Chapter 161 Resigning and going into seclusion?

The noise in the hall stopped, and all the ministers, including Xiao Cun, stared at the official uniforms on the ground with wide eyes.



They thought that Fan Xin would kneel down and beg for mercy, relying on the Queen Mother's favor.

He even thought that he would use his previous achievements to make up for his mistakes.

But I never thought that Fan Xin would be willing to give up his position as a third-rank official in order to help Wu Zetian calm down the public anger!

That was a high-ranking official with a generous salary. How many people spent their entire lives longing for an opportunity that never came, and Fan Xin just gave up.

Judging from his calm tone, how decisive he must have been when making this decision!
In the eyes of everyone, Fan Xin placed his official seal next to his official uniform and gave a solemn salute to Wu Zetian.

"Empress Dowager, I hope you won't give up. I am ranked as a third-rank official at a young age. I can't even compare to Gan Luo, who became the prime minister of Qin at the age of 12 when I read through the history books."

"This kindness will be remembered in my heart for the rest of my life."

"Now that the world has been decided, it is time for the world's peaceful ministers to retire and return to their hometowns."

"I don't know when we will see each other again. I hope you will take good care of yourself."

"I'm leaving!"

After saying that, Fan Xin turned around and walked out, and desolate singing sounded from wherever he passed.

"The rolling waters of the Yangtze River flow eastward, and the waves wipe out the heroes, and the success or failure of right and wrong is turned around."

"Aoyama is still there, How Many Suns……"

Above the palace, looking at Wu Zetian's elongated figure under the setting sun, her eyes were already reddish, and her hands hidden in her sleeves were dripping with red blood from clenching the dragon thorns tightly.

At this moment, she felt proud and sad at the same time.

What she is proud of is that Fan Xin did not hesitate to resign and return to his hometown in order not to embarrass her. How many people in the world can achieve this kind of friendship?

However, as the queen mother with all the power in the world, she could only watch Fan Xin being forced to leave the court. This powerlessness made her heartbroken and panicked.

Seeing Wu Zetian's expression, Di Renjie sighed secretly, walked out of the queue and said.

"Queen Mother, Fan Xin has resigned as Minister of Dali Temple. Will Xiao Cun and others be handed over to the Three Laws Division?"

After coming back to his senses, Wu Zetian glanced at Xiao Cun, flicked his sleeves and said coldly.

"Anyone who is impeached by Fan Xin will be executed and his family members will be sent to Lingnan to do hard labor and will not be pardoned for life!"


"Long live my queen, long live, long live!"

After the ministers got up, they left together in twos and threes. What happened today was too impactful for them.

When the hall was empty, Wu Zetian walked to the steps and slowly picked up Fan Xin's official uniform and seal, folded them and placed them on the imperial desk.

"Congratulations to the Queen Mother. Congratulations to the Queen Mother. The great family will inevitably decline after this heavy blow. You can sit back and relax and become emperor." Di Renjie said with a smile.

"Yes, my long-cherished wish is finally coming true, but the price is too high." Wu Zetian said with a sad expression.

Thinking of the scene when Fan Xin left, her heart felt heavy.

Hearing this, Di Renjie put away his smile and sighed: "Your Majesty, since ancient times, one general has achieved great success, and necessary sacrifices are inevitable."

"You have killed so many aristocratic families this time, someone has to take on the responsibility."

"Fan Xin took the initiative to retire and return home because he was afraid that you would face a counterattack from all forces. I have to say that your teachings have worked after all."

Wu Zetian sighed, and the two left Shangyang Palace.

Getting rid of Xiao Cun and others is only the first step, and then we have to attack the remaining remnants.


fan mansion.

Compared with the bustle of the past, the atmosphere here at this time is extremely depressing.

Fan Zhonghua and his family were sitting at the table without the usual smiles on their faces.

"Xin'er, did you really resign?" Until now, Zhou couldn't believe it was true.Fan Xin smiled and nodded: "When I left Shangyang Palace, I sent the zhezi to Fengge Luantai. I think it will be approved soon."

"Hey, why did you quit your job after doing a good job? How do you want your father and I to explain it to our ancestors?"

Surprisingly, Fan Zhonghua shook his head: "Xin'er, damn, I think the child did the right thing. We can't give up our conscience just to be an official."

"Think about the immoral things those officials do. If they continue to take bribes and bend the law, wouldn't it harm the people?"

"It doesn't matter if we don't become officials, we can still be happy now that we have money and go back to Youzhou to do some small business."

"Mom, dad is right. Since I became an official, I have been worrying and working all day long. It is better to go back to my hometown and be at ease." Fan Xiaolan followed.

Seeing what the father and daughter said, Zhou thought it was right. Although his son became a high official, he was never happy for a day.

In this case, it is better to go back and do some small business and be at ease.

"Okay, let's pack up and go back to our hometown!" Mrs. Zhou patted her thigh and went to the room.

Fan Xin stood in the yard, his eyes scanning the familiar scenes one by one.

He didn't feel much when he lived here before, but now that he is leaving, he feels really reluctant to leave.

I don't know when Liuzi came to the side and whispered: "Master, the shopkeepers of several car dealerships are unwilling to rent out carriages anymore after knowing that you are not the minister of Dali Temple."

"I couldn't help but hire two old carriages. The road might be bumpy."

"It doesn't matter, just put some quilts in the carriage and it will feel soft." Fan Xin smiled casually, as if he didn't care about people leaving for tea.

Seeing this, Liuzi stopped talking and said: "Master, I didn't expect that this would end like this."

Fan Xin patted him on the shoulder, walked to the door and looked at the family in the yard.

"At a young age, I am already a third-rank official. As I move up the rank, the rewards from the court become less and less."

"When there are no more rewards, I will either lose my head or start a rebellion. There is absolutely no third way."

"So while we can still leave now, we should stay away from Luoyang as soon as possible, otherwise we won't be able to leave even if we want to."

While talking, Fan Xiaolan came over and said, "Brother, we've almost packed everything. It's time for us to set off."

"Let's go then."

Fan Xin glanced at the big house and headed out of Luoyang with his family without looking back.

When he came, the place was empty of people, but when he left, only Zhang Huan and Li Lang were with him.

The team arrived at Shili Changting Pavilion and were about to rest when Princess Taiping appeared outside the pavilion.

Fan Xin was surprised when he saw her coming: "Your Highness, what are you..."

"Of course I'm going to Youzhou with you." Princess Taiping crossed him angrily and came to Fan Zhonghua and his wife.

"Uncle, aunt, I want to live in Youzhou for a while. I wonder if you are willing?"

"Yes, yes!" Mrs. Zhou held Princess Taiping's little hand and smiled from ear to ear.

"But some people seem unwilling." Princess Taiping glanced at Fan Xin and said pitifully.

"Humph, he dares!" Fan Zhonghua glared at his son, and got into the carriage with his mother and daughter, leaving Fan Xin standing alone in the pavilion.

a long time.

Fan Xin asked Liu Zi: "Xiao Liu, did I pick it up?"

Liuzi shook his head: "I don't know if you are a pick-up, but if you don't ride a donkey to catch up, you won't be able to catch up with the carriage."


Just as Fan Xin was leaving with his family, two eyes were watching them from the top of the mountain.

"Queen Mother, Fan Xin is gone." Di Renjie reminded him in a low voice.

"Yes, I left with full of melancholy." Wu Zetian looked away and sighed softly.

"Huaiying, please draw up a decree and appoint Fan Xin as the governor of Youzhou, with the title of Minister of War, and full authority over all prefectures and counties in Hebei Province."

 Dear friends, Chapter 162 has been published twice. Just subscribe to one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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