Chapter 204, the emperor comes in person!
After receiving the order, Di Renjie immediately ordered the Ministry of Rites to prepare for the ceremony.

He took the officials from Feng Pavilion and Luantai to the gate of Ziwei City.

"Mr. Di Ge, I have something unclear and I would like to ask you to clarify it." Zhang Jianzhi cupped his hand.

"It doesn't hurt to just say it."

"It's like this. As far as I know, although Mo Chui was canonized as the Great Khan of the Turks, his rank is equivalent to that of the prince."

"There is no need for Your Majesty to lead six ministries and nine ministers to come to Yingtianmen to greet him in person, right?"

Not only Zhang Jianzhi was confused by this, but other cabinet ministers were also puzzled.

The Great Zhou Dynasty is the leader of all the great kingdoms. How can a small Turk deserve to be welcomed personally by the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty?

Faced with everyone's inquiries, Di Renjie stroked his beard and smiled.

"Of course a little Turkic Khan cannot afford to be welcomed by the Emperor of Zhou."

To be honest, your Majesty came to Yingtianmen in person this time to welcome General Fan Xin of the auxiliary country back to the court! "

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers were shocked.

"What! Fan Xin is still alive?"

This news was nothing less than a huge thunder that shook everyone's expressions.

They didn't expect that Fan Xin was still alive despite being surrounded by [-] Tibetan troops.

He's back alive again!
Seeing everyone's expressions, Di Renjie smiled slightly.

"Yes, I have just received the news that Fan Xin is currently leading eighty cavalry to pursue the black-clothed killer and will return to Luoyang immediately."

"In order to reward him for his immortal contributions, His Majesty decided to come in person."

At this time, an official who went to inquire about the news came back and said excitedly.

"I am reporting to Mr. Di Ge that the Turkic envoys and the Crown Prince of the East Palace are almost here!"

"Let's get ready for it."

"I understand, where is Fan Xin? The battle in Liangzhou is a great success for the country and the country. We can't neglect it."

Di Renjie warned.

"Don't worry, the Ministry of Rites has sent more than 100 people to keep an eye on the whole process. We should be back in an hour at most."

"Well, you will follow me to greet the Turkic envoys and the Crown Prince of the East Palace!"

Di Renjie straightened his official uniform and stepped forward to greet him.


The capital of gods, the gate.

A mighty team entered the city under the watchful eyes of the people of Luoyang.

Along the way, people shook their arms to say hello.

Mo Chui nodded as he watched.

"General Li Chongrun, the people of your country seem to love you very much. They came here to welcome you on the street."

Hearing this, Li Chongrun rubbed his face with moist eyes.

Mixed feelings in my heart.

Although he had no worries about food and clothing since he was a child, he had never been so popular as he is now.

It was inevitable to feel excited for a while.

"Father Khan, look, the Great Zhou Dynasty sent someone to pick us up. He looks like a fat old man."

Princess Yinzhu pointed at Di Renjie in front of her and said in surprise.

"Yin Zhu is so unreasonable. That is Di Renjie, the Prime Minister of the Great Zhou Dynasty. According to the rank, he is on the same level as his father Khan."

"The Emperor Zhou sent him to pick up our father and daughter. This means that he attaches great importance to us."

As soon as he finished speaking, he jerked the reins and drove the horse forward to meet him.

As soon as the two sides met, Mo Chui jumped off the horse and said with his right hand on his chest.

"The returning Lord Mo Chui respectfully sends his greetings!"

His ancestors had been canonized by the Tang Dynasty many years ago, and on the surface they were still ministers.

So you have to be courteous.

"Saint Boon."

After returning to the Turkic Khan according to etiquette, Di Renjie smiled and held his hand.

"Di Renjie, the official of Fengge Luantai Pingzhang, has been specially ordered by His Majesty to welcome the Great Khan into the city."


After inviting Mo Chui and his daughter into the city, Di Renjie glanced at Li Chongrun.

"You did a good job this time. Please wait and receive the reward later."

"Mr. Xie Dige!" Li Chongrun followed the team into the city with fists in his hands, feeling very excited.

He didn't expect that even his majesty and the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty would come to him for just a trivial achievement.

This is going to make the world famous.

When he thought that he was about to reach the peak of his life, Li Chongrun could not wait to fly to the imperial grandmother immediately.

Let the world see that Da Zhou has not only Fan Xin, but also Li Chongrun.

As the team entered Ziwei City, more and more princes and nobles lined the streets.

Seeing this, Mo couldn't help but nod.

"Yinzhu, you see Li Chongrun is so loved by the people, he will definitely ascend the throne in the future."

"How about making him your husband?"

"Father Khan!"

Yin Zhu glared at her father Han, a hint of sadness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

She could no longer tolerate anyone except Fan Xin in her heart.

Seeing that his daughter was still thinking about Fan Xin, Mo Chui looked unhappy.

"The marriage is related to the interests of the Ashina family in Mobei. When I see the Emperor of Zhou soon, I hope you can put the interests of the Turkic country first!"

"Don't mention Fan Xin, so as not to anger the Emperor of Zhou, you know?"

Hearing the warning in Father Khan's words, Yinzhu lowered his head and hummed.

Mo Chui sighed, raised his head and looked forward.

In front of the towering city gate, a woman wearing a five-clawed golden dragon suit was guarded by hundreds of officials in the middle.

Seeing this scene, Mo Chui became more determined to marry his daughter to the emperor's grandson. .

After thinking about this, Mo Chui flicked his sleeves and robe and strode forward.

Li Chongrun had seen this kind of scene since he was a child. He was excited and quickly followed.

As the three of them walked onto the royal road, the Yulin guards on both sides raised their horns and blew their horns.

Amidst the melodious sound of the horn, Mo Chui bowed and bowed.

"Ashina Mochui has met the Emperor of Zhou!"

"Ashina Silver Pearl has met the Emperor of Zhou!"

"Your Majesty, Li Chongrun, has met with you!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

His eyes swept over the three of them, and Wu Zetian smiled and gave them a hand.

"The Great Zhou Dynasty and the Turks are friendly countries, so Mo Chui Khan does not need to be polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After Mo Chui and his daughter straightened up, Shangguan Wan'er at the side unfolded an imperial edict and said to Li Chongrun.

"Li Chongrun listens!"

"Haotian has a destiny, and the emperor accepts it. You are young but have made immortal achievements,"

"You are specially promoted to the rank of General Jinwuwei. You are rewarded with a jade belt and a hundred taels of gold. I admire this..."

At the bottom of the steps, Li Chongrun was overjoyed when he heard that he had been promoted to General Jinwuwei.

General Jinwuwei, how many people have spent their entire lives trying to get an official position that they never thought would fall to them.

Taking the imperial decree with both hands, Li Chongrun came to his father and said excitedly.

"Father, my son has been promoted to General Jinwuwei!"

Li Xianlaohuai touched his son's head happily and said with emotion.

"Yes, no one among your peers can surpass you.

Seeing that the canonization was over, Mo Chui said to Wu Zetian with a smile.

"Your Majesty, this Khan came to Dazhou this time to find an excellent husband for his daughter. What do you think of the Crown Prince of the East Palace?

"Mother, my son is willing to marry a Turkic princess as his imperial concubine, and I hope it will be fulfilled!" Li Xian stood up and said.

Wu Zetian laughed.

"That's all, since Mo Chuo Khan has fallen in love with the Crown Prince of the East Palace, then I promise you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Mo Chui and others bowed happily.

After the goal was achieved, Li Xian said with a smile: "The Queen Mother's reward is over, should we go back to the palace for a banquet?"

Unexpectedly, Wu Zetian shook his head and looked forward.

"No rush, no one has arrived yet, let's wait a little longer."

(End of this chapter)

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