Chapter 160 Everyone was shocked!

The ministers nodded in agreement.

Xiao Cun was right. Fan Xin was no longer the seventh-grade county magistrate back then. It was impossible for the high-ranking official Houlu to let him go just because he wanted to.

Just as the ministers were discussing in low voices, the shrill voice of the chamberlain suddenly sounded in the hall.

"The Queen Mother has arrived, and all the officials are waiting to greet her!"

"I see the Queen Mother, long live my queen, long live, long live!"

Wu Zetian climbed onto the platform amid roaring mountains and tsunami, her eyes swept over the ministers one by one, and finally sat on the dragon throne.

"Everyone, please be safe."

"Thank you Queen Mother!"

After all the ministers straightened up, Di Renjie walked out of the queue and cupped their hands.

"Queen Mother, Fengge Luantai received a report this morning. Fan Xin broke into the Magistrate's Court and took away the prisoners for resisting the order. He is now imprisoned in the Magistrate's Court."

"Because it involves Dali Temple, I dare not make any rash judgment and ask the Queen Mother for a judgement!"

"Oh, is this happening?" Wu Zetian looked at the ministers in surprise.

"My dear friends, Fan Xin has committed such a serious crime, how do you think he should be dealt with?"


The ministers looked at each other, and Xiao Cun stood out of the queue and held the jade guide in his hand.

"Back to the Queen Mother, I thought the matter was not as serious as Mr. Di Ge said."

"Since ancient times, those who dare to resist orders are all loyal and patriotic. Although they have made mistakes, they are still worthy of praise."

"As for leading troops to break into the Magistrate's Court and rescue a few prisoners, that's nothing. Young people can just give them a small lecture when they are impulsive."

"Yes, Jiang Wen and Zhou Tong have not been convicted yet, so how can they talk about kidnapping prisoners?" Censor Lu Guan agreed.

Looking at the two singing and harmonizing, Wu Sansi and others all had shocked expressions on their faces.

They thought that as soon as the court started in the morning, these ministers from aristocratic families would attack Fan Xin with all their strength to avenge the serious damage caused by the munitions case.

Unexpectedly, he said such words. What on earth is going on?

Wu Zetian obviously knew the reason behind it, but this was exactly the result she wanted.

So he said: "According to your statement, isn't Fan Xin innocent?"

"Not only is he not guilty, he actually has merit!" Lu Guan said with a smile.

"Fan Xin solved a major military case this time. According to the usual practice, the court should at least reward him."

"I second the proposal!" The ministers said reluctantly, suppressing the hatred in their hearts.

Damn it, they have suffered heavy losses and yet they still have to take credit for it, where can I go to explain it to them?

Wu Zetian looked at the ministers quietly, wishing in her heart to kill these moths that were corroding the country.

But in order to save Fan Xin, she could only endure it until the next opportunity came.

At this thought, Wu Zetian waved his sleeves and said, "That's all. Since all the dear friends say that Fan Xin is not guilty, let's bring him to the main hall."

"I want to reward him in person to show the court's kindness."


Several Qianniu Guards clasped their fists and strode away from Shangyang Palace. Not long after, the sound of iron chains dragging the floor could be heard outside the palace.

Under the sun, a young man wearing red and purple official uniforms slowly walked towards the main hall under the escort of guards.

And he was holding a bulging bundle in his hand!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Cun and others' eyes froze, and the palms hidden in their sleeves clenched quietly.

What was said in the letter was indeed true, and the evidence was indeed in Fan Xin’s hands!

Fortunately, they released their kindness in advance, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!
"What are you doing? Release Fan Siqing's shackles quickly!"

Xiao Cun stepped forward and shouted to the guard, and took the initiative to help Fan Xin to look at the main hall.

"Fan Siqing, I have helped you clear your name. After the trial, I hope you can return the contents of the bag to me."

"In the future, let's not interfere with the river's water, how about that?"

Fan Xin stopped, looked at him, and chuckled.

"Xiao Xiang, don't worry, a three-year-old child doesn't know how to choose."

"You can rest assured about the truth." Xiao Cun smiled and nodded, letting go of Fan Xin, and gave a reassuring look to his comrades.

Arriving at the main hall of Shangyang Palace, Fan Xin raised his head and looked towards the platform.

Their eyes faced each other, with complex emotions surging in their eyes.a long time.

Wu Zetian sighed softly: "Have you thought about it?"

"The minister's will has been decided!"


Fan Xin smiled slightly: "Ever since Emperor Taizong, he has been trying to break the monopoly of the upper class by aristocratic families."

"Now that I have finally found an opportunity with you, how can a humble minister ruin the plans of the family and the country just because of himself!"

"So after thinking about it, it's better to take the initiative, so as not to put you in a dilemma."

Looking at Fan Xin standing upright at the foot of the steps, Wu Zetian seemed to have returned to the time when Li Zhi protected her from wind and rain.

The only difference is that Li Zhi was punished, while Fan Xin was sacrificed for his official career!

This unrepentant love is too heavy for her!

Suppressing the emotion in her heart, Wu Zetian said to Fan Xin.

"As long as I don't die, you will always be an important minister of the country, and this will remain unchanged throughout your life!"

"Thank you Queen Mother for your trust!"

Fan Xin bowed, raised his head and took one last look at Wu Zetian.

It's like saying a silent farewell.

next moment.

Fan Xin resolutely raised his baggage and said decisively in his voice: "I am going to report to the Queen Mother that I will impeach Prime Minister Xiao Cun, Censor Lu Guan and other 26 ministers."

"Over the years, they have manipulated the imperial examinations, resold military supplies, and collaborated with the enemy and the country, committing a total of 120 eight felonies!"

"The crimes committed are all supported by letters, account books, testimonies, bills, etc.!"

"I also hope that the Queen Mother will uphold the law and discipline, strictly enforce the rules of the court, and severely punish these worms in the country!"

As soon as these words came out, a shocking storm immediately started in the hall, and everyone looked shocked.

They never expected that Fan Xin did not come to seek peace today, but to remonstrate!
This is not a sign of submission, it's clear that he doesn't even intend to take his life.



And deep disbelief!
No one expected that Fan Xin would be so decisive, even giving up his official position in order to bring down the wealthy family.

I didn't expect that his temper would be so strong that he would rather risk his life than give in!
Throughout a hundred years of officialdom, they have never encountered such a thing.

Among the ministers, the faces of Xiao Cun and the others were extremely pale. They broke their heads and did not expect that Fan Xin would act out of common sense.

If they had known this, they would kill Fan Xin and silence him no matter what he said.

Now that the evidence has fallen into Wu Zetian's hands, how can they survive?

Compared with all the ministers, Di Renjie was the most shocked. He never expected that Fan Xin would rather hand over evidence than risk his own future.

Such boldness!

Such affection!

He has never even heard of it!

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Wu Zetian would rather continue to endure and rescue Fan Xin.

It turns out that there is already a friendship between these two people that transcends politics...

Wu Zetian looked down at the ministers from a high position and said majestically.

"You, the emperor's salary, are supposed to share the country's worries, but you have committed so many heinous crimes. If I don't kill you, how will you explain it to the world?"

"Come here, take off all these people's official clothes and throw them all into death row. After they are found out, they will be interrogated and executed!"

With an order, hundreds of guards rushed into the hall, followed Xiao Cun and others and walked out.

At the critical moment, Xiao Cun broke away from the guard, knelt on the ground and shouted.

"Queen Mother! Fan Xin has also committed a serious crime. If you only kill us, I will not accept it!"

Wu Zetian frowned and was about to scold him when Fan Xin's voice came.

"Xiao Xiang, are you satisfied this time?"

After saying this, Fan Xin took off his official hat and official uniform in front of everyone's gaze...

(End of this chapter)

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