Chapter 216 Go to Beijing to complain
"What did the person who delivered the order say?" Fan Xin asked with a frown.

According to the rules, except for frontline battle reports and local disaster reports, general matters will be discussed in the morning or afternoon.

But I didn't receive any urgent reports from these two aspects.

"Going back to Prime Minister Fan, I heard from someone in the palace that Lanzhou seemed to have won a great victory. I don't know what the specific situation was."

"Lanzhou won a great victory?"

Fan Xin was startled, and his brows furrowed even more tightly.

It is so unreasonable that he, the Minister of War, did not receive any news about such a big matter.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Fan Xin rode on the black wind horse and ran towards the palace.

Arriving at the main hall of Shangyang Palace, the place was filled with ministers who came to discuss affairs. When they saw Fan Xin coming, they all held their hands.

Amid the discussion among the ministers, Wu Zetian walked up to the stage and sat on the dragon chair with a majestic look.

"Your Majesty, please see me, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"My lords, please make peace."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Wu Zetian seemed to be in a very good mood today. She glanced at the ministers and said with a smile.

"Do you know what I am calling you for today?"

All the ministers looked at each other, Di Renjie stood up and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, you haven't been so happy for a long time. Could it be that General Wang Xiaojie has recaptured Tuyuhun?"

At present, this is the only place where the imperial court is at war. The only thing that can make the emperor so happy is probably this place.

However, what was surprising was that Wu Zetian shook his head.

"What Aiqing said is wrong, what I want to say is another great victory!"

Speaking of this, Wu Zetian looked at Wu Sansi, showing a rare hint of kindness.

"Prince Liang, since you recommended the governor of Lanzhou, it's up to you to tell everyone."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Wu Sansi bowed and saluted, raised his head and bowed his hands to the ministers.

"As you all don't know, I recently received an urgent delivery from Lanzhou that was eight hundred miles away."

"A bandit team that has been entrenched in Lanzhou for many years was successfully eliminated by the governor's office."

"It is said that more than [-] heads were beheaded by the main leaders alone."

"From now on, banditry has been completely eliminated in Lanzhou, and the people can finally live and work in peace and contentment."

As soon as these words came out, the whole palace was in an uproar, and everyone except the members of the martial arts faction were taken aback.

They never expected that Wu Sansi's disciples could be so powerful and wipe out the banditry that had been entrenched in Lanzhou for many years in one fell swoop.

You must know that banditry is the most troublesome problem in various prefectures and counties.

Based on this impressive political achievement alone, it is not an exaggeration to say that Ge Hong was promoted to the fourth rank.

"Your Majesty, Ge Hong was just a little cook back then. He was able to accomplish such a shocking feat today, in addition to relying on Your Majesty's virtue of holding the heaven in his mouth."

"His Royal Highness Prince Liang's diligent teachings are also indispensable. I think these two people should be rewarded as usual!"

Liao Yaoxiang, the minister of Feng Pavilion, stood up and said with a smile.

Previously, the emperor refused Wu Sansi to join the cabinet and become prime minister because of his insufficient political achievements. This time, no one could say anything.

Wu Zetian glanced at the ugly Heng Yanfan with deep meaning, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

said lightly.

"Liao Aiqing's words make sense. Here comes someone to draw up a decree and appoint Ge Hong..."

"Wait a minute!"

Just when Wu Zetian was about to reward Ge Hong and Wu Sansi, Fan Xin walked out of the queue.

"Fan Aiqing, you?"

"Your Majesty, as a deputy prime minister and also the Minister of War, why have I not received any news about such a big matter?"

"Wei Chen thinks that the reward will be put on the back burner for the time being. It is not too late to find out the reasons before rewarding."

After hearing these words, Wu Zetian subconsciously looked at Wu Sansi.She only heard what Wu Sansi said about this matter and did not send anyone to Fengge Luantai to verify it.

Feeling the emperor's questioning gaze, Wu Sansi shook his sleeves dissatisfiedly.

"Your Excellency, you still have the nerve to mention that you are the Minister of Fengge. Since you took office, when have you been to Fengge Luantai?"

"The Tang newspaper sent from Lanzhou is now on the docket in the lobby of the Ministry of War. If you don't believe me, you can ask the officials of the Ministry of War."

After hearing this, Shen Ding, the minister of the Ministry of War, explained to Fan Xin.

"Xiang Fan, I was about to report to you just now, but unexpectedly the court meeting was already in session and was delayed."

Then he handed Fan Xin a Tang newspaper with the seal of the Lanzhou governor.

Fan Xin opened the newspaper and took a look at it, the doubts between his brows gradually dissipated.

It is said that this bandit has been entrenched in Lanzhou for more than ten years. Due to internal strife, the second leader Xie Xiaoqing secretly joined them.

The Lanzhou government then cooperated internally and externally to eliminate Heifeng Village.

"How about Duke Yan, am I right?" Wu Sansi said proudly with a big belly.

Fan Xin put away the newspaper and glanced at him, then returned to the queue and did not object to the reward.

Seeing that Fan Xin had no objection, Wu Zetian lost the last bit of hesitation in her heart and said majestically with a wave of her sleeves.

"I am deeply gratified that Ge Hong, the governor of Lanzhou, can be sincere in dealing with banditry in the territory.

"Therefore, he was awarded the title of Zhengyi Dafu, a fourth-grade official, and was awarded 200 taels of silver as a mark of commendation."

Wu Sansi was overjoyed and quickly bowed and saluted.

"I would like to express my gratitude to Your Majesty for your kindness to Ge Hong!"

Just when the ministers thought it was Wu Sansi's turn to enter the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister, Wu Zetian suddenly changed the topic.

"It is rare for a local governor to be able to put an end to the banditry that has been entrenched for many years."

"In order to enhance the power of my great Zhou Tian, ​​I am going to send important officials from the imperial court to Lanzhou to announce my decree in public."

When the word "important minister" came up, Wu Zetian smiled and said to Fan Xin.

"Fan Aiqing, Huaiying is too old to travel long distances."

"You are the Minister of Fengge and also the Minister of the Ministry of War. How about you go on my behalf to express my condolences to the Lanzhou sergeant?"

In the envious eyes of all the ministers, Fan Xin bowed his hand.

"I am willing to go to Lanzhou on behalf of His Majesty to pay condolences to the soldiers of the three armies."

Wu Zetian nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, I appoint you as the envoy to deal with Gannan Road and take Shangguan Wan'er to Lanzhou immediately."

"Sir, obey the order!"

Just when the monarch and his ministers were discussing the supplies to reward the soldiers of the three armies, a dusty scholar walked into the gate of Luoyang City.

Looking at the crowded street, the scholar wiped his sweat and walked to the restaurant.

The scholar is none other than Jin Niang, the female shopkeeper of Qingzhou Tower who is disguised as a man.

After climbing mountains and wading all the way, we finally arrived at the place where we complained.

"Sir, do you want to work as a prostitute or stay in a hotel?"

The store clerk put the towel on his shoulder and asked with a smile, not showing any contempt for him because he was a foreigner.

Jinniang hesitated for a moment and said in a tired voice.

"Give me an ordinary room first, and then serve me a bowl of braised noodles and radish pickles."

"Okay, please find a place to sit down first, and I'll tell the chef right now."

The waiter yelled and went to the kitchen, and soon braised noodles and radish pickles were brought to the table.

"Sir, please use it slowly. If you need anything, call the younger one."

Seeing that the store clerk was about to leave, Jin Niang glanced around and asked in a low voice.

"Little brother, do you know where Duke Yan lives?"

(End of this chapter)

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