetans!"

Wu Zetian did not rush to answer Di Renjie's suggestion, but looked thoughtful.

a long time.

She raised her head and looked at Di Renjie: "You mean you want Fan Xin to accompany the minister on a mission to the Turks?"

Di Renjie nodded: "Yes, as far as I know, Mo Chui Khan has a daughter named Ashina Yinzhu, who is the most famous beauty in Mobei."

"Mo Chui has always wanted to find her a husband from a nobleman of the Tang Dynasty."

"If Fan Xin can marry the Turkic princess back, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to us in borrowing troops to attack Khitan."

At this time, Zhang Jianzhi also stood up and cupped his hands and said: "Queen Mother, I think everything Di Ge said makes sense."

"Fan Xin is a man of outstanding appearance and talent. He can ride a horse and command an army, and he can sit in a government office and provide peace of mind to the people. He is also an earl."

"No one among the younger generation is more suitable to serve as an ambassador to the Turks than him."

"I second the proposal!" All the officials bowed and sent Fan Xin to the Turks, where they could live a good life for a few days.

Otherwise, this guy would stay in Dali Temple every day, and everyone would be worried about doing anything.

Seeing that all the ministers unanimously recommended Fan Xin to send an envoy to the Turks, Wu Zetian also felt that he was the only minister to accompany him, so she agreed.


"Draft a decree to appoint Princess Taiping as the envoy of the Tang Dynasty. She will go to the Turks on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month in the next year and have full authority to handle the matter of borrowing troops to attack the Khitans."

"Fan Xin, Shaoqing of Dali Temple, has been granted the title of Fourth-rank Qianniu Wei Zhonglang and will accompany Xue Huaiyi to the Turks!"


"Long live Queen Mother, long live long live!" All the ministers bowed and paid homage.

Just as the messenger rushed towards the Magistrate's Court without stopping, the atmosphere in front of the gate of the Magistrate's Court was extremely depressing.

When everyone heard that Zhou Xing secretly informed the Queen Mother, their hearts sank, and their eyes looked at Fan Xin full of worry.

As we all know, the Senate was established under the instruction of the Queen Mother, and they are best at informing and framing people. No one who was brought to the Queen Mother by them came back alive.

Fan Xin led troops to attack the Senate for such a big event, could the court spare him lightly?
"Brother Xu, do you think Fan Xin can survive this time safely?" Lu Junhai asked.

Xu Zong glanced at Fan Xin with pity, shook his head and sighed. "Zhou Xing is a confidant of the Queen Mother, and his trust is probably much higher than that of Fan Xin."

"This time he committed a serious crime by leading troops to attack the Magistrates' House. It will be difficult for him to have another chance to live."

Xu Zong was the person with the highest status present. When everyone saw that even he said this, there was no objection in their hearts.

"Master, why don't you hurry into the palace and explain it to the Queen Mother? If the imperial edict arrives, there will be no room for change."

"Yes, based on your achievements, the Queen Mother will definitely give you a lighter sentence." Zhang Huan advised.

As the instigator, Xiao Jing also felt a little guilty. If she hadn't written to Fan Xin, the latter wouldn't have made such a big mistake.

No one knew Wu Zetian better than her. For the sake of imperial power, even her son could be put under house arrest. Naturally, she would not be merciless when killing a mere Fan Xin.

"I'm sorry, I'm the one who got you into trouble this time. Why don't you give me to Zhou Xing? At worst, I'll be bitten by a dog." Xiao Jing said, biting her red lips.

Hearing this, Fan Xin glanced at everyone, raised his head and looked through the wind and snow in the direction of Shangyang Palace and said calmly.

"You don't need to persuade me any more. I always do what I say, and I will never back down from battle!"

"The Magistrate's Court is cruel and harms loyal people. If the Queen Mother doesn't even care about this, then what's the harm if the young minister of Dali Temple is inappropriate!"

As soon as these words were spoken, there was no sound at all. Everyone looked at Fan Xin with complicated expressions and admiration in their eyes.

A man is born between heaven and earth, and he should make contributions to all generations!

How many people can match this courage and pride?

Seeing everyone being overawed by Fan Xin, Zhou Xing sneered and mocked.

"Fan Xin, do you think resigning from the official position will be the end of the matter? The people imprisoned by the Magistrates' Court are all key criminals named Li who the Queen Mother wants to eradicate."

"Now that Dali Temple has turned everything upside down, do you think the Queen Mother can spare you?"

"If you are wise, return Xiao Jing immediately, and then kowtow to me three times respectfully. For the sake of the Queen Mother, I will let you go."

"Otherwise, once the imperial decree arrives, it will be too late even if you want to kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Zhou Xing believed that with what he had done, the Queen Mother would definitely stand by his side and help maintain the face of the Senate.

It's ridiculous that Fan Xin didn't know that he was about to die, thinking that he would get the unconditional support of the Queen Mother by making some achievements, but he didn't know that he was already on the must-kill list.

"Young people still lack political experience and don't know the cruelty of officialdom. When the imperial edict comes, you will know how important I am to the Queen Mother." Zhou Xing sneered secretly.

"It's a little too early for you to be happy." Fan Xin snorted coldly and was about to order someone to investigate.

next moment.

Thousands of armored guards wearing cloaks were running towards this side through the snow.

The leading general held two imperial edicts in his hands and shouted angrily from a long distance away.

"Anyone who uses weapons rashly at the emperor's feet will die!"

"Everyone who comes is under my general's custody. Anyone who resists will be killed on the spot!"

Boom boom boom!
Thousands of guards marched in neat steps to surround us!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xing tidied up his official uniform and said proudly to Fan Xin.

"Boy, you're done!"

 Thank you to everyone who subscribed, voted, and tipped. Thank you very much.

  My phone screen broke today, so I was delayed in typing. I apologize to everyone.

  From now on, it will be maintained at 3-5 chapters every day. Please continue to support me.

(End of this chapter)

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