Chapter 211 Take the blame for the soldiers of the three armies!
Entering the main hall of the Wanxiang Shrine, Wu Zetian first prayed a few words in a low voice to the tablets of emperors of all dynasties, and then led hundreds of officials to go forward to offer incense.

When the ceremony was in the second half, shouts of murder suddenly rang out from outside the Vientiane Shrine. .

Then a Yulin guard broke into the hall and said in a panic.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, Ying Yangwei has rebelled and has already invaded."

As soon as these words came out, all the officials were in an uproar. No one expected that Ying Yangwei would attack the Wanxiang Palace.

You must know that they are the imperial guards! "

Hearing this, Wu Zetian said coldly without showing any signs of panic.

"Quickly mobilize the defense forces to enter Ziwei City and eliminate these rebels!"

"The last will obey!"

The guard held his fists and was about to leave, but unexpectedly a sharp knife slashed across his neck.

Looking at his immediate superior who stood up, the guard fell down in disbelief.

"Bold Jiang Xun, why do you dare to kill the guards?"

Several angry ministers stood up and reprimanded loudly.

Jiang Xun glanced at a few people and laughed disdainfully.

"You pedantic guys really won't shed tears until you see the coffin."

"Do you really think that this general will not be prepared to take action at this time?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that my people have sealed off Ziwei City, leaving you with no chance of escaping."

"What on earth do you want to do?" the ministers asked angrily.

"What to do?" Jiang Xun sneered: "Of course it is to depose Wu Zetian, the new emperor."

Speaking of this, Jiang Xun looked at where Fan Xin was.

"You think so, Duke Yan?"

Everyone looked at him with a look of disbelief in their eyes.

Several ministers with fiery personalities immediately stood up and pointed at Fan Xin and reprimanded him loudly.

"How dare you, Fan Xin, launch a mutiny to seize the throne, why don't you kneel down and die!"

"Hmph, I thought you were a loyal and patriotic prime minister, but I didn't expect you to be exposed so quickly."

Looking at Fan Xin who was trapped in isolation, a smile of success flashed across Jiang Xun's lips.

In fact, his true identity is that of an infiltrated Viper, ordered to lurk beside the Emperor and await instructions.

When he learned that the emperor was suspicious, he planned the palace mutiny.

Let Fan Xin's men and Wu Sansi kill each other first. When they are almost exhausted, Ying Yang's army will be sent out to put down the rebellion.

The Habayashi guards here will pretend to be Fan Xin's subordinates and support him on the throne.

Then, as King Qin, he led the Yingyang Guards who arrived later to eliminate Fan Xin.

As long as Fan Xin dies, these poisonous snakes lurking in the palace can wake up again.

It can be said that the entire plan was implemented without any flaws.

Just when Jiang Xun was secretly proud, Fan Xin came to him.

"You want to support me as the emperor?"


Jiang Xun said with a smile: Duke Yan, you don't have to worry, our people have taken control of Ziwei City.

"As soon as the Luoyang guards are eliminated, you can ascend the throne and become the emperor."

"As for these old men scolding you, I promise to let them..."

A cold light flashed, and the golden dragon sword was placed directly on Jiang Xun's neck.

Fan Xin said murderously to the surrounding Yulin guards.

"There is only one emperor in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and that is His Majesty Wu Zetian!"

"Whoever dares to move will be killed without mercy!"

As soon as the words fell, the door of the Wanxiang Shrine was knocked open with a bang, and a dense crowd of sergeants rushed in.Without saying a word, he rushed towards Yu Linwei, who was so frightened that he dropped his weapons and squatted on the ground.

They were just cooperating with Jiang Xun in a play, but they never expected that tens of thousands of troops would be brought into the city to quell the rebellion.

Seeing this scene, the ministers quietly took a step back, their eyes filled with surprise and uncertainty.

What's going on? Isn't Jiang Xun Fan Xin's subordinate? Why did the two of them start fighting?

Could there be some hidden secret in it?

Half an hour later, the hall returned to calm, and Jiang Ji came to Fan Xin and cupped his fists.

"Reporting to Duke Yan, all the rebels in the city have been captured and thrown into prison. Will the three armies return to camp?
"Hand over the Yigan criminal to Dali Temple, and let them all go back and continue training."


After ordering the army to evacuate the palace, Fan Xin rolled up Jiang Xun's sleeves in front of everyone, and all the officials took a deep breath when they saw the pattern on it.

"Oh my god, it's the poisonous snake rebels again! They actually infiltrated into the army!"

"Yes, if Duke Yan hadn't stopped the mutiny, the consequences would have been disastrous!"

Seeing Jiang Xun's arm with a venomous snake tattoo, Wu Zetian's expression became extremely ugly.

She never expected that besides Xiao Jing, there would be poisonous snakes lurking in the palace.

If Fan Xin hadn't stopped the temptation at the critical moment, she really couldn't imagine Jiang Xun rushing in with his men.

Thinking of this, Wu Zetian no longer hesitated and immediately ordered the execution of all the subordinates who followed Jiang Xun.

She can no longer let the poisonous snake rebel hide in the army, even if she kills three thousand by mistake, she can't let one go!
At the critical moment, Fan Xin suddenly knelt on the ground on one knee.

"Your Majesty, I am responsible for the fact that something like this happened under the rule of General Longhu of Shangzhu Kingdom."

"Please also consider that Wei Chen has some merit and spare the lives of all the guards!
As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at Fan Xin in surprise.

I don’t understand why he wanted to save the viper’s subordinates who rebelled against the party.

Wu Zetian looked at Fan Xin and said coldly.

"These guards are all subordinates who rebel against the party. Are you sure you want to bear this heinous crime for them?"

After hearing these words, the expressions of all the officials present changed drastically.

The last time the emperor said this was when the remnants of Li Tang rebelled.

Xue Shao just begged for a few words for his brother, but his spine was broken and he starved to death.

The emperor was clearly warning Fan Xin not to meddle in his own business.

As soon as he thought of this, several ministers who had received favors immediately stood up to persuade him.

"Xiang Fan, these soldiers who have been following Jiang Xun all year round have probably turned traitor."

"You must never risk your own future for them."

"Yes, Prime Minister Fan, without your strategizing, the consequences of this mutiny would be disastrous."

"Why bother His Majesty for a few soldiers?"

Shangguan Wan'er sighed, walked to Fan Xin and said quietly.

"In the past, you just asked for life for the people of the world. This time, you are a guard who committed a serious crime."

"does it worth?"

After speaking, he winked at Liu Zi who was aside, and the latter coughed.

"Master, Miss Shangguan is right. These soldiers have probably turned traitor and are not worthy of your risking their lives to save them."

Faced with everyone's persuasion, Fan Xin raised his head, looked around and finally looked at Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, these Yingyang Guards are all Pao Ze who fought side by side with me when I was the governor of Yingzhou."

"Many of them still bear scars from fighting the Khitans."

"They are not rebels, but bloody men who defend their country!"

"The imperial court can't engage in a conspiracy just because the poisonous snake traitor is their boss!"

After hearing these words, hundreds of soldiers took off their clothes, revealing hideous scars all over their bodies...

(End of this chapter)

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