Chapter 209 Yellow robe and body
After Jiang Xun left Guanfeng Hall, he went straight to Jiang Ji's home and learned that he had attended a banquet in Mingyue Tower and made up an excuse to leave Jiang's house.

"Tell the people below that all military generals who have anything to do with Fan Xin will be under surveillance from now on."

"Yes!" His subordinates cupped their fists and scattered.

When the street was empty, Jiang Xun sneered and walked towards Mingyue Tower.

He wanted to see if these generals with heavy troops had any objections.

Luoyang, Mingyue Tower.

"Come on, come on, cheers!"

A group of burly men stood in front of the wine table, holding wine glasses and shouting.

In front of them, a voluptuous singer was dancing.

If there are officials here, they will definitely recognize these people as the generals guarding the capital camp.

Fan Xin's direct general.

"Old Jiang, we haven't seen each other for a while since the remnants of Li were pacified. How come your drinking capacity has dropped?" Tu Xiong said drunkenly.

"Don't mention it. I've been busy writing the training outline recently. Duke Yan has said that the training time will be increased from half an hour to five hours."

"Anyone in the army who fails to meet the year-end military exercise standards will be punished with double penalties." Jiang Ji said with a wry smile.

"What? Increase it to five hours?" the generals exclaimed.

Ordinary troops can train once every three days at most. They are the elites who guard the capital, so they changed it to half an hour every day.

Unexpectedly, Duke Yan was even more ruthless and added four and a half hours.

Doesn't that mean that the army has to spend time in the training ground every day?
Seeing the shocked expressions on the faces of the generals, Jiang Ji said helplessly.

"Training is indeed a bit tough, but there are still many benefits."

"The Duke of Yan said that he submitted a document to Fengge Luantai in the name of the Minister of War."

"In the future, all sergeants who participate in training will receive a [-]% increase in military pay, and those who perform well will be promoted to official positions first."

"And we generals who lead the troops will also receive a generous reward."

After hearing that there were generous rewards, the generals relaxed and continued drinking.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, General Chang Shan of Youweiwei suddenly sighed with emotion.

"What's the use of just rewarding money? The lowest among us here are generals of the fourth rank."

"If you want to have descendants of Mengyin, you must obtain a title, otherwise the money will become someone else's when someone dies."

"Yes, most of our generals are in their 50s or [-]s. It is the time when we can make great achievements. Without titles, we are nothing."

"There is no way. Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, except for the founding group, there have been fewer and fewer titles."

"It's almost impossible for us to take another step forward."

Seeing that the generals were resentful, Jiang Ji motioned for the singer to leave and said with a frown.

"Brothers, we owe this power to Duke Yan. Without his support in the court, we would have been ignored by Wu Sansi's people."

"Don't say such taboo words again, so as not to cause trouble to Duke Yan."

The generals agreed reluctantly and prepared to get up and return to the military camp.

At this time, a figure opened the curtain and walked in, smiling.

"Uncle, what you said is wrong. Brothers are putting their heads on their belts and working hard. Don't they just want to make a better future and leave some blessings for their descendants?"

"How can you say that you are causing trouble for Duke Yan?"

"Jiang Xun, what do you mean by this!"

Seeing his nephew walking in, Jiang Jixu narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"Uncle, don't get me wrong. As General Ying Yangwei, my nephew has reached the point where he cannot be promoted."

"So I want to discuss with you uncles about getting promoted to a higher position."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused the interest of all the generals.

"Could it be that you have a way?"

Facing the eyes of everyone, Jiang Xun showed a mysterious smile.

"It's not my nephew who has the solution, but Duke Yan."

"Duke Yan?" Jiang Ji raised his eyebrows and asked, "What does this matter have to do with him?"

"Of course it does!"

Jiang Xun came to the door, took a look outside, closed the door, and whispered to the generals.

"To be honest, it is only a matter of time before His Majesty abdicates the throne. Who is the strongest among the remaining people?" "Of course it is the Duke of Yan." The generals said with pride.

In their eyes, Fan Xin held a lot of military power and was well-known in the local area. He could completely suppress the Wu Party and the Li Party if he wanted to.

Jiang Xun nodded heavily.

"That's right, it's Duke Yan! As long as he stands up and calls out, all the heroes will respond."

"Are you afraid that your uncles who possess the power of following the dragon will not be able to become princes by then?"


All the generals looked at each other, their hearts beating.

Jiang Xun was right. With Duke Yan's current status, as long as he stood up and raised his voice, all parties would respond.

But the key is, can Fan Xin agree?

After all, the relationship between the monarch and his ministers is deep, and it would be even harder for Fan Xin to create a counter-terrorism force.

Forcibly suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Jiang Ji coughed.

"Xun'er be careful, as ministers of the Great Zhou Dynasty, how could we do such a treasonous act and leave!"

After that, he led a group of generals and left Mingyue Tower.

Looking at the backs of everyone, the smile on Jiang Xun's face gradually disappeared and he said gloomily.

"Do you think Fan Xin will start a rebellion?"

"Of course, everyone in the world is interested in fame and fortune, let alone the throne. In front of it, even mother and son can turn against each other."

"Fan Xin is no exception!" His subordinate sneered. …

After the generals left Mingyue, they did not return to the military camp, but went directly to Fan Xin's house.

Although they rejected Jiang Xun's proposal, their desire for the title became even more urgent.

"Hey, why are you guys here?"

Liu Zi led the black wind horse and was about to go out for a walk. He was surprised to see Jiang Ji leading the generals to the door.

Jiang Ji did not joke as usual, but said solemnly.

"Six sons, we have come to see Duke Yan. Is he in the mansion?"

Seeing that everyone seemed to have something to talk about, Liuzi handed the black wind horse to the guards.

"You guys wait a moment and I'll report it."


Instructing the generals to wait in the concierge, the six sons came to the study together.

Seeing him come in, Fan Xin put the letter away.

"You came just in time. Cao Baibai wrote that the samples of the flintlock gun and the squatting tiger cannon have been made and are being tested."

"Send a few people to transport the development expenses for the next two years to Youzhou Arsenal."

"Master, don't worry about the research and development costs. The generals are waiting at the door. Let's meet them first."

"With so many people coming to our house, do they know that our family has killed the New Year pig?"

"Let them come in and give each of them twenty pounds of pork when they leave."


Soon the door was pushed open and a group of generals walked into the room.

"My lord, we have something to tell you."

Cao Wei sat down on the chair, picked up the teapot and took a sip into his mouth.

Fan Xin gasped and pointed at the teapot.

"Hurry up and put it down. This is a cultural relic from the Han Dynasty. If it gets broken, we can't bear it!"

Cao Wei curled his lips and put the teapot on the table.

After putting the teapot away, Fan Xin let out a long sigh of relief and felt relieved.

"You don't stay in the military camp at night, why are you here?"

The generals looked at each other, Jiang Ji stood up and cupped his fists.

"My lord, although Chu has three households, if Qin is destroyed, Chu will definitely die. How about the generals making you a yellow dragon robe?"

(End of this chapter)

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