Chapter 106 Is This Also Called Punishment?
Soon, under the gaze of everyone, the armored guards came to the scene and pointed their swords at the Dali Temple soldiers and officials.

The crowd dispersed, and a burly man walked up to Fan Xin and Zhou Xing, looked at the two of them, and said the imperial edict.

"Haotian has a destiny, and the emperor accepts it. Since you took charge of the magistrate's court, you have killed innocent people on a large scale, which is really harming the peace of heaven. Therefore, you are demoted to a commoner and handed over to Lai Junchen for trial. I admire this!"

With a bang, the whole place was in an uproar. No one expected that what was waiting was not to punish Fan Xin, but to deal with Zhou Xing!

Especially several young officials were stunned. They were all prepared for Fan Xin to be killed, but what they waited for was such news.

"Brother Xu, why is this? Isn't Zhou Xing a confidant of the Queen Mother? How come Zhou Xing was demoted to a commoner?" Lu Junhai said in shock.

Xu Zong sighed softly and looked at Fan Xiandao with complicated eyes.

"We all underestimated Fan Xin. It turns out that he is the one deeply trusted by the Queen Mother."

"No wonder he dared to lead troops to attack the Senate. Just because of this holy family, there is no need to take Zhou Xing seriously."

Compared to everyone's amazement, Xiao Jing was the most shocked.

She knew Wu Zetian too well. She was a person who would do anything to eradicate dissidents.

Now, in order to save Fan Xin, he did not hesitate to cut off Zhou Xing's murderous sword.

This shows how important a model letter is!

"When the Great Zhou Dynasty is established, this guy will definitely make his official appearance in the court." Xiao Jing glanced at Fan Xin with her beautiful eyes.

Just when everyone's mood was ups and downs, Zhou Xing suddenly shouted.

"This is impossible. The Queen Mother must have made a mistake! The person who attacked the Magistrate's Court was Fan Xin. Why should I be punished!"

"It's impossible!"

Zhou Xing was shocked and angry. He never dreamed that instead of punishing Fan Xin, the Queen Mother demoted him to a commoner.

Over the years, I have killed many ministers who supported Li Tang on behalf of Wu Zetian. I have done hard work without any credit, but now I have to remove myself. Isn't this killing a donkey in an attempt to make trouble?

"Wrong?" The big man sneered: "Zhou Xing, open your dog eyes and see if the Fengge Luantai seal on it is fake?" He waved the imperial edict.

"Then why is Fan Xin not guilty at all?" Zhou Xing asked unwillingly.

"Who said no? Didn't you see that the general still has the imperial edict in his hand?" The big man glanced sideways at him, unfolded the second imperial edict and smiled at Fan Xin.

"Fan Shaoqing, you have committed a serious crime this time and cannot be forgiven, so please accept the order, right?"

After he finished speaking, a guard brought a fluffy futon and placed it on the ground, indicating that he should kneel on it to receive the order.

Fan Xindao thanked him and knelt on the futon to indicate to the messenger that they could begin.

The big man coughed and said: "Haotian has a destiny, and the emperor accepts it. You have committed a heinous crime. If you are not punished, it will be difficult to stop the mouth of the world."

"Therefore, I was fined ten copper coins, served as the deputy envoy for handling the inner pass, and received the title of fourth-grade Qianniu Guards Lieutenant General. I honor this..."

The scene was deathly quiet, Zhou Xing asked tentatively.



"Didn't you say that heinous crimes should be severely punished?"

"Yes, that's why I was fined ten coppers and appointed as the deputy envoy for handling the inner pass. The Queen Mother said that Fan Xin should not be left too idle and she wanted to put an extra burden on him." The big man said inexplicably.

In his opinion, the punishment for torturing Fan Xin to the Turks was already severe, so there was no need to hold him tight.

Zhou Xingteng stood up and pointed at Fan Xin and said ferociously to the big man.

"This is also called heavy punishment? Which official cannot afford such a punishment?"

"Get out of the way, I'm going to find the Queen Mother for comment..."


A hammer hit him on the head, Lai Junchen said with a smile.

"You don't have to mind, I will take care of Zhou Xing."

After saying that, he grabbed Zhou Xing's collar and walked towards the Magistrate's Court.

Before leaving, the big man clasped his fists and said, "Fan Shaoqing, the punishment is a bit harsh. Please be more patient and say goodbye!"

After watching the army leave, Fan Xin looked back at Liu Zidao. "Isn't the penalty of ten cents very severe?"

Liu Zi said sarcastically: "Master, apart from the wages we paid to Feng Ma, we only have twenty coins left. We don't have food and drinks for the New Year's Eve tomorrow..."

"Ah, master, what's the matter with you?"

"Someone, come quickly, the young master can't do it!"

Just as Zhang Huan and Li Lang were carrying Fan Xin and running back, a masked man was kneeling in a private house in Luoyang City.

"Master, tomorrow is New Year's Day, Wu Zetian will hold a banquet in Ziwei City, do you want to take the opportunity to get rid of her?"

The man behind the screen shook his head and said calmly.

"After passing through Hanguang Temple, she won't give us another chance in a short time."

"Instead of sacrificing more poisonous snakes, it is better to get rid of the stumbling block Fan Xin first."

"Through his death we can also attack Wu Zetian."

The masked man hesitated for a moment: "But during the day, he just risked his life and broke into the Magistrate's Court to save... until he just woke up now."

"Would it be a bit..."

The person behind the screen sighed in silence, with a sense of sadness in his voice.

"How can a person who wants to do great things be fettered by the personal relationship between his children? How can we carry out the next plan without getting rid of Fan Xin?"

"Go ahead and arrange for a few people to pretend to be Qian Niuwei and lure him to Baiyun Mountain to kill him."

"Yes! Let's do this humble job now!" Seeing that the master had made up his mind, the masked man clasped his fists and left.

When the room became quiet, the person behind the screen said to the young man.

"After Fan Xin dies, you can pretend to be him and live in Fan's house. Remember not to reveal any clues."

"Master, don't worry. Fan Xin's words and deeds have long been remembered by me, and I will ensure that Wu Zetian won't notice it!"

The young man raised his head and sneered. He looked exactly like Fan Xin!

Fan Mansion, bedroom.

Fan Xin lay on the bed with a handkerchief on his head and glanced at Liuzi and said weakly.

"Liuzi, go to the Ministry of Household Affairs and ask when the salary for the twelfth lunar month will be paid. If you don't pay it, we won't be able to survive the New Year's Eve."

"Young Master, I have asked Mr. Xu that his salary will be paid in the first month."

"What, the first month of the year?" Fan Xin was furious: "These dog officials are too good at delaying things."

"No, I'll go find them!"

Fan Xin was celebrating the New Year with his salary, but these guys postponed it until next year.

Liuzi said angrily: "You'd better save some time. The government office has been closed long ago. How about I go back to Youzhou and ask the master and his wife for some advice?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? The whole family is living on the farm because of the old man. Where do they get so much money?"

Fan Xin rolled his eyes: "By the way, we sent a lot of stolen money to the Queen Mother in the middle of the year, and I guess there is still a lot left."

"Take my memorial and go to the palace to ask the Queen Mother for two ounces of money. You will give it to her after the new year is over and your salary is paid."

"That's okay, you rest first, I'll come back as soon as I'm done!" Liuzi said as he put on his cotton-padded clothes and left the mansion.

"It would be nice if the gold and silver rewarded could be spent." Fan Xin shook his head and was about to look through the official documents of Dali Temple when Feng's mother ran in and panted.

"Master, the Qianniu Guards have come to the palace to deliver the order. I want you to go to the front hall to receive the order."

"Didn't you preach it during the day? Why is there still a decree?"

Fan Xin frowned and walked to the front hall. This was the first time he saw Qian Niu Wei delivering an order late at night.

When they came to the front hall, four Qian Niuwei wearing flying bear uniforms and red shirts hugged each other politely.

"I feel sorry for disturbing Fan Shaoqing late at night. The Queen Mother has summoned you to the palace for something. Put on your clothes and let's go now, shall we?"

(End of this chapter)

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