Chapter 121 Princess Taiping arrives!

After the handover between the two parties was completed, Yunshan escorted Fan Xin to the Governor's Mansion. In order to regain the face he lost at Yanlai Tower, he specially posted a notice inviting people to come and watch.

When the news came back to Xiaolianzi Village, Fan Zhonghua and his family quickly put on their cotton-padded clothes and headed to Changping County to find Tan Yue.

"Husband, Xiaoxin is the only child of our Fan family. If he is gone, what will my parents do?" Fan Xiaolan said with red eyes as soon as she walked in.

"Son-in-law, you are a ninth-grade county captain and a noble person according to the fortune teller. Can you go to the Governor's Mansion to beg for mercy?" Mrs. Zhou followed.

Facing the mother and daughter's pleas, Tan Yue said impatiently.

"Fan Xin openly stabbed Yun Changshi's wife with a sword in front of hundreds of people, and extorted more than 9 yuan."

"Who would dare to save him after committing such a serious crime? You should go back and build a coffin to collect his body."

“Back then I told young people not to be too arrogant and to learn to behave with their tail between their legs, but it’s a pity that they didn’t listen.”

"It's healed now. I cut Fang Governor's sister and tried to kill herself."

After hearing these words, the mother and daughter couldn't help but burst into tears with grief in their hearts.

Compared to the two women, Fan Zhonghua was much more stable and said in a deep voice: "You are the son-in-law of the Fan family after all, so can't you think of a way?"

"Son-in-law of the Fan family?" Tan Yue sneered: "Don't try to get close to me. You have made a lot of limelight through my reputation in recent years."

"It's time to repay your family for saving their lives when we were desperate, right?"

"You know better, get out of here as soon as possible. I've pissed you off so much that your whole family can't afford it."

"I am a high-ranking ninth-grade official, do you deserve to be my relative?"

Fan Xiaolan was furious when she heard this. She immediately glared at Tan Yue and said, "Tan Yue, do you still have a conscience? My father's fingers were frozen to death when he rescued you from the ice cave."

"Later you said that you needed to establish a relationship before entering the Yamen. Dad sold the cattle without saying a word. How could you talk to him like that?"

At this time, the door opened, and a voluptuous woman came out wearing a nightgown.

"Who is it? Why are you making such a noise at noon?"

Fan Xiaolan was startled, then stared at Tan Yue angrily and said tremblingly.

"Who is this woman?"

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Tan Yue simply stopped pretending and took out a divorce letter from his sleeve and threw it on Fan Xiaolan's face.

"Since you bumped into me, I won't hide it from you. This is Yun Changshi's sister Yun Yun, my future wife."

"And you've been divorced!"

Fan Xiaolan was completely stunned, her red eyes staring at the betrayed man.

She never dreamed that these heartless words would come from Tan Yue's mouth.

Fan Zhonghua was a man with a hot temper, and when he saw his daughter's pale face, he burst into anger.

"I'll fight for you, you bastard!" After saying that, he was about to rush towards Tan Yue, but was pinned to the ground by two muscular government servants. "

Tan Yue came to him and squatted down in front of him with his hands behind his back and said disdainfully.

"Father-in-law, when people go to higher places, water flows to lower places. The Yun family is from a large fifth-grade family. If you want to blame, it's your family's lack of power."

"Come here, let me kick this family of three out!"


Several government officials rolled up their sleeves and threw the three people out of the gate.

Fan Xiaolan helped the two old people up and said anxiously: "Mom and dad, are you okay?"

"I can't die." Fan Zhonghua patted the snowflakes on his body and said firmly: "Let's go to Jizhou Governor's Mansion."

"Even if we can't save Xin'er, we still have to send him on his last journey!"

As they spoke, the three of them helped each other and walked toward Jizhou. People along the way hid aside for fear of being harmed by the Fan family...

Jizhou Prison.Fan Xin sat cross-legged on the straw and talked with the prisoners around him.

"So you are all local farmers?"

An old woman with a dirty face nodded: "Sir, I am 78 years old this year and have been living in the village."

"It turned out that the governor's office said that I was the leader of the thieves."

"Uuuuuuuuah, the poor kid didn't want to leave, so they cut off his head on the spot and hung it on the city gate tower as the leader of the enemy."

The hundreds of women and children in the prison began to sob softly due to the infection caused by the old woman.

"Sir, we Youzhou men are all honest farm men. How can they be thieves?"

"Please put their bodies down."

Looking at the grief-stricken prisoner, Fan Xin took a deep breath and came to the cell door, with a burning fire in his heart.

He didn't expect that Fang Qian would dare to kill Liang and take credit for his crimes in broad daylight.

If the law was not rectified on the spot, what laws would there be in the Tang Dynasty?

As soon as he thought about this, he looked at the two "jailers" in front of him.

"Niulanshan, Du Kang, I have something to do for you two!"

"Fan Shaoqing, please speak!"

"You two immediately ride to Yingzhou and hand this box to Generals Zuo Weiwei and You Yingyangwei who are stationed there. Please ask them to enter Youzhou as soon as possible and assist me in controlling the situation!"

The two opened the box and took a look. When they saw the contents clearly, their expressions changed and they knelt down on one knee.

"The last will obey!"

"Don't worry, this half of the talisman was given to me by the Queen Mother herself, go ahead!"


Niulanshan clasped his fists and quickly left the prison. Just as the two of them were rushing to Yingzhou to mobilize troops, a large group of guards was heading towards Xiaolianzi Mountain.

"Your Highness, ten miles further ahead is Xiaolianzi Village in Changping County." Xue Huaiyi said, rubbing his hands while wearing a fur coat.

"Finally, it's almost here. If I stay out for a few more days, I will freeze to death." Princess Taiping was used to being well-dressed and well-fed in the palace since she was a child, so how could she stand such a cold weather.

"Just be patient. After meeting Fan Xin, we will go to the Governor's Mansion for two days. I believe Fang Qian will entertain us well." Xue Huaiyi shuddered and got into the carriage again.

As the wheels rolled forward, three thousand guards soon arrived at Xiaolianzi Village.

The curtain was opened, and Princess Taiping stepped out of the carriage. She looked at the villagers who were watching and frowned slightly.

"Wei Peng, find someone to ask where Fan Xin lives and why he didn't come out to pick him up?"

The guard commander walked up to a hunchbacked old man and said with a straight face, holding his sword.

"I asked you where Fan Xin's family lives?"

The common people in the ravine had never seen such a huge battle and were so frightened that they were speechless.

"Go back to me, sir, you are too late to arrest him. Erwa was arrested by the governor's office for not doing his job properly. He will be put to trial tomorrow.

Wei Peng snorted coldly.

"Who said we were here to arrest someone? To tell you the truth, the person on the carriage is the current princess of the country."

"I am specially ordered by the imperial court to come here to read the Queen Mother's decree to the fourth-rank Qianniu Guard Zhonglang General Fan Xin!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiaolianzi Village was in an uproar, and all the villagers had expressions of disbelief.

"My lord, what are you talking about? The second baby has become a fourth-grade Qian Niu General?"

"Wasn't he dismissed from office for committing a crime?"

(End of this chapter)

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