Chapter 112 Who gave you this robe?
In front of the government officials, several hunters had no power to resist, and they were pushed and pushed to the county government office.

"Mingfu, what should we do with these furs and fat pigs?" the subordinate asked.

Magistrate Zhang rolled his eyes: "Needless to say, of course I owe you filial piety to Governor Fang."

Just when the Changping County Magistrate was returning home with a full load of hunters, Fan Xin trekked all the way and finally arrived at Xiaolianzi Village.

In my memory, his home lived in the west end of the village. It was a two-room clay house.

There are two elders in the family and a sister who is one year older. If nothing else, she should be married.

Even though Fan Xin is a latecomer, the longing lingering in his heart cannot be dispelled no matter what.

The last time we had a quick goodbye was several years ago.

"Young man, who are you looking for?" A hunchbacked old man covered in patches asked curiously.

"Are you Uncle Chang who sells tofu?" Fan Xin was startled and asked tentatively.

"Who are you? Why do you look familiar?" Uncle Chang did not deny his identity.

"Uncle Chang, I am the second son of the old Fan family. Don't you recognize me?"

"Ah, you are the second child."

Hearing that it was Erlang of the Fan family, Uncle Chang looked Fan Xin up and down.

She frowned when she saw that he was wearing a fur coat with a cotton robe underneath.

"I heard someone said that you became a big boss outside. Why did you come back dressed like this?"

"Is it because of corruption and perversion of the law that the imperial court got rid of the official?"

Fan Xin......

After bidding farewell to the old man, Fan Xin relied on his memory and came to a dilapidated yellow mud house in the west of the village.

Since it was dark, a dim oil lamp was lit inside, and two figures could be vaguely seen through the window, sitting cross-legged at the kang table and eating.

"Dad, don't wait. Xin'er is very busy working as an official outside and it's impossible to come back."

"Well, if you don't come back, I'll just send you a letter. There's been no news for so many years."

"If I die on the kang one day, there won't even be anyone to send me to my death."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Eat quickly. I will go to Muramasa's house tomorrow to ask if there is any news about Xiner."

Fan Xin stood in the yard, feeling unable to calm down for a long time.

Blame yourself.


And miss you deeply...

At this time, the door of the wing opened, and a young woman wearing a gray cotton-padded jacket came out with a plate. She saw a handsome man standing in the courtyard and asked cautiously.

"Young master, who are you looking for?"

Looking at the relatives in front of him, Fan Xin suppressed the sadness in his heart and smiled.

"Sister, I am Fan Xin."

"Ah, you are Xiao Xin!" The woman exclaimed, staring closely at Fan Xin, with a look of disbelief in her beautiful eyes.

She never dreamed that her brother, whom she had not heard from for many years, would come back.

The next moment, she threw away the plate and rushed into the house and said excitedly.

"Dad, Mom, look at my brother! He's back!"

"What! Xin'er is back?" Suddenly hearing that their son was back, the two old men quickly put on their shoes and ran out the door.

When they saw that the person in the courtyard was indeed Fan Xin, they all stopped and looked at their son blankly.

"Xin'er, is it really you?" Zhou said tremblingly as she wiped her tears.

Fan Xin lifted up his robe and knelt on the snow with his head lowered.

"The child is unfilial and has come back to visit his father and mother!"



The two women couldn't help crying and rushed forward, holding Fan Xin in their arms and crying. Fan Zhonghua kept wiping his tears as they watched.

For a moment, Fan Xin suddenly thanked the people who assassinated him. If it hadn't been for them, they wouldn't have had the chance to come back to visit the two elders.

a long time.

Fan Zhonghua frowned and said: "Okay, Xin'er has just come back, let him come in and warm up quickly." "Yes, yes, yes, you can see that I am so happy." Mrs. Zhou let go of Fan Xin and wiped her tears. Fan Xin said.

"You go sit on the kang first, and my mother will give you a plate of scrambled eggs. You can't miss out on the meaty food during the festival."

After that, Fan Xiaolan and I went to the next door with the ear basket, apparently to borrow eggs and lard.

The father and son walked to the kang table and sat down. Fan Zhonghua hesitated and said.

"Xin'er, I heard from Muramasa that you became a big boss in a place called Wushui County. How are you doing these years?"

Fan Zhonghua was a careful person. When his son came back empty-handed and in shabby clothes, he didn't understand that his official position had been raped by the court.

Although I was extremely disappointed, I still asked politely.

Fan Xin nodded with emotion: "To be honest with my father, my son is no longer the magistrate of Wushui County."

Even though he had guessed it, Fan Zhonghua still felt uncomfortable and pretended to be strong.

"It's okay. If you lose your official position, you will lose it. In two days, I will go and beg your brother-in-law to let him arrange a position as a clerk in the county government office for you."

"No matter what, it's better to eat from the public family than to farm."

Fan Xin could see that not being able to become a county magistrate was a huge blow to his father.

But he has no way to reveal his identity at the moment. Once the news of his return home lets the killer know that there is no guarantee that the two old people will not be involved.

So he could only harden his heart and wait for the court to find him.

Only when the guards are in place can he dare to expose his dignified identity as a fourth-grade official!
The New Year's Eve dinner was very sumptuous, with a plate of oily scrambled eggs, half a piece of boiled tofu, and a large bowl of brown rice for each person. The family ate especially deliciously.

Early the next morning, Fan Xin saw that the rice vat at home was empty and thought about taking off his cotton robe and handing it to Fan Xiaolan.

"Sister, you took this robe to the city to pawn, and come back with some japonica rice and pork to improve the food."

"That won't work. What are you going to wear as clothes?" Fan Xiaolan refused.

"You can just use the money from selling clothes to pull out some cotton and make me another outfit."

This dress is made of high-quality Jiangnan silk. Based on the workmanship and material, it is estimated to fetch a lot of money. At most, it will be redeemed in a few days.

Fan Xiaolan thought about it and asked her father to borrow an ox cart for the two of them to go to the city.

I found a pawnshop called Sanyuan Kaitai on the street. The shopkeeper was an old man.

"Old shopkeeper, I have a robe here, can you tell me how much it is worth?"

"Bring it."

The old shopkeeper took one look at the two people's clothes and didn't take them seriously, thinking they were just rags.

But when he saw the robe inside the package, he almost collapsed on the ground, his heart pounding.

I kept exclaiming in my heart that I am getting rich, getting rich!
After running a pawnshop for so many years, he has no other skills but his sharp eyesight.

At first glance, one can tell that the robe is a top-grade royal item. Except for the prince level, even the Duke is not qualified to wear this kind of robe.

It can be said that this is a robe that no one with money is qualified to wear. The price is at least [-] yuan!

At this thought, he suppressed his inner excitement and said.

"Insect-skinned and rat-bitten, bare and hairless, a tattered coat, ten guan of money!"

"Ten dollars?" Fan Zhonghua and his daughter were shocked.

They never expected that Fan Xin's clothes were so valuable, almost five years after farming. "

Seeing the shocked expressions on their faces, the old shopkeeper also felt that he had pressed too hard.

"That's all. I'll give you an extra hundred yuan. If you don't do it right, go to another place."

"No, let's take it!" Fan Zhonghua naturally would not let go of this opportunity, and he quickly put the money in his hands and left happily with his daughter.

After watching the two people leave, the old shopkeeper smiled slightly, put on his robe and walked towards the street.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, two internal guards put sharp knives on his waist and said in a cold voice.

"Who gave you this purple and gold royal robe?"

"Say it or die!"

"My dears, have mercy on me. The robe was given by a man. I don't know that he stole it!"


"Could it be Fan..."

The two inner guards looked at each other with ecstasy in their eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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