Chapter 122 Explodes Youzhou


"Fan Xin is a high-ranking official of the fourth rank. He holds many positions and is the most loyal minister of this dynasty."

"Even the Queen Mother couldn't bear to rebuke him. Who dares to remove him from his position!"

Wei Peng snorted and pointed at the plaque on the carriage.

"When you see that there are no four big characters of Zhonglie Family, it was carved by the Queen Mother herself. When you encounter this plaque, the civil servants get off the sedan chair and the military attachés get off their horses."

"You guys like this femoral tiger minister keep claiming that you're going to kill him if you call him the second baby!"

Hearing that Fan Xin was so powerful, the people in Xiaolianzi Village were so frightened that they knelt on the ground with a thud and turned pale.

They never expected that the second son of the Fan family would be so powerful. In just one year, he would be promoted from a seventh-rank county magistrate to a fourth-rank minister.

Even the current princess had to come to his house in person to deliver the plaque.

The glory!

This power!

Eight villages in ten miles, no, how many people in the entire Youzhou can compare?
It's funny that they still regard Tan Yue as the most capable young hero.

Now it seems that he is not even qualified to carry shoes for the second daughter of the Fan family!

"Back then, I said that my second son would become a great person in the future. You see, he was right." Tou Fuguan said proudly.

"Didn't you say the day before yesterday that you can't imitate Erwa? How come you've become the best among people again?"

"You fart! When did I say that?"

Looking at the quarreling villagers, Princess Taiping frowned slightly.

"Why was Fan Xin arrested?"

"Back to Your Highness, Fan Xin put his sword on the old bustard's neck in anger because Yan Lailou had owed taxes for three years."

"After You Governor Shi Yunshan found out about this, he took him to jail and waited for him to be executed at noon tomorrow!" Wei Peng said, holding his fists.

Princess Taiping snorted coldly, and said with dignity on her pretty face: "Fan Xin committed a heinous crime, and the queen mother was reluctant to punish him, so she only fined him ten cents to show that the law is strict."

"A mere fifth-ranking official dares to question him in court. It's really overestimating one's capabilities."

"Let's drive to Youzhou Governor's Mansion. I want to see who in the Tang Dynasty Mansion dares to convict Fan Xin!"

After giving the order, the three thousand guards raised the golden yellow dragon and Tang character flags and marched towards Jizhou with neat steps.

At the same time, Yingzhou camp was established.

The camp gate burst open, and two teams of fully armed cavalry rushed out of the camp. Behind them, a dense crowd of sergeants ran out holding torches.

It looks like there are at least tens of thousands of people!
"General Tang, whether you can control the Youzhou garrison depends on your two armies." Niulanshan said solemnly on his horse.

"I will tell Fan Shaoqing on behalf of my general that you Ying Yangwei and Zuo Weiwei promise to arrive in Youzhou on time and will never let a local soldier enter the city!"

"So, I will take my leave!"

"Take care, I won't give it away!"

After watching Niulanshan leave, General Tang took a deep breath, drew his sword and shouted violently.

"The whole army is following the order, target Youzhou!"


The nearly [-]-strong army roared angrily, running like a fire dragon into the depths of darkness.

"Sixth brother, I have already found out clearly that Shaoqing is being held in Youzhou Prison and will be interrogated and executed tomorrow!" Zhang Huan pressed the Thousand Ox Sword in his hand and sat astride the war horse.

Liu Zi spat out the snow foam in his mouth and laughed angrily.

"It's great. Even the young master dares to touch me. I really don't want to live anymore!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly raised a hundred-jin copper hammer and shouted: "Where is the Qianniu Guard!"

rub rub!
Eight hundred Qianniu guards wearing flying bear uniforms, red coats, and tiger gold boots drew out their swords one after another.

"The end is here!"

"Go down with the order and rush to Youzhou overnight to rescue General Fan!" "Drive!"

In an instant, the eight hundred thousand Niuwei turned into a sharp sword and rushed towards Youzhou with heavy snow in the sky.

Just as all parties were attacking Youzhou thousands of miles through the night, in a villa in Youzhou City, hundreds of masked men in black were kneeling on the snow with long swords in hand.

"Little Pavilion Leader, the Queen Mother once issued a decree, ordering us Youzhou Internal Guards to protect Fan Xin at all costs!"

"If something happens to him, I'm afraid we will all die without a burial place." A young man said.

The person called Xiao Ge Ling was a middle-aged woman. After hearing this, she turned her back and looked at Yuekong Road.

"The Queen Mother has decreed not to reveal Fan Xin's identity to local officials."

"If we want to keep Fan Xin, we can only go on a killing spree!"

At the end of the story, the middle-aged woman looked in the direction of the Governor's Mansion, with endless coldness in her eyes.


Youzhou, governor's office.

A man with a slim figure and wearing a crimson official uniform was sitting in front of a major case, looking through the memorials in his hands, showing a satisfied smile.

The man was about fifty years old. He had a hideous scar running from the corner of his eye across the bridge of his nose to the corner of his mouth. He looked extremely fierce.

At this time, the door opened and Yunshan walked into the room holding a stack of rosters.

"Qi Fang Governor, the fingerprints and signatures you asked your subordinates to sort out are ready."

"Bring it to me and take a look."

Fang Qian put down the memorial, opened a roster at random, flipped through a few articles and nodded.

"Yes, there are the fingerprints and signatures of the enemy leaders and the bandit suppressors. This time we can report our victory to the court."

Yunshan said with a smile.

"It's all thanks to the governor Yingming, who came up with this method of killing the enemy out of thin air and getting promoted."

"Hahaha, blah blah blah, I only came up with this idea when I was the county magistrate in Xiangzhou."

"Not to mention it is really effective, he was promoted to the governor of Youzhou in just a few years."

"The only fly in the ointment is that there are fewer and fewer local people. If we continue to kill, there will inevitably be a risk of exposure."

Speaking of this, Fang Qian thought for a while and said, "Let's do this. After the last batch is killed tomorrow, you ask General Xiong Hui to become a horse bandit and go to the surrounding state capitals to kill some non-local people and nomads."

"That way there's no risk of our secrets being revealed."

"I obey my orders!" Yunshan bowed and suddenly patted his forehead.

"By the way, Governor, there will be a man named Fan Xin who was once the magistrate of Wushui County during the trial tomorrow."

"Later, because of corruption and bending the law, Yurou Neighbor was dismissed from his official position by the court."

"Do you think we should interrogate him for a few days before killing him?"

Fang Qian suddenly lost interest when he heard that he was a dismissed county magistrate.

"There is no need for a trial. Aren't there still hundreds of members of the Black Wind Village in the prison? Let him be the leader of the village before he dies." He waved his hand and returned to the bedroom.

Looking at his back, Yunshan showed a triumphant smile...

Early the next morning, the gate of the mansion was opened wide, and hundreds of soldiers came out and set up sentries along both sides of the street.

Then Yunshan appeared at the door accompanied by Magistrate Zhang and Tan Yue.

He glanced at the dark crowd of people watching, flicked his sleeves and robe and said loudly.

"Come here, bring Fan Xin of Heifeng Village and the Yigan gang to me."

"I want to publicly interrogate these heinous criminals in front of all the people in the state!"

As soon as he finished speaking, three people with bloody hands walked out of the crowd, knelt down heavily on the ground and shouted.


(End of this chapter)

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