Chapter 3 The cruel truth
The door opened and Li Quan walked into the study, bowed and said, "Back to the prince, I have been observing Fan Xin all the way and didn't find anything unusual, just..."

"Just what?"

"What makes me wonder is that after the invitation letter was delivered, Fan Xin stayed alone in the study for a long time, seeming slightly uneasy."

"Uneasy?" Li Chong frowned tightly: "I treat Fan very well and specially invited him to the dinner. Why is he so uneasy? Is he aware of our intentions?"

As soon as this idea arose, he was denied by Li Chong. Out of caution, only a few princes surnamed Li and Princess Chang Le knew about the rebellion, and he did not tell any local officials.

Fan Xin is just a small county magistrate. It is impossible for him to find out about such a confidential matter. There must be other reasons.

"Probably not. The villain once asked Fan Xin, and he said that he had never seen a big shot except you, so he felt a little scared."

"So that's the case, no wonder." Li Chong waved his hand in a funny way: "Forget it, as long as there is no abnormality."

Li Quan asked: "Your Majesty, do you still want to monitor Fan Xin?"

What he didn't expect was that Li Chong was extremely cautious: "Of course, no one can escape our sight during special times."

"Especially Wushui County, this place is the first hurdle for us to march south to Luoyang. We must not make any mistakes!"

"In this case, you send someone to test Fan Xin to see if there is any problem with him. If there is no problem, wait until the dinner to deal with it."

"If there is a problem..." Li Chong narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Burn his body directly to eliminate traces, crush his bones and scatter his ashes, and replace him with an obedient one as the county magistrate!"

Sen Leng's killing intent made Li Quan shudder, and he hurriedly went down to arrange for a preliminary test of Fan Xin.

Late at night, in the wing room.

After sending the servant away, Fan Xin closed the door, took out a small piece of yellow medicinal skin from his sleeve, hesitated a little, and swallowed it.

Nowadays, Liaocheng is heavily guarded. It is impossible to leave here by conventional means. The only option is to risk death and survive.

There was still some time before the drug took effect. Fan Xin sat at the table and wrote down the situation in Wushui County as required.

Li Chong had been in Bozhou for several years and knew the situation in each county very well. Things such as the number of officials and the size of the city could not be hidden from him at all. Rather than being discovered by him afterwards, it was better to write the truth.

The only thing he can tamper with is food and weapons. These things are related to how long he can hold on to the Celestial City, and are what he needs to live and work on.

It was already midnight when Fan Xin finished writing the volume. After checking the contents and finding that there were no problems, he took a breath and walked to the bed.

Halfway through, his expression suddenly changed, and he ran towards the latrine, clutching his stomach. The effect of the medicine took effect faster than he expected.

After a long night, Fan Xin got up early to wash up, took his things and headed to the palace meeting hall.

When Li Chong saw that his face was a little pale, he was slightly startled: "Magistrate Fan, are you not sleeping well? Why do you look so bad?"

"It's okay. I'm a little acclimated to the sudden change of place. This is the detailed situation of Wushui County that the prince wants. Please take a look." Fan Xin took out the volume and handed it over.

Li Chong took the volume from Fan Xin, glanced at the contents on it, and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, he is indeed a talent that I value, and even the county government equipment is written down."

"Your Majesty, if nothing else happens, I would like to go out for a walk and buy some food for the dog."

Normally, any official who enters the palace is not allowed to leave before making their position clear.

But Fan Xin's truthful account of the situation in Wushui County made Li Chong less suspicious, so he readily agreed.

"Forget it, you go out for a walk and buy two smoked chickens for your son when you go back. They taste good." "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your advice. I'll excuse you first." Fan Xingong handed over his hands and turned around to walk out of the palace. Go, look at the back and look very weak.

"My lord, if you let him leave the palace, will there be any accidents?" Li Quan on the side asked worriedly.

Li Chong opened the volume and looked at the content: "What are you afraid of? Liaocheng has been blocked by my king's heavy troops. Even if he gets wings, he won't be able to fly out!"

"Go to the toilet and see if Fan Xin has diarrhea all night as he said. We must be careful at this critical moment."

Li Quan went to the toilet with a grimace and came back and said, "Your Majesty, Fan Xin did not lie. He did have diarrhea all night."

"This guy's body is too weak. He has become like this just one day after arriving." Li Chong shook his head and put the matter behind him...

After coming out of the palace, Fan Xin breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more energetic. He knew that King Langya would definitely send someone to monitor him, so he did not go anywhere else, but went back to the palace directly after buying the smoked chicken.

Today, many guests came to the palace. They stood in the garden in groups of three and three and talked. They seemed to be very happy.

Seeing him approaching, one of the men wearing a round-collared dark green robe came over with a smile.

"Your Excellency is the magistrate of Wushui County, brother Fan Xin, right?"

"Who are you?" Fan Xin frowned slightly, as if he didn't know this person.

"I, Zhao Qun, the magistrate of Gaotang County, and you are both Jinshis in Yiyouke. When I took the civil service examination, I sat behind you." The man said with a smile.

"It turns out to be Brother Zhao. I'm really sorry that I didn't recognize you." Fan Xin suddenly realized and cupped his hands.

It seems that there was indeed a person named Zhao Qun during the official examination, but it took so long that he forgot what he looked like.

"It doesn't matter. You and I haven't seen each other for several years. It's normal not to recognize each other." Zhao Qun smiled slightly and was startled when he saw Fan Xin holding the smoked chicken in his hand.

"Brother Fan, did you go out and buy this smoked chicken yourself?" The tone was full of surprise.

"Yeah, I'm going to take it back and give it to Quanzi to try. What's wrong, Brother Zhao? Is there any problem?" Fan Xin asked in confusion when he saw Zhao Qun's expression was strange.

Zhao Qun glanced around and found that no one was paying attention here, then he lowered his voice and said:
"Brother Fan, this is not the place to talk. Let's talk after we enter the room."

"Okay, Brother Zhao, please come in!" Fan Xin stretched out his hand towards this person and made an invitation gesture.

After entering the room, Fan Xin closed the door and asked, "Brother Zhao, what do you mean by what you just said? Is there something wrong with the smoked chicken?"

Zhao Qun shook his head: "There is no problem with the smoked chicken, but there is a problem with Prince Langya's palace."

"Langya Prince's Palace?" Fan Xinxin was moved and asked in surprise.

"Not bad." Zhao Qun walked to the window and took a look outside, with a serious look on his face: "I wanted to go out for a walk just now, but I was stopped by the palace guards. They said that no one is allowed to leave the palace until the dinner is over! "

Fan Xin didn't take it seriously and said, "Brother Zhao, are you thinking too much? The palace may be afraid that we will be in danger, so that's why we won't be allowed out."

"Afraid that we are in danger?" Zhao Qun snorted coldly: "Brother Fan, have you ever seen any palace invite guests and secretly ambush a large number of sergeants?"

"Why are you holding a dinner party? It's obviously an attempt to kill me and other officials of the Tang Dynasty and raise an army to rebel against the imperial court!"

(End of this chapter)

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