Chapter 221 The truth about Fengshi Village
Ge Hong walked up and down the hall, his face changing constantly.

Sometimes fearful, sometimes ferocious, and finally turned around with gritted teeth.

"Forget it! I risked my life for the sake of my family and my life!"

"You immediately lead a team of officers to Fengshi Village, and be sure to keep Fan Xin there forever!"

"Remember, no one is allowed to be left alive!"

"Don't worry, Lord, I will ensure that Fan Xin cannot leave Fengshi Village!"

Zhang Changshi cupped his hands and disappeared into the night.


Fengshi Village, Beidaokou.

"Xiang Fan, this is the place where the gangsters in Heifeng Village were wiped out. It is said that the officers and soldiers fought all night, and the battle was very tragic."

Zhang Huan pointed to the yellow mud house overgrown with grass on the hillside and said.

Fan Xin raised his head and looked at the village in the distance, frowning slightly.

This was a very large village spread across the mountainside. It was hard for him to imagine that the gangsters from Heifeng Village would build their lair in such a place that was easy to attack and difficult to defend.

Suppressing their doubts, the two of them crossed the river and walked up the stone steps.

There were scattered pots, pans, rice and cereals everywhere along the way. It can be seen that the people here were obviously not prepared at all when the officers and soldiers launched the charge.

When he arrived at a house, Zhang Huan pushed open the wooden door and pointed at the blood stains on the wall.

"Xiang Fan, judging from the traces at the scene, there should be no fighting between the two sides. It is likely that the government and soldiers were massacred unilaterally."

Fan Xin nodded and walked to the next house without saying a word.

This house, like the one next door, had poles and baskets scattered in the yard, and not even a decent weapon.

Seeing this, Fan Xin took a deep breath and said calmly while suppressing his anger.

"If my reasoning is correct, these people were eating at home when they suddenly noticed a fire in the yard, so they put down their chopsticks to check the situation."

"What awaited them was a group of executioners rushing forward!"

"Xiang Fan, are you saying that these people are all citizens of this village?"

Zhang Huan was shocked and had an incredible feeling.

If Fan Xin hadn't said these words, he would have even thought that the other party was talking nonsense.

Because since ancient times, killing good people and taking merit has been a serious crime, let alone such large-scale killing of common people.

If someone really discovered it, not to mention that Ge Hong would be exterminated, and even a number of officials would be imprisoned.

Ge Hong was just a governor, how dare he?
Fan Xin picked up a piece of burnt chicken feather and sighed.

"The village is full of free-range chickens and vegetables. What would you do if you were a wanted gangster from Heifeng Village?"

"If you look at the layout of the village, it's clear that there is no defense at all.

"If it were the Black Wind Village gangsters, would they just let the officers and soldiers slaughter them?"

After being reminded by Fan Xin, Zhang Huan finally discovered something was wrong.

Yes, although the combat effectiveness of more than 1000 gangsters is not as good as that of the army, they are still a force that cannot be underestimated.

If you want to kill them, you have to pay a considerable price.

But since they came to Fengshi Village, apart from the tragic situation in the village, they haven't seen any traces left by even half of the army.

This is so out of line.

Seeing that Zhang Huan understood what he meant, Fan Xin waved his sleeves and robe and walked towards other people's houses.

To convict a fourth-grade official, he must have conclusive evidence.

I visited more than a dozen homes along Fengshi Village, and most of them were broken into and killed in panic as before.

Just when Fan Xin was about to continue the in-depth investigation, Zhang Huan drew his sword and pointed it at the rice vat with a clang.

"Who? Come out to me!"

"Guan Guan, the little girl is fighting with you!"

A woman in white clothes emerged from the rice vat, holding the kitchen knife in her hand and pointing it at Fan Xin.

At the critical moment, Fan Xin held down Zhang Huan and said to the little girl.

"You don't have to be afraid, we are not from the same group as the Lanzhou government."

As expected, these words worked. The little girl's face softened a bit, and she looked at the two of them with her big eyes.

"Aren't you and Ge Laogou in the same group?" "Hmph, my Fan Xiang is an important minister in the imperial court, how can he be compared to a small governor!" Zhang Huan puffed out his chest and said coldly.

Finding that the two of them didn't look like they were cheating, the little girl crawled out of the rice vat.

Embarrassed, I smoothed my hair on my forehead.

"I'm sorry, sir, the little girl almost hurt you in panic."

"It doesn't matter, can you tell me what exactly happened here?"

In order to let the woman take off her guard, Fan Xin smiled gently.

When the tragedy in Fengshi Village was mentioned, the little girl's pretty face changed slightly, and a look of horror flashed in her eyes.

It seemed like he was still haunted by what happened that night.

"Don't be afraid. As long as my family, Fan Xiang, is here, no one in Lanzhou will dare to hurt you."

The little girl nodded sadly.

"To be honest, sir, we were all about to go to sleep that night, but we heard the sound of fire coming from outside."

"Dad was so panicked that he asked me to hide in the cellar while he put on his clothes and went out to investigate the situation."

"I didn't expect that he would never come back after leaving."

The little girl wiped her tears and choked up in a low voice.

Zhang Huan said after hearing this.

"Xiang Fan, it has become very obvious at this point that Ge Hong did not hesitate to massacre an entire village in order to take credit!"

The little girl fell to her knees with a plop and cried.

"Please also ask the official to uphold justice for the folks in Fengshi Village!"

"Don't worry, girl. As the envoy of Gannan Road, I will definitely give you an explanation for Fengshi Village.

After saying this, Fan Xin led the two of them out of the house and walked towards the entrance of the village.

When passing through the ancestral hall overgrown with grass, Fan Xin stopped and stared at the darkness ahead with a vigilant expression.

"What's wrong, Fan Xiang?"

"When we came here, there were still grasshoppers chirping in the grass, but now it's deathly quiet. There must be an ambush."

"What should we do? There is only one way to Lanzhou."

The little girl said worriedly.

Looking at the two of them, Fan Xin hesitated.

"In this case, you two do as I say. Let's wait until it gets dark before leaving the village."



Fengshi Village, a deserted meadow.

At this time, there are dozens of masked killers hiding here, with pairs of sharp eyes staring at the village halfway up the mountain.

As time came to midnight, a sound of footsteps suddenly came from the dark village entrance.

Then three rays of fire came towards this side from far to near.

"You guys come closer and see if the person leaving the village is Fan Xin."

In order to prevent mistakes, Zhang Yu sent two people to check.

The person who was sent trembled all over, hunched over and ran towards the village. He took a casual look at the intersection and then came back to report that it was him.

They had heard that there was something happening in Fengshi Village, and running there in the middle of the night was just seeking death.

After confirming that it was Fan Xin, Zhang Yu pulled out his sword and sneered.

"Shoot me!"

With a command, dozens of arrows were fired at the three approaching torches.

With the fire blazing into the sky, Zhang Yu and his men appeared on the official road.

"Chang Shi, the fire will probably burn him to death. Let's go back and report the good news to the Lord."

"I heard that Fengshi Village is very noisy at night."

Glancing at the deserted village hidden in the darkness, the masked man shuddered.

(End of this chapter)

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