Li Xian attached great importance to the assassination of the Turkic mission.

Therefore, Li Chongrun was dispatched to Dengzhou for rescue as soon as he received the news.

Worried that his son would suffer a loss, Li Xian even gave him six of the prince's troops and horses.

Dengzhou, dense forest.

After several hours of marching, the Turkic mission finally arrived at the junction of Dengzhou.

Mo Chui reined in the reins and looked towards the vast mountains and forests in the distance.

This place is dark and narrow, with a valley terrain. If the team encounters an ambush, there is almost no resistance.

"Father, why did the team stop?" Yinzhu asked when he saw his father stopped.

Mo Chui pressed his hand on the handle of the knife and said with a wary expression.

"At dusk, it is when birds return to their nests. There is not even a bird chirping in the forest in front, which is obviously abnormal."

"Tiemu, take two teams of cavalry to the valley to investigate."

"Follow the order!"

The Turkic man clamped his legs under the horse's belly and led two teams of cavalry galloping towards the valley.

I ran back and forth along the official road for several times before returning to the mission.

"Great Khan, I have found no trace of the ambush!"

Mo Chui nodded: "Go back to the queue and the team will continue to move forward."

After saying that, he whipped the horse on the buttocks and led the Turkic cavalry into the dense forest of the valley.

However, just as the delegation was about to pass through the dense forest, several horse ropes suddenly appeared among the fallen leaves.

The cavalrymen who rushed in front were caught off guard and rolled over on their backs and fell to the ground.

What's even more terrible is that dozens of sharp arrows were shot from the hillsides on both sides and stabbed into the chests of the Turkic cavalry.

Seeing that the Turkic mission of more than 300 people suffered nearly a hundred casualties in the blink of an eye, Mo Chui was shocked and angry. He immediately pulled out his saber and looked at the black-clothed killers who were surrounding him.

There were probably hundreds of these people, all wearing black clothes with their faces covered, only revealing a pair of cold eyes.

"You must be the Turkic Khan Mo Chui, right?" A middle-aged killer said in a hoarse voice.

"Yes, this Khan is Mo Chui. Aren't you afraid of triggering war between the two countries by robbing and killing the Turkic envoys without authorization?" Mo Chui said coldly, holding the knife.

The black-clothed killer snorted disdainfully.

"This place is dark and remote. Who knew it was us who buried your bodies?"

As soon as these words came out, all the Turkic cavalry laughed angrily.

Just two hundred killers trying to kill their heroic Turkic Eagle Division is simply ridiculous.

Mo Chui also laughed.

"I have to say that you are indeed very courageous, but if you really start fighting..."

Before Mo Chui finished speaking, the Turkic cavalry who was glaring at him suddenly fell down from his horse, clutching his chest and rolling on the ground foaming at the mouth.

Only a few burly men were left barely holding on.

Seeing this scene, Mo Chuo's expression changed slightly and he looked at the man in black.

He didn't expect that these despicable Han people would poison their food!

Seeing that there was no way out, Mo Chui said loudly with a ferocious expression.

“Warriors, are you afraid of death if the Han people go back on their word?

"Not afraid!"

The remaining Turkic soldiers raised their swords high and roared angrily.

"Okay! Let's kill him today!"

Mo Chui laughed three times and looked at his daughter guiltily.

"Yinzhu, Father Khan has harmed you, I hope you don't resent me.

Yin Zhu pulled out the scimitar with a tight face and said coldly.

"My child is proud of the Ashina family!"

"it is good!"

Mo Chui took a deep breath and raised his head to look at the dense crowd of men in black.

The killer in black also raised his weapon and prepared to kill the Turks in front of him.

Suddenly, there was a rapid sound of horse hooves at the mouth of the valley.

Then a man in black broke in and gasped.

"Oh no, Chief Zhong, Fan Xin is coming with eighty cavalry. Brothers, they won't be able to withstand it anymore!"

The black-clothed killer's expression turned extremely ugly.The dense forest was a place he chose after many inspections. How did Fan Xin know about it?
Who leaked the news?
"Old Zhong, this guy Fan Xin is willing to fight for his life, we don't have to fight him to the death.

"It's better to withdraw first, so as not to cause trouble to the prince." Qiudi said.

The expression of the leader in black kept changing.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said.

"Forget it, just follow your instructions and evacuate the dense forest first!"

"Damn Fan Xin, why is he everywhere!"


The black-clothed leader glared at Mo Chui and his daughter with hatred, and led the people to flee into the distance.

Due to the haste of the incident, many black-clad killer's boots were left on the ground.

Looking at the men in black fleeing for their lives, the remaining Turks looked at each other.

"Father, why did the killers in black withdraw? Don't they want to kill us?"

Mo Chui touched his chin and thought.

"If Father Khan guessed correctly, the reinforcements sent by Dazhou must have arrived."

"Let's go forward and see which Zhou official saved us."


In the jungle.

Fan Xin holds the golden dragon sword, with six men and a group of guards behind him in a wild goose feather formation.

At everyone's feet lay several corpses covered in blood and dressed in black.

"My lord, these people are so well trained that they look like soldiers trained by a wealthy family."

"We have to catch up as soon as possible. We can't let the murderer behind the scenes escape." Liu Zi said with a solemn expression.

"Okay, keep chasing!"

Fan Xin got on his horse and chased the black-clothed killer.

As soon as they walked away with their front legs, several corpses sat up from the ground on their back legs.

They looked at each other with expressions that showed they were surviving the disaster.

"Mother, you are indeed a subordinate of Fan Shaxing, killing people like chopping vegetables.

Especially the thin man carrying a hundred-jin copper hammer was simply inhuman.

One hammer hit and killed six or seven brothers in black.

If you continue to fight, your head will be smashed?

When several people were about to get up and escape, a surprised voice came from the official road.

"Look, Your Majesty! We caught the black-clad killer who attacked the Turkic mission."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Chongrun appeared on the scene with thousands of soldiers and horses.

When they saw more than 100 corpses lying on the ground, their hearts felt heavy.

If the war situation is so tragic, if something happens to the Turkic Khan, wouldn't it affect his own plans?

Thinking of this, Li Chongrun ordered people to tie up the black-clothed killer and then clean up the battlefield.

At this time, the woods parted, and Mo Chui came over with his daughter and a group of personal guards.

The person who scared away the killer in black was a handsome young general.

The father and daughter looked at each other and stepped forward to clasp their fists together.

"May I ask General, did you just take action to repel the killer in black?"


Li Chongrun hesitated for a moment, then remembered his father's explanation before leaving and smiled cheekily.

"Yes, it's down!"

"If I'm not mistaken, the two of you should be the Turkic Khan and Princess Yinzhu, right?"

Seeing Princess Yinzhu being so cool and beautiful, Li Chongrun became excited.

As someone who has been there, Mo Chui couldn't understand Li Chongrun's thoughts, so he said with a smile.

"Yes, this is Princess Yinzhu, the daughter of Ben Khan. May I ask the young general...?"

"Your Excellency, Li Chongrun, my father is currently the crown prince, and is currently the fourth-rank lieutenant general of Jinwu Wei Zheng." Li Chongrun straightened his collar and said modestly.

(End of this chapter)

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