Chapter 205 Belated glory!

As soon as these words came out, the lively atmosphere at the scene suddenly condensed.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what the emperor meant by this.

The Turkic envoys and the Crown Prince of the East Palace are here. Logically speaking, the welcoming ceremony should be over. Why should we continue to wait.

Could it be that there are others?
With doubts in his mind, Li Xian bowed his hands to Wu Zetian.

"Mother, the people who have contributed to the rescue of the Turkic mission are all here."

"Who are you waiting for?"

"Yes, Emperor Zhou, who is worthy of you waiting here in person?"

Discovering that the protagonist of this grand ceremony was someone else, Mochui and his daughter suddenly became curious.

As far as they knew, the people who allowed the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty to lead hundreds of civil and military officials to come to Yingtianmen to greet him were usually big shots who had made great achievements.

Who on earth has so much face?

Seeing everyone's expressions, Wu Zetian smiled slightly and was about to say his name.

Unexpectedly, dozens of fast horses quickly rushed towards Yingtian Gate.

After reining in the horse's reins, the officials from the Ministry of Rites jumped off their horses, bowed and cupped their hands.

"Your Majesty, we have entered the south gate of the divine capital and will be here soon."

"Let the music begin.

"According to the order!"

In an instant, thousands of burly Yulin Guards raised their horns along both sides of the red carpet.

Then a group of court musicians walked up to the instruments and rang the bells.

Amidst the impassioned palace music, a figure in armor came leading a horse in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Everywhere along the way, the common people exclaimed in surprise, and the officers and soldiers of the three armies stood in awe and bowed their heads.

Wu Zetian glanced at Di Renjie, who took a step forward and opened the golden canonization edict in public...

"Haotian has a destiny, and the emperor accepts it. In the battle of Liangzhou, you severely damaged the main force of [-] Tibetans, allowing me to sweep away the previous decline and successfully regain the four towns of Anxi."

"His achievements are so high that throughout the history of the Tang Dynasty, only Li Jing and Xue Rengui, the military gods, can compare."

"My heart is very comforted, the court is very comforted, and all the people in the world are also very comforted..."

As Di Renjie's voice echoed in front of Yingtian Gate, the eyes of the 10,000+ people present were all focused on Fan Xin, who was walking slowly.




The expressions on everyone's faces are very complex.

He was less than 30 years old, and he actually beat Tubo No. 1 general Luan Qinling and was seriously injured and escaped.

How majestic and powerful this is!
Even if Li Jing and Xue Rengui were here, I'm afraid it would be nothing more than this.

"This guy also went to rescue the Turkic mission!
Li Xian's face was as gloomy as water, and the palms hidden in his sleeves were tightly clenched together.

My heart is full of anger.

I thought that the noble prince would not hesitate to lower his status to recruit him personally, but to be flatly rejected by this guy, it was simply a shame and a great humiliation!
Wu Sansi's face was also very ugly. Originally, his power had surpassed that of the Prince of the East Palace.

This guy is going to change again when he comes back.

As for Li Chongrun's smile that just appeared, it froze on his face.

A pair of eyes stared at the approaching Fan Xin fiercely, wanting to kill this guy.

It took a lot of effort for me to get through today, why did this guy take away his limelight as soon as he came back!

Unlike everyone else, Princess Yinzhu stood up when she saw Fan Xin appearing in front of Yingtian Gate.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with shock.

She didn't expect that the person who the Emperor of Zhou personally led six ministries and nine ministers to greet him turned out to be Fan Xin.

A young man under 30 years old!

"Father Khan, is this what you mean by not being taken seriously?"

Yin Zhu was like a proud little swan, looking askance at his father.

Mo Chui smiled bitterly and didn't know what to say.It turns out that he greatly underestimated Fan Xin's abilities.

If he had known that Li Chongrun had sent Fan so many letters, he would never have mentioned the matter of getting married.

Now it's too late to regret.

Just when everyone at the scene had different thoughts, Di Renjie's voice suddenly became louder.

"I once said in the past that once I ascend the throne, I will give you an explanation as the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty."

"Therefore, I appoint you as the second-rank auxiliary general of the country and the minister of the Feng Pavilion, with the title of crown prince and Taibao!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar, and everyone exclaimed in surprise.

There was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

You must know that the general of the auxiliary country is the third-ranking casual official after the general of the Hussars and the general of Tiance. Except for Xue Huaiyi, few people can reach this height.

Fan Xin not only sat down, but also successfully entered Fengge and became a veritable deputy prime minister.

Looking through history, he is the only prince-in-law who can obtain such rights.

However, before everyone could recover, Di Renjie's voice sounded again.

The impact this time brought to everyone was far greater than before.

"The original sixth-grade treasure horse of the prosperous country is specially promoted to the fifth-grade divine horse of the country. The reward is ten thousand taels of gold, one hundred thousand coppers, three hundred slaves, and eighty personal guards."

It was deathly quiet in front of Yingtian Gate, and everyone stared blankly at Fan Xin who walked closer.

The heart can not be calm for a long time.

If Fan Xin became the deputy prime minister, it was excusable, then it was too much for his mount to be promoted to the fifth-level national horse.

All the ministers present had to work hard all their lives to reach the fifth level, but it was not as fast as a horse.

How does this let them live?
Especially Li Xian, his throat felt sweet and blood flowed down the corners of his mouth.

His eyes were full of sorrow and anger.

The queen mother appointed Fan Xin as the crown prince's Taibao, which clearly allowed him to monitor her son.

How can I still be the prince?Who dares to speak?
"Father, don't be discouraged. When the child gets married to the Turkic princess, I will move in for you. Just take a look." Li Chongrun said with an ashen face.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the Turkic princess stood up and saluted Wu Zetian with her right hand on her chest.

"Your Majesty, after careful consideration, Yinzhu feels that the Crown Prince of the East Palace has a noble status and is not suitable to be with a junior minister."

"On the contrary, this young general of the auxiliary country is more suitable to be my man."

"Please do it!"

After saying that, he solemnly performed a Turkic salute.

Wu Zetian did not answer her in a hurry, but looked at Mo Chui.

"Mo Chui Khan, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, Xiaohan feels that the matters between his children should be left to them to decide on their own." Mo said with a smile.

In his eyes, Fan Xin's value was much higher than that of a member of the royal family.

If such a person became a son-in-law, it would be a huge opportunity for the Turks.

As if she knew what he was thinking, Wu Zetian sneered in her heart.

A Turkic princess can marry anyone.

But there was only one immortal capable minister like Fan Xin in the entire Zhou Dynasty.

If he were pushed to the Turks, the Zhou court would simply not be able to bear the loss.

Besides, Fan Xin is his son-in-law, how could he give it to an outsider?

Thinking of this, Wu Zetian snorted secretly.

The cunning Ashina family is simply dreaming about using a woman to take Fan Xin away.

"Princess Yinzhu is joking. Although Fan Xin is not a member of the royal family, his ability and talent are far beyond those of the Crown Prince of the East Palace."

"You'd better choose someone else."

"I, Da Zhou, can't possibly let Fan Xin leave!"

Li Chongrun...

(End of this chapter)

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