Chapter 2 The palace is assassinated!

"Liuzi, have you offended the Ming Dynasty? I let you do such work as cutting trees and grass." Chang Sui walked up and said with a smile.

The servant looked away and glanced at him: "This is my business, you don't need to worry about it." After saying that, he strode into the county government office.

"Hmph, what's the air!"

Chang Sui looked at the carriage going away, took out a pamphlet from his arms, and wrote on it.

"On the first day of August, Magistrate Wu Shui went to the Governor's Mansion to attend a secret gathering of Li Tang clan members." The breeze blew, and the plum blossom tattoo on his arm was looming...

The governor's office is located in Liaocheng, more than fifty miles away from Wushui County. Although the distance is not far, the official road has been rugged since ancient times. By the time the carriage drove into the city gate, the sun had already set.

Fan Xin sat in the carriage, looking at the retreating street market, frowning tightly. He had just calculated that in less than a stick of incense, at least six waves of patrolling soldiers had passed by on the street.

Bozhou is located on the flat land of the river, and the security within the territory has always been good. There are very few horse bandits and thieves, so there is no need for so many soldiers to patrol.

Recalling the scene where the city gate was heavily guarded and only allowed in but not allowed out, Fan Xin had a vague feeling that Li Chong was going to launch a purge of Bozhou officials.

By then, any officials who supported Wu Zetian would probably be unable to escape the fate of being found dead on the spot.

And if you want to survive, you can only join him.

"It seems that we have to leave Liaocheng as soon as possible and return to Wushui County before everyone arrives. I don't know if my method of risking death and living again will work." Fan Xin thought to himself.

Manager Li glanced at him and said with a half-smile, "Why, Magistrate Fan seems a little uneasy. Are you afraid that the prince will be unfavorable to you?"

Fan Xinxin trembled, and quickly shook his head and said: "Manager Li is joking. Since I became an official, I have never met any members of the royal family except the prince. I feel a little scared when I think of standing with those big shots."

After all, he is just a seventh-grade county magistrate. These words are very consistent with his status and will not arouse anyone's suspicion.

Sure enough, when he heard what he said, the doubts in Manager Li's eyes receded and there was a bit more smile.

"Don't be nervous, Magistrate Fan. The guests here this time are all members of the Li Tang clan. As long as you stand with the prince, no one will do anything to you."

"As for the martial law, it will be lifted naturally when the banquet is over. At that time, those who should go home will go home, and those who should hit the road will go on the road. I guarantee that your time will not be delayed."

Fan Xin seemed to have not heard the outside of the words and breathed a heavy sigh of relief: "It's okay. I'm really afraid that I didn't say something right and lost my life."

While he was talking, the carriage slowly stopped in front of a mansion. The curtain opened and two young men brought a wooden stool and placed it in front of the carriage, standing respectfully on both sides.

"Magistrate Fan, the prince is already waiting. Let's get out of the car."

"it is good."

Fan Xin nodded and took the lead to get out of the carriage. As soon as he came out, he saw the four characters "Langya Palace" engraved on the plaque.

"This is Prince Langya's Mansion?"

Seeing the surprised expression on Fan Xin's face, Manager Li said, "Your Majesty personally explained that if Magistrate Fan comes, you don't have to stay at the Governor's Mansion to wait. You can go directly to Prince Langya's Mansion to see him."

"How dare you, the lower official He De, to ask the prince for such kindness?" Fan Xin held his hands in gratitude.

Manager Li smiled and led Fan Xin into the palace from the side door. After walking through several corridors, he arrived at the atrium not long after.

"Magistrate Fan, please wait here for a moment, and I will go in and report."

"Sorry, Manager Li."

Fan Xin nodded and was about to find a place to rest when he saw the door of the study room was pushed open and Li Chong, dressed in purple and gold clothes, came out accompanied by a middle-aged man.

Seeing this person's elegant temperament and unusual clothing, he immediately guessed that the other person should be Prince Li Tang, but he didn't know which prince he was.

Fan Xin's sudden appearance also shocked Li Chong and the middle-aged man.

The two of them had just talked about a lot of things about attacking Luoyang in the study. If this were leaked, wouldn't they all be killed?Li Chong was okay. After seeing clearly that the person outside the door was Fan Xin, he breathed a sigh of relief. The middle-aged man's face changed slightly, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Raising an army to fight against the military would threaten the lives of tens of thousands of people. In order to nip the hidden danger in the bud, he immediately pulled out the sword at his waist and stabbed Fan Xin in the throat.

This scene happened in a flash of lightning. By the time everyone present reacted, it was already too late.

Fortunately, Fan Xin had already taken precautions. When he saw the middle-aged man coming towards him, he flipped his wrist and the dagger appeared in his hand, barely blocking the way when the tip of the sword came towards him.

The two swords collided, making a harsh sound.

The middle-aged man's face darkened, and just when he was about to continue stabbing Fan Xin, Li Chong came back to his senses, took a step forward, and spoke.

"Uncle Wang, don't be nervous. Fan Xin is my invited guest. He will not leak our conversation. You go back and rest first. If you have anything to do, wait until everyone is here."

The middle-aged man is a scheming person. When Li Chong said this, he immediately understood what he meant.

After putting the sword back into its scabbard, he nodded: "Okay, let's wait until everyone is here." After saying that, he took a deep look at Fan Xin and strode away.

After the middle-aged man left, Li Chong turned around and said to Manager Li: "It's a rare visit for Magistrate Fan. Go and clean up his room."

Then he looked at Fan Xin: "This is not the place to talk. Let's go into the study and talk again, please!"

Fan Xin took a deep breath and walked straight into the study. When the door was closed, he saluted Li Chong: "I have met King Langya."

Li Chong waved his hand: "You are my king's man, we can treat each other as brothers in private, sit down.

After Fan Xin sat down as he was told, he pondered: "Your Majesty, who is that Li Tang clan member just now? Why did he kill his subordinate as soon as they met?"

"He is my uncle Li Ai, known as King Fan Yang."

"It turns out that he is King Fan Yang, no wonder he is so elegant." Fan Xin said thoughtfully.

If he remembered correctly, the reason why the Anti-Martial Alliance Conference failed was because this Fanyang King Li Ai secretly leaked the news to Wu Zetian, which then attracted an army of 30 to encircle and suppress her. He did not expect to meet him here.

"Yes, Uncle Wang usually likes reading and is a kind man. If I hadn't insisted on inviting him this time, he wouldn't have come to the banquet."

"I don't know what happened, but I suddenly got into an argument. I was in a bad mood and then I drew my sword against you. I hope you don't mind." Li Chong said with a guilty look on his face.

Fan Xinxin sneered, he was in a bad mood, it was just because he was afraid that I would reveal the secret of your war.

Of course, he could only keep these words in his heart. Once he said them, he would definitely die, so he shook his head and said.

"The official is just confused and doesn't blame the prince."

"That's good." Li Chong smiled and changed the topic: "By the way, the imperial court allocated 20 yuan to Bozhou a few days ago, and I plan to use this money for your Wushui County."

"You go back and write a record detailing the number of officials, city defenses, checkpoints and food reserves and give it to me so that I can distribute money and food to you in Wushui County.

Fan Xin shuddered in his heart. This was not distributing money and food. It was clearly preparing to kill him and attack Wushui County.

Thinking of this, he immediately pretended to be grateful.

"Thank you for your care, Your Majesty. With this money and food, we in Wushui County can finally live a good life."

Li Chong smiled slightly: "Okay, you have been riding a carriage all the way. Go back and rest early. I will call you for the dinner the day after tomorrow." Then he picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Seeing this, Fan Xin stood up and bowed, walked out of the study and followed the servant to the guest room.

Looking at his retreating back, the smile on Li Chong's face gradually disappeared, and he said with a cold expression: "How is it? Is there anything unusual about this Fan Xin?"

(End of this chapter)

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