When Mo Chui heard that the young general in front of him was the son of the Crown Prince of Zhou, his smile became even brighter, and he looked at Li Chongrun again.

Not to mention his handsome appearance and royal aura.

"Okay, okay! You are indeed a young and talented man. This Khan will definitely praise your achievements in front of the Emperor Zhou!"

"Thank you, Great Khan!"

A flash of joy flashed in Li Chongrun's eyes, and he quickly clasped his fists to express his thanks.

After the two sides exchanged greetings, Li Chongrun personally led people to treat the injured members of the mission, which made Mo Chui nod secretly.

At a young age, he is ranked as a fourth-grade general, and his father is a prince, so his future will be limitless.

It is perfect for such a person to become his son-in-law.

"Yinzhu, this young prince should be the most powerful hero in the Tang Dynasty."

"That young man named Fan Xin is not worthy of being led by him regardless of his rank or status. You should forget about him.

Yin Zhuliu frowned slightly, and was about to refuse when she suddenly saw a sign inlaid with brass on the ground.

On it were clearly written the words "Black Wind Horse, a national treasure of the sixth rank".

"Eh? Why is there a sign in the dirt?"

Mo Chui noticed his daughter picking up a sign and snorted angrily.

"What's so strange about the horse sign? It must be the mount of some important person.

Yinzhu didn't listen to a word of her father's nagging.

At this moment her heart jumped suddenly.

Black Wind Horse is such a familiar name!
Don't you mean...

Thinking of Fan Xin's spiritual horse, Yin Zhu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

next moment.

She pushed her father away and ran towards Li Chongrun.

Seeing this scene, Li Chongrun was secretly happy and said to Yin Zhu with a happy face.

"Princess Yinzhu, defeating the killer in black is just a trivial matter, you don't have to worry about it..."

"Prince Li, may I ask if Fan Shaoqing has been here?"

Yin Zhu's words were like a basin of cold water poured on Li Chongrun's head, instantly causing his smile to freeze on his face and his eyelids to tremble.

a long time.

Li Chongrun suppressed the anger in his heart and sneered repeatedly.

"Your Highness, Fan Xin is no longer the young minister of Dali Temple. He stays at home all day with nothing to do, let alone come here."

"Oh, he is no longer the young minister of Dali Temple."

Glancing at the horse tag in his hand, Yin Zhu felt disappointed.

She originally thought that Fan Xin was a fourth-grade official at worst.

Unexpectedly, he has become an ordinary person with nothing to do.

It seems that Father Khan was right. Emperor Zhou did not reuse Fan Xin.

It seems that Princess Yinzhu wants to completely cut off Fan Xin's thoughts.

Li Chongrun said lightly.

"This morning the imperial court just removed Fan Xin from his official position and gave it to a man named Li Ci."

"It is estimated that he will be driven back to his hometown soon."

Thinking of the scene where Fan Xin rejected him, Li Chongrun felt filled with hatred.

Since they don't know what is good and what is good, don't blame them and their son for being rude.

In the future, once my father ascends the throne, he will be the first to be dismissed from his official position.

As soon as these words came out, Princess Yinzhu's face suddenly changed.

She didn't expect that Fan Xin's official career would be so bumpy, and he even lost his fourth-grade official position.

"Alright Yinzhu, let's set off for the capital of the gods. It's almost time to meet the Emperor of Zhou."

Putting the reins into his daughter's hands, Mo Chui patted her on the shoulder and said sincerely.

"Son, being born into the Ashina family means that you cannot choose your own marriage."

"Fan Xin can't even keep his fourth-grade official position. He is no longer qualified to be your sweetheart."

"It's better to focus on the young prince in front of you." "Becoming a fourth-grade lieutenant general at a young age, you can imagine how powerful he will be in the future."

After finishing speaking, he climbed on his horse and left.

Glancing at the bronze horse tag in his hand, Yin Zhu hesitated for a moment, then finally put it in his arms and chased after him.

Seeing the beautiful figure of Princess Yinzhu, Li Chongrun gave instructions to the guards.

"Immediately send someone to report the good news to the capital of gods! Report the good news to the court, and report the good news to the imperial grandmother!"


The guards clasped their fists and rode several fast horses towards the divine capital.

Wherever you pass along the way, you must shout that the prince is invincible and successfully rescued the Turkic mission.

Soon the news spread throughout the streets and alleys of Luoyang, and everyone from the princes and ministers to the common people were shocked.

No one expected that the prince's son would be so powerful, defeating the black-clad killer with only a few thousand troops.

Especially when I heard that the Turkic Khan and princess were rescued, I was even more impressed.

For a time, the streets of Luoyang were deserted, and everyone wanted to see the prince Li Chongrun's style.

Looking at the Luoyang people greeting each other across the street, several killers in black looked at each other in the prison car.

"Brothers, weren't we defeated by Fan Shaxing? Why did we become the Crown Prince of the East Palace?"

"Probably Li Tang wants to take advantage of this opportunity to overwhelm His Highness Prince Liang." Another killer said disdainfully.

"This Li Chongrun is really stupid. He even dares to claim the credit of King Fan Yan. He is really impatient with his life."

"Yeah, what kind of prince is invincible? Even Prince Fan Yan can't save him even if he really angers him."

As several killers shut their mouths, the team quickly crossed Tianjie and headed towards the palace.

At the same time, in the palace.

Li Xian came all the way to Guanfeng Hall and saluted happily.

"My son, Li Xian, is here to see Your Majesty!"

Wu Zetian sat in front of a major case and drafted an imperial edict without raising her head.

"What are you so happy about?"

"After returning home, the Turkic envoy was ambushed when they arrived at the junction of Dengzhou yesterday and was almost wiped out."

"At the critical moment, Chongrun led thousands of guards to arrive in time and rescued Mochuo Khan and Princess Yinzhu."

"No, in order to express my gratitude to the Turkic Khan, I specially sent a letter of marriage."

As he spoke, he took out an autographed letter from Mo Chui from his arms.

Wu Zetian opened the letter and took a look at it. Her eyebrows gradually relaxed and she nodded with a smile.

"Mo Chui said in the letter that he wants to marry his daughter to the Crown Prince of the East Palace and would like to ask my permission."

"How do you feel?"

"My son, let your mother make the decision." Li Xian said with a smile.

Wu Zetian thought for a while and said.

"When someone comes, order the Ministry of Rites to prepare a ceremony to welcome him. At the same time, he will choose Li Chongrun as the husband of the Turkic princess."

Li Xian was overjoyed and quickly bowed and saluted.

"My son, I thanked my mother for Chongrun's success. Should I give him some more rewards?"

Wu Zetian glanced at him and said calmly: "Anyone who has made great contributions to the country will not be left behind."

"Go to Fengge Luantai and tell Di Renjie that he will be responsible for welcoming the Turkic envoys and the crown prince."

"Later, I will lead the six ministries, nine ministers, and ministers of civil and military affairs to Yingtianmen to wait in person!"

Seeing that his mother was about to greet his son in person, Li Xian was so excited that he quickly bowed.

"I have received the order, please go and inform Mr. Di Ge now!"

Looking at Li Xian's back, Wu Zetian sighed softly.

"Fan Qing, you sacrificed your life to protect me and made immortal achievements. How can I let you return to Beijing in obscurity?"

"This time I will give you an explanation as the Emperor of Zhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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