Chapter 113 Did you ask the court to remove you?
In order to find Fan Xin before the deadline, the Internal Security Bureau dispatched a large number of manpower to various prefectures and counties for secret investigations.

Unexpectedly, such good luck would come to their Youzhou inner guards.

It is not difficult to imagine that once Tangbao reports to the court, all the internal guards stationed in Youzhou will be promoted to at least one level.

Forcibly suppressing the joy in his heart, Niulanshan looked at the old shopkeeper with a gloomy face.

"How old is the man and where does he live?"

The old man was about to cry but said without tears: "You two gentlemen, I own a pawn shop. How do you know them?"


Niulanshan frowned, and the sharp knife pierced the old man's skin, and the latter quickly changed his words.

"I remembered that the man in his forties seemed to have gone shopping for cotton with his daughter."

"Buy cotton?"

The two inner guards looked at each other, and the other thin man named Du Kang snorted coldly.

"Take us to identify the person, and we will let you go after we find him."

"Yes, yes, I will close the door and take you to recognize the person."

After saying that, the old shopkeeper was about to lock the door, but he heard the man sneered.

"Did you forget to take off your robe? No more than five people in the world are qualified to wear this dress, and you are not afraid of being executed by everyone?"

"You're confused, take it off right away!" The old shopkeeper muttered inwardly and took off his robe.

If he had known that Pao Zi was being targeted by the government, he would have avoided anyone no matter what.

It's fine now. I lost ten thousand dollars, not to mention my life.

After closing the store door, the three of them started searching along the street. When they passed by the silk shop, they went in and took a look to make sure there was no trace of the father and daughter before going to the next shop.

It wasn't until the sun set that they saw the father and daughter preparing to go home at the door of a clothing store.

"Boss, they are the ones who brought me the robes. Go up and arrest them!" the old shopkeeper said excitedly.

"To shut up!"

Niulanshan glared at the old man fiercely, turned around and said to Du Kang.

"Don't alarm them. Follow them first to see the situation."

It was about Fan Xin's whereabouts, and they didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

Soon, the ox cart slowly turned its wheels and headed out of the city.

Seeing this, the three of them jumped on the carriage and secretly followed them all the way out of Youzhou City.

After driving on the official road for two hours, the ox cart turned into Xiaolianzi Village and stopped in front of a yellow mud house at the west end of the village.

The door opened and a young man in white walked out.

It looks like it’s not Fan Xin or someone else!
"Oh my god, Fan Shaoqing is really here, we are going to be prosperous, old cow!" The person identified was Fan Xin, Du Kang took a picture of the carriage and said ecstatically.

"Shh, keep your voice down." Niulanshan made a shushing gesture and lowered his voice.

"You immediately write a secret document and send it to Luoyang at a speed of eight hundred miles, telling the Queen Mother that we have found Fan Xin's whereabouts!"

"Okay, I'll stay and secretly protect Fan Shaoqing and his family."

"As for the old man from the pawn shop..." The two looked at each other and at the same time pulled out a sharp knife and thrust it into the old shopkeeper's chest.

Fan Xin's trace is the highest secret in the Tang Dynasty, and no accidents are allowed, so they have only one option: kill him and silence him.

After stuffing the old man's body into the carriage, Du Kang drove the carriage and left Xiaolianzi Village.

Just as the internal guards were rushing to Luoyang at a speed of [-] miles with the news that Fan Xin had been found, the small courtyard was busy moving things home.

"Xiao Xin, I didn't expect your cotton robe to be so valuable. It was pawned for ten coins!" Fan Xiaolan said while sitting on the carriage shaft, wiping her sweat.

"Yes, it shocked my father." Fan Zhonghua said with a smile.He had no doubts about the origin of this piece of clothing. After all, he had been a county magistrate and still had one or two valuable pieces of clothing.

Looking at his smiling family members, Fan Xin's eyes twitched.

Damn profiteer, he only pays ten guan for such good materials without fear of losing his life.

But he didn't say anything. As long as the old man was still in Datang, the clothes would come back to him sooner or later.

"By the way, sister, what does my brother-in-law do?" It's been a day since he came back and he hasn't even seen his brother-in-law, so he feels a little curious.

When she mentioned her man, the smile on Fan Xiaolan's pretty face faltered and she said with a smile.

"Your brother-in-law serves as a county captain in Changping County and is the most promising person in our eight villages. In a few days, I will ask him to find you a scribe position."

Fan Xin, a dignified fourth-grade official, naturally would not take a clerk seriously, so he smiled and said hello because of his sister's feelings.

After moving the things, Mrs. Zhou also prepared the food. Just as the family was about to sit down to eat, a man wearing a dog-skin hat and his hands in his sleeves walked into the house.

A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes when he saw Fan Xin and the food on the table.

"Tie Quan, why are you here? Come sit down and have a hot meal." Fan Zhonghua obviously knew the man and greeted him enthusiastically.

"Forget it Brother Fan, my father, Cheng Zhuzhu and the others were arrested by that dog officer of County Magistrate Zhang. Each of them demanded eighty copper coins."

"Otherwise, I will be executed according to the mob. I am wondering if your son-in-law is the captain of Changping County. Can you ask him to beg for mercy?"

In the past, Fan Zhonghua would naturally agree, but now he looks embarrassed.

"Brother Tie Quan, it's not that we won't help you, my son-in-law is no longer the same as before. It's too difficult to find him to do something."

Thinking of the changes in her son-in-law, Mrs. Zhou shook her head and sighed, how could such a good young man turn his back on him when he became an official?

Fan Zhonghua slapped his palm on the table and said with a sullen face.

"No, human life is at stake. I don't believe that Tan Yue, the county captain, has no mercy at all." He put on his dog-skin hat and walked out.

Fan Xin followed him out worriedly. He wanted to see if this brother-in-law was Chen Shimei.

Since the cattle in the village were unwilling to leave the village, Fan Xin and the other three had to walk to Changping County.

"Dad, there's not even a carriage. Let's go tomorrow." Fan Xin tightened his clothes and said.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a luxury carriage slowly stopped in front of several people.

"How many of you, can I give you a ride?" Niulanshan said with a smile.

Fan Zhonghua glared at his son, as if he didn't mean to say anything.

Soon, the group arrived at Changping County. Looking at the dark shops, Fan Xin said.

"Dad, it's closed."

Bang bang bang!
The dark shops suddenly lit up with candlelight, and all the shops in the street opened their doors, and a group of clerks greeted them with a smile.

"Sir, the store is not closed. You can buy whatever you want."

Fan Xin took a deep look at the enthusiastic waiter, picked up two kilograms of pork, and went to his brother-in-law's house with his father.

The two met for the first time. They saw Fan Xin dressed shabbyly and Tan Yue sitting on a chair slowly sipping tea.

"I said Fan Xin, you are not good at holding an official position. Why did you let the court dismiss you?"

"Look at me, brother-in-law, who is ranked as the captain of Changping County at the age of 30. Looking at the eight villages in ten miles and eight villages, who can achieve as much as me?"

"I will learn from my brother-in-law from now on. If nothing else, there is still hope for you to be promoted to the ninth level."

Seeing that his son-in-law was bragging, Fan Zhonghua said in a deep voice.

"We will discuss this matter later. The people from Dawang Village were arrested by Magistrate Zhang. Please think of a way."

(End of this chapter)

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