Chapter 217 Stopping the sedan chair in public!

The shop clerk took a look at the young man in white with red lips and white teeth, and said with a smile.

"Master, are you coming to Beijing to redress your grievances to Duke Yan?"

Jinniang's pretty face changed and she hurriedly picked up the baggage and looked at the shop assistant warily.

"how do you know?"

"Young master, there is no need to panic. There are too many people like you who come to the Duke of Yan to redress their grievances. There are dozens of them every day."

"Local people are already used to it."

"It turns out that..."

Hearing that there were dozens of people looking for Duke Yan every day, Jin Niang quietly breathed a sigh of relief and sat back down. She thought she had been exposed.

At this time, a burst of gongs and drums suddenly came from the street.

Then a sedan came towards this side, escorted by Qianniu Guards.

On the right side of the sedan followed a tall horse with shiny black hair.

"Sir, aren't you going to tell Duke Yan your grievances? The one sitting in the sedan chair is you."

The store clerk said, pointing to the queue on the street.

"What are you talking about! Is the Duke of Yan sitting in this broken sedan chair?"

Jin Niang looked at the sedan in disbelief. This kind of cloth sedan carried by two people in Lanzhou was usually only used by small people in the city.

She didn't expect that Duke Yan, who was so powerful in the Zhou Dynasty, could be so frugal.

The shop assistant smiled and nodded.

"As expected of Fan Qingtian, who is admired by all the people, he is so honest. It seems that there is hope for my grievance!"

Jinniang put down her coins, excitedly walked to the street, knelt down in front of the team, and held up a big word for injustice.

He thought that after Duke Yan learned of his grievances, he would definitely bring Ge Hong to justice.

However, what surprised her was that nearly a hundred people ran out of the crowd shouting injustice.

"Xiang Fan, we were stopped by people who came to Beijing to complain. Let's go through another route to visit Mr. Di Ge?"

Zhang Huan glanced at the people who were blocking the road and shouting grievances, bowed and asked.

"Okay, let's go and see Mr. Di Ge's condition first before accepting the grievance matter." Fan Xin's voice came from the sedan chair.


Zhang Huan waved his hand, and the bearer changed the direction of the sedan chair, and left the street with Jin Niang's disappointed eyes.

Back at the restaurant, Jinniang said with a sad look on her face.

"It's so sad that my dignified female shopkeeper of Qingyun Tower was forced to live on the street by that corrupt official Ge Hong!"

As soon as these words came out, the young man who was eating at the next table suddenly shook his body, and then came to sit in front of her.

"Young Master, are you coming from Lanzhou to complain?"

Jin Niang glanced at the unfamiliar young man and frowned.

"Who are you?"

The young man smiled slightly and cupped his hands.

"Bu Cai, next week Tong is currently the Shaoqing of Dali Temple and is also a disciple of Duke Yan."

"If you want to redress your grievances against Duke Yan, I can help you."

"You are Duke Yan's disciple!" Jin Niang stood up from her seat in surprise.

It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

She was worried about how to see Duke Yan, when the noble man appeared.

Zhou Tong smiled and nodded.

"I am an official of Dali Temple promoted by Duke Yan. If you have any grievances, you can tell me first."


A flash of hesitation flashed in Jin Niang's eyes, and then she gritted her teeth.

"Okay, let's go to the private room on the second floor and talk. I happen to have some evidence that I want to hand over to Duke Yan for safekeeping."

After the two entered the room and had a detailed discussion, Zhou Tong said solemnly.

"The young master said that Zhou will go back and inform Prime Minister Fan later. Please stay in the room and don't go anywhere."

"To avoid being discovered and silenced by the minions of the Lanzhou government."

Jin Niang cupped her hands gratefully.

"Then I'll ask Brother Zhou for a trip."

After closing the door, Zhou Tong looked around and quickly walked towards the Prime Minister's Mansion.

At the same time, several police officers with knives on their waists came to the street and scanned the passers-by with cold eyes.

Suddenly an old beggar came to them with a letter.

"Several gentlemen, I was asked to deliver a letter to you."

"Huh, get out!" After grabbing the letter, the little boss kicked the old beggar away and opened the envelope.

There is only a short line of words on the hemp paper.

"The female shopkeeper of Qingyun Tower is in the first room on the left on the second floor of Datong Inn!"

Several officials looked at each other.

"Boss, can you believe the words on the note?"

"Go and take a look..."


The living room of Fan Mansion.

"Your Highness, I don't know when Duke Yan will come back. I have something to report to him." Zhou Tong bowed and asked.

"Zhou Shaoqing, please wait a moment. The prince-in-law is going to visit Di Ge. It will take a while."

As soon as Princess Taiping finished speaking, Zhang Huan's voice sounded in the courtyard.

"This bunch of people even throw eggs to you, it's so outrageous!"

"It's true that the Prime Minister's government office is a small government office."

"Okay, just say a few words. These trivial matters will be handed over to the Luozhou government later, and it's time for them to contribute."

The curtain opened and Fan Xin walked in and sat down on the chair.

"Hey, why are you here if you're not trying cases in Dali Temple?"

Fan Xin was quite surprised to see Zhou Tong here.

"Back to Prime Minister Fan, I came across a case while having dinner at Datong Inn and came to report to you."

Zhou Tong walked up to Fan Xin and whispered a few words.

Fan Xin frowned slightly when he heard this.

"You mean to say that this person named Jin Ru offended Ge Hong, which led to the closure of his restaurant?"

"That's right, Mr. Fan. This person is currently in the first room on the left on the second floor of Datong Inn."

Fan Xin looked at Zhang Huan who was standing aside.

"What do you think about this?"

"Back to Prime Minister Fan, according to what Lao Zhou said, this is just an ordinary case at best."

"Even if Ge Hong increases taxes, the court can't do anything to him just based on his contribution to eliminating banditry."

"In view of my humble position, it is better to transfer this case to the Yushitai and let them inspect it."

Fan Xin did not answer directly, but tapped the table thoughtfully.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said.

"Take a few people to Datong Inn and bring him there."

"Wait until I ask for details before making a decision."


Zhang Huan cupped his fists and led his men out of the Prime Minister's Mansion towards Datong Inn.

"General Zhang, you are always by Fan Xiang's side and advise him not to be too tired."

Zhou Tong said with a worried look on his face halfway through.

Zhang Huan smiled bitterly.

"There is no other way. Your Excellency will go to Lanzhou to express condolences in two days. Some things must be prepared in advance.

"Fan Xiang is going to Lanzhou?" Zhou Tong was startled and stopped.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Ah, it's okay." After coming back to his senses, Zhou Tong pointed to the front and said.

"Master Jin is still waiting for us, let's go quickly."


Chase Inn.

Several officers came to the lobby with swords on their waists and scanned the room with their eyes.

Go straight to the counter.

"Hey, gentlemen, do you want to work as a police officer or stay in a hotel?"

The old shopkeeper's expression changed and he said with a smile.

The little boss coughed and said calmly.

"Let me ask you, is there a foreigner with a baggage living on the second floor?"

As he spoke, he took out Jin Niang's portrait from his arms...

(End of this chapter)

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