Chapter 212 Different torture treatments
"Huh, what's the use of fighting with you? According to the laws of Dazhou, colluding with the rebel party is equivalent to treason!"

"Even if we don't kill them, we still have to send a hundred rounds of heavy staff to Yazhou!"

Speaking of this, Wu Chengsi bowed his hands to Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, poisonous snakes who rebel against the party are a serious problem for the imperial court. You must not be merciful, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

Wu Zetian nodded and said to Fan Xin.

"For the sake of your personal intercession, I don't have to kill them, but I must give them a hundred heavy sticks and send the whole family to Yazhou."

In Wu Zetian's view, she had already taken the biggest step, and everyone would have died before.

However, to her disappointment, Fan Xin shook his head.

"Your Majesty, the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty are clearly written. When the laws do not punish everyone, the highest commander will be chosen to rule them."

"As a general of the auxiliary country, I have deposed the envoy of Henan Province and am the Minister of the Ministry of War. I am willing to shoulder all major crimes with the strength of a few people!"

"I hope you will forgive Ying Yangwei for their crimes for the sake of their contribution to the imperial court!"

"Okay! Since you insist on not realizing it, then I will help you!"

Wu Zetian shook his sleeves and said angrily.

"Come here, give Fan Xin a hundred military sticks to beat as a warning to others!"

"This..." Several Qianniu Guards hesitated.

"Hurry up and execute!"


Two Qianniu guards came to Fan Xin and held their fists respectfully.

"Xiang Fan, I have offended the general!"

"It's okay, let's carry out the execution."

Fan Xin took a deep breath, unbuttoned his shirt and knelt on the ground under the complicated gazes of everyone.

These thousands of Ying Yang Guards will be the main force in the war against Tubo in the future.

One hundred military sticks are worth it!

"Your Majesty, please have mercy!"

The Yingyang Guards all knelt down on the ground, looking at Wu Zetian with red eyes.

As the general of the auxiliary country, Fan Xin could have stayed out of the matter.

Now he was willing to get a hundred heavy sticks just to plead for them.

This is asking for mercy with a death wish.

All the ministers looked at each other, gathered up their robes and knelt down on the ground.

"Your Majesty, Duke Yan was just impulsive and acted foolishly. He cannot be severely punished."

"That's right, Your Majesty, if a hundred heavy sticks are used, even strong soldiers will die, let alone a weak young man like Yan Guogong."

"You might as well spare him the punishment."

Seeing all the ministers kneeling down to plead for mercy, Wu Zetian also regretted it.

She was so angry just now that she was carried away by her anger.

Now that I think about it, Fan Xin is really broken. Who will take care of her in her old age.

Wu Zetian stared at Fan Xin and said calmly.

"Fan Xin, what did you say!"

"Your Majesty, I am willing to be punished. I only ask that you pardon the Yingyang Guard officers!"

Fan Xin looked determined.

"Okay! It seems that you deliberately want to go against me."

The anger in Wu Zetian's heart burst out and shouted loudly.

"Call me!"


The two Qianniu Guards clasped their fists and then raised their military sticks high. It was obvious from their posture that they had no intention of holding back.

Seeing this, Shangguan Wan'er bit her lips and touched her belly, walked over to Fan Xin and knelt with him.

Although he didn't say a word, he made his attitude clear.

At this time, Yuan Shuji and several veterans quietly came to Li Xian.

"Your Highness, young people like Fan Xin dare to stand up, you can't just watch."

"Yes, you are the crown prince. At this time, you have to stand up and win people's hearts."

Li Xian stared at the water and fire stick closely, shaking his head in horror.

He knew his mother so well that he could even kill his own son, let alone some outsiders.She definitely didn't just say that she wanted to kill someone, she really wanted that person's life.

If he stood up, he would definitely die.

"Everyone in your family, don't worry. As long as Fan Xin comes forward, my mother will not do anything to them."

"We must put Li and Tang's great cause first and never lose the big for the small."

Hearing this, Yuan Shu could not hide his disappointment. The dignified prince was not as responsible as Fan Xin.

If they had no choice, they really wouldn't want to choose such a person to restore the Tang artifact.

Just when everyone was secretly worried about Fan Xin, two Qianniu Guards whispered.

"Xiang Fan, are the pads in your armor ready? The general is about to be executed."

Fan Xin looked straight ahead without looking back.

"Everything is ready, let's do it."


The two Qianniu Guards exchanged glances and nodded knowingly.

The next moment, the military stick mixed with the dull sound of the wind hit Fan Xin's back.

Just when the stick was about to fall on her back, Wu Zetian suddenly stopped her.

"Wait a minute!"

"Fan Xin's body is weak and he is not suitable for using gravity. Please be gentle."

"It's best not to cause him any pain."


Hundreds of officials…

Finally, after some adjustments, the two Qianniu Guards raised their rolling pins and hit Fan Xin in the back.

As soon as the rolling pin touched the armor, Fan Xin's body shook violently, and then he looked up and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

This mouthful of blood spurted out for half a quarter of an hour, and he closed his mouth only when his body turned into a pool of blood.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of all the civil and military officials twitched.

too exaggerated!

It was just a hit with the rolling pin, and he actually vomited dozens of kilograms of blood.

Some confused ministers stepped forward and dipped their fingers into some "bloody water" and smelled it.

Then he looked at Fan Xin with disdain and returned to the queue.

No wonder he is so righteous and awe-inspiring, but his blood is pig's blood.

Li Xian was completely shocked. He didn't expect that this would work.

If he had known it was so simple, he would have won the hearts of the army before Fan Xin could do anything.

Thinking of this, Li Xian immediately stepped forward and said to Wu Zetian.

"Mother, I am willing to shoulder all the blame like Fan Xin. I only ask that you pardon the soldiers of Yingyang Guard!"

Looking at the son in front of her, Wu Zetianfeng's eyes were filled with confusion.

From the moment Fan Xin took the blame, she expected her son to step forward and take over the responsibility. Unfortunately, this unworthy man didn't even dare to say anything.

How can such a person inherit his legacy and take charge of the Tang Dynasty in the future!
After thinking about this, Wu Zetian's eyes looked at her son with a hint of coldness.

"Since you want to learn from Fan Xin and save people, I will help you!"

"Come here, drag the prince down and give him twenty sticks!"


Two guards with ferocious faces held Li Xian down and lifted up the hem of his robe.

"Your Highness, offended!"

"Come on, as the crown prince of Zhou, it's worth receiving twenty sticks for the soldiers of the three armies!"

Li Xiandayi said Lingran, seemingly not taking the twenty-weight stick to heart.

In his opinion, Fan Xin received a hundred heavy sticks without even breaking his skin, so there was no need to worry about twenty sticks.

The two Thousand Niu Guards sighed in admiration, then their eyes changed, and they suddenly raised their military sticks and smashed them down.

Due to the excessive force, the stick made a muffled sound when it was hit on the buttocks.

Li Xian's body trembled, and then his eyes widened and he let out a shrill scream.

Seeing that the prince's acting skills were so profound, Yuan Shuji and others nodded secretly. As expected, the prince's real skills in this fake show were no worse than Fan Xin's...

(End of this chapter)

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