Chapter 210 A man comparable to Li Zhi!
As soon as these words came out, the hall instantly became quiet, and everyone looked at Fan Xin to wait for his decision.

The smile on Fan Xin's face disappeared and he looked at everyone with complicated eyes.

These people were all generals he promoted when he was the Dragon and Tiger General of Shangzhu Kingdom, and some of them were old friends when he was the Shaoqing of Dali Temple.

Unexpectedly, in less than a year, other thoughts came into being.

Looking at those longing eyes, Fan Xin thought of Zhao Kuangyin who was dressed in yellow robes by his subordinates...

Presumably he felt the same as me at that time, right?
a long time.

Fan Xin came to the desk and took out a battle plan.

"If you want to make great achievements and gain positions, I won't stop you."

"There will be a lot of military exploits waiting for you when we attack Tubo next spring."

"But if anyone wants to achieve their own goals through rebellion, I will never allow it!"

The generals looked at each other in shock. They didn't expect the Duke of Guo to refuse so happily. They didn't know what to say for a while.

As the leader, Jiang Ji sighed.

"My lord, the general was killed from the dead and is not afraid of fighting, but the court has not given him a title for a long time..."

"What are you afraid of? With your own prince in the court, are you afraid that you won't be able to get promoted?"

"Go back and get used to the altitude sickness. In the near future, I will personally lead you to kill the Tibetan people."

"Kill him completely!

After hearing this, all the generals bowed down and agreed. Fan Xin, who was famous in Zhou Dynasty, guaranteed that their future would be good.

Just when everyone was about to leave, Jiang Ji hesitated and told him about his nephew's trip to Mingyue Tower.

"Jiang Xun..."

Fan Xinxin moved and whispered a few words to several people, and the generals nodded.

"Don't worry, Lord Guo, I will go back and invite Jiang Xun to launch a mutiny soon.


"Uncle, has the Duke agreed to your proposal?" In the Jiang family hall, Jiang Xun looked at his uncle with surprise.

Jiang Ji nodded with a complicated expression.

"The Duke has said that he has long wanted to taste what it's like to be an emperor."

"Two days later, he will accompany His Majesty to the Vientiane Shrine to offer sacrifices to heaven. There are only 800 guards."

"Let's divide our troops into two groups. You lead people to surround the Wanxiang Shrine and arrest the emperor and the prince directly."

"Let's encircle and suppress Wu Sansi's [-] troops stationed in Luoyang."

Seeing that Fan Xin had even prepared his troop deployment, Jiang Xun sneered in his heart.

What kind of bullshit is there to value affection and righteousness? You haven’t betrayed His Majesty in front of the throne.

After the two parties completed their discussion, Jiang Ji warned him.

"Nephew, uncle still has something to do, so you should go back and prepare first."

"Remember not to leak what happened today, otherwise the gods will not be able to protect you."

Jiang Xun smiled and cupped his hands.

"Uncle, don't worry. My nephew promises not to say anything. Take your leave!"

Hugging fists at everyone in the Jiang family, Jiang Xun rushed to the palace overnight.

He must tell the emperor this important news.

Royal Palace, Guanfeng Hall.

Wu Zetian looked at the Vientiane Shrine in the distance with her hands behind her back and said calmly.

"You said Fan Xin wanted to attack me when he was worshiping the gods at the Wanxiang Shrine?"

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely true. The uncle of the last general went to Fan Xin's house in person together with a group of generals."

"Although Wei Chen was not present, since the uncle came back and started dispatching troops to see them, they obviously received Fan Xin's instructions."

Speaking of this, a coldness flashed in Jiang Xun's eyes.

"Your Majesty, there are countless people who have sought power and usurped the throne since ancient times. You must make up your mind as soon as possible!"

Wu Zetian slowly closed her eyes, and the past flashed through her mind like a fleeting glimpse.

From Fan Xin's bloody remonstrance to the court in single clothes, to Liangzhou risking his life to rescue him, every scene seems like it happened yesterday.

It still makes me very emotional when I think about it.

a long time.

Wu Zetian slowly opened her eyes and said with a majestic expression. "I will personally go to the Vientiane Shrine to worship heaven and earth in two days. Everything will continue as usual!"

"Your Majesty, what did you say?"

Jiang Xun thought he had heard wrongly and looked at the emperor in disbelief.

Fan Xin was about to start a rebellion, and the emperor actually wanted to go to the Vientiane Palace. Wasn't she afraid of dying at the hands of the former?

What Jiang Xun couldn't understand was that the emperor could obviously strike first, but he didn't make the slightest preparation. What was going on?

Could it be that the trust between the monarch and his ministers has reached the point where they don’t even believe in rebellion?

Wu Zetian turned around and glanced at him, speaking in a cold voice.

"I have never trusted anyone except Li Zhi in my life, until I met Fan Xin."

"If you say that Prince Li Xian, Liang Wangwu will think twice, and even all the officials in the imperial court will rebel against me, I will believe you."

"But Fan Xinzhen is the only one who doesn't believe it at all!"

"Because he has never been a person who takes power seriously."

Looking at the emperor who exuded strong confidence, Jiang Xun sighed in disappointment.

Being used to intrigues and intrigues, he really couldn't understand that the emperor would have such an idea.

I don't even believe that Fan Xin would give up the coveted emperor's throne.

Seeing that talking more was useless, Jiang Xun bowed and bowed and exited the hall.

He believed that in less than two days, the emperor would know how wrong his original idea was.


Three days passed in a blink of an eye. When the big bell of Shangyang Palace rang one hundred and eight times, all the civil and military officials led by Di Renjie came to the gate of the palace.

After completing the ritual as usual, Shangguan Wan'er unfolded the golden imperial edict and recited.

"Haotian has a destiny, and the emperor accepts it. Since I came to the throne, the world has been settled, the country is peaceful and the people are safe.

"This is the blessing of heaven, so I lead you to the Wanxiang Temple to thank heaven and earth for this!"

"I will obey your orders!"

The ministers bowed and took the initiative to form two lines to follow Wu Zetian to the Vientiane Shrine of Ziwei City.

On the way, Jiang Xun asked his subordinates: "How are the preparations going?"

"General, don't worry, my subordinates have already arranged for swordsmen and can control the situation with just one order."

"That's great, let Fan Xin live for a while." Jiang Xun sneered.

As the emperor's confidant, he must be prepared for the worst in everything.

As the team arrived at the Vientiane Shrine, Fan Xin, who had been waiting here for a long time, strode forward to greet them.

"Your Majesty, Fan Xin, wishes you long live my emperor!"

The curtain was opened, and Wu Zetian walked out of the imperial chariot. She looked at Fan Xin for a moment and said.

"Fan Qing, please make peace."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Fan Xin took Wu Zetian from the hand of the chamberlain and helped her walk towards the steps.

The Habayashi guards on both sides of the road all clenched their weapons.

"Yesterday someone came to report that you went to Taifeng Tower to meet the Turkic princess."

"How was it? How was the discussion?" Wu Zetian said with an unhappy expression.

Fan Xin laughed twice.

"We didn't talk about anything. Weichen had two glasses of wine with Princess Yinzhu and then she left."

Wu Zetian snorted and stopped talking.

In fact, she really wanted to ask about the siege of the Wanxiang Shrine.

Although I believe Fan Xin will not rebel, the frequent military mobilizations in the past two days are obviously unusual.

Seemingly sensing what was on her mind, Fan Xin suddenly whispered as he stepped into the palace gate.

"Your Majesty, some people instigated a rebellion in the past two days. Please be careful when you suppress the rebellion later."

Hearing this, Wu Zetian felt relieved and nodded to show that she understood.

From Fan Xin's words, she could tell that this guy had no intention of rebelling.

(End of this chapter)

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