Chapter 220 Moon Black Wind High Killing Night!

"Xiang Fan doesn't know. A few days ago, Lanzhou officials came to report that traces of Heifengzhai's informants were found in Qinghua Mountain."

"In order to prevent Orion and Heifeng Village from colluding with each other, Xiaguan was forced to blockade Qinghua Mountain."

"I didn't expect the hunters to complain so much. It's the lower official's fault."

After saying that, Ge Hong bowed and gave a salute with a look of shame on his face.

After looking at this person, Fan Xin smiled and helped him up.

"Using martial law at an emergency is a reasonable method. Governor Ge has no need to blame himself."

"Okay, it's already dark. You should go back and rest first. In two days, I will personally read out His Majesty's decree."

"Your Majesty, please leave." Ge Honggong turned around and left the room.

Looking at Ge Hong's back, the smile on Fan Xin's face gradually faded.

said lightly.

"A traitor looks like a loyal person, a loyal person looks like a traitor. This Ge Hong is no ordinary person."

Zhang Huan looked away and frowned.

"Prime Minister Fan, I will see that although this Ge Hong has some problems, judging from his reputation, he should be a good official with considerable political achievements."

"Is Orion's rhetoric too one-sided?"

Fan Xin came to the window and looked at the dark night. The branches were swaying violently under the cold wind, giving people a ferocious feeling.

"I wonder if you two have noticed that what we saw today seems to be what others want us to see."

Zhang Huan and Zhou Tong looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

"This is impossible. How could Ge Hong know where we will go in Lanzhou City?"

"Nothing is impossible." Fan Xin recalled the scene with his hands behind his back.

"Aren't you surprised that a vendor who has been running a stall for many years can't even make haggis noodles?"

"Also, we were dressed in regular clothes, but the owner of the restaurant was always respectful when talking to me.

Seeing that the two of them were hesitant to speak, Fan Xin's eyes gradually turned cold.

"The most important thing is that all of them have marks on both sides of their heads caused by wearing armor for many years."

"And this kind of mark is obviously Shan Wenjia!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Huan and the two were shocked and looked at Fan Xin in disbelief.

"Xiang Fan, you mean they are all government officials..."

"That's right, they are all government officials and soldiers from Lanzhou!"

Fan Xin said coldly.

"Not only that, I even suspected that the people who greeted us when we entered the city were also fake."

Fan Xin's words were like thunder from the sky to Zhang Huan and Zhou Tong.

They never dreamed that everything in Lanzhou City would be fake.

What they couldn't understand was that why did Ge Hong cover up the facts after he had made such great contributions?

"Xiang Fan, according to your statement, Ge Hong must be trying to cover up something, so I will go to the city to find out what's going on."

Fan Xin clasped his fists and left the cabin at night.

"Zhou Tong, you are taking two guards to Qinghua Mountain to find the hunters in the daytime. I think they seem to know something. You can check the local situation."

"Sir, don't worry, my disciple will go to the mountains to look for those hunters!"

Zhou Tong bowed and exited the room.

Just when Fan Xin sent someone to secretly investigate what happened in Lanzhou.

When Ge Hong returned home, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Damn it, a few desperate hunters dared to call him Ge Laogou.

This is hating myself!

Fortunately, he dealt with it, otherwise Fan Xin would have found out the secret and the whole family would have lost their heads.

Thinking of this, Ge Hong said to his two tiger-backed subordinates.

"You two take people to Qinghua Mountain and kill all those talkative hunters."

"Yes!" The two subordinates laughed ferociously and led the people straight to Qinghua Mountain.

In the next two days, Fan Xin continued to visit Lanzhou City accompanied by Ge Hong, as if he were sightseeing.

As for Ge Hong, as long as Fan Xin didn't come here to cause trouble, he didn't bother to cause trouble.

At night, we travel to Lanzhou.

"Sir, after several days of searching, students found the body of Orion in the woods of Qinghua Mountain."

"There were thirty bodies in total, all dumped in the wilderness."

Zhou Tong said angrily.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Huan opened the curtain and walked in.

"Prime Minister Fan, I went to Lanzhou City to investigate. The people were ordered to stay at home. They said they could not come out until the storm passed."

"What are they afraid of?"

Facing the two people's questions, Fan Xin sighed softly.

"If my guess is correct, Ge Hong probably did this because of the need to eliminate banditry."

Speaking of which, Fan Xin took off his official uniform and put on civilian clothes.

"Zhang Huan, follow me to Fengshi Village to see if that is the home of Black Wind Village."

"I have a hunch that we may be able to find the secret Ge Hong concealed there."

Seeing that the two were about to leave, Zhou Tong hurriedly asked: "Sir, what should I do if you leave?"

"You stay and hold off the local officials, and tell the public that your husband is ill and not suitable for seeing guests. Otherwise, if they all leave, it will arouse Ge Hong's suspicion."

After watching the two people leave, Zhou Tong moved a chair to the yard to enjoy the breeze.

At this time, a guard came over and cupped his fists.

"Zhou Shaoqing, Governor Ge is asking for an audience outside the camp."

"It seems that what you said is right. This old guy is really vigilant."

Zhou Tong sneered and came to the entrance of the cabin with his hands behind his back.

"I'm sorry, Governor Ge. Prime Minister Fan has been feeling unwell recently and is resting. You'd better come back tomorrow."

"Okay, I heard that Fan Xiang likes to drink, so I brought him a jar of Sanlejiang. Please give it to him."

Handing the wine jar to Zhou Tong, Ge Hong smiled slightly and left the camp.

The purpose of his trip was just to see if Fan Xin was there.

Since his follower is here, it means that he has not left either.

Returning to the Governor's Mansion, Zhang Changshi came up to him and asked.

"How about Governor Ge, Fan Xin doesn't have any suspicion, right?"

Just when Ge Hong was about to say that he was worrying too much, he suddenly found a crumpled paper ball in his hand with a few large scrawl written on it.

"The plank road was built openly and secretly in Chencang. The people have gone to Fengshi Village and are no longer in the camp!"

Seeing these two sentences, Ge Hong's expression changed drastically, and a chill suddenly came from his back.

Damn it, Fan Xin secretly went to investigate Fengshi Village behind his back!

If this allowed him to discover the truth about Heifeng Village, wouldn't it be...

When he thought of what would happen if his head fell to the ground, Ge Hong's face turned pale as paper, and his whole body was shaky.

"Master Fu, I must be sure that you will suffer chaos. Rather than letting Fan Xin discover the truth, it is better to kill him in Fengshi Village while he is investigating!"

When the words "Fengshi Village" were mentioned, Zhang Changshi's eyes flashed fiercely and he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Ge Hong trembled all over and said hesitantly.

"This is inappropriate. Fan Xin is a popular figure in front of the emperor. If he dies in Lanzhou, I will probably be punished."

"My Lord, how long has it been since this happened? Fan barely put a knife on our necks."

"If you don't take action, it's us local officials who will die."

"Besides, Fan Xin died in retaliation from the remnants of Black Wind Village. What does it have to do with us?"

(End of this chapter)

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