Chapter 222 You are so powerful!

"There's no rush, let's wait until the fire burns out."

Zhang Changshi was a cautious man. Although the entrance to Fengshi Village was surrounded by fire, he still asked his subordinates to search for it.

It wasn't until Fan Xin's silver fish charm was found that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since the personal fish charm has been found, it means that the person has died inside."

"Let's go back and report the good news to Governor Ge."

Taking one last look at Fengshi Village, Zhang Changshi mounted his horse and led his subordinates to leave the entrance of the village.

After they left, Fan Xin and his party came out in the darkness.

"Master Guo, this investigation is too dangerous, we almost died here." Zhang Huan said with a scared look on his face.

With so many archers ambushing them, no matter how powerful he is, he can't resist them.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that Ge Hong would go so crazy in order to kill people and silence them!"

Fan Xinxin breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear, his eyes flashing with coldness.

"Zhang Huan, you immediately send a message to the Liangzhou camp and ask Meng Qi and Duan Long to lead an army to Lanzhou. You must be fast!"

"I want to catch Ge Hong and his gang members in one fell swoop before they can react!"

"Subordinates obey!"


At midnight, the Governor's Mansion.

Ge Hong walked up and down the lobby with his hands behind his back, stopping from time to time to look outside, looking worried.

Fan Xin is the most popular minister in front of the emperor and has great authority. If he cannot be killed here, what everyone has committed will be exposed once he returns.

When the time comes, what awaits them will be dismissal from office and leaving no one behind! .

"This Zhang Yu is serious, it's so late, why aren't you back yet!"

Complaining secretly, Ge Hong was about to send someone to Fengshi Village to find out the situation when a figure hurriedly walked into the hall.

"Investor Ge, Zhang Yu is back and is waiting for your report in the second hall of the front office."

"Quick, lead the way!"

Ge Hong looked solemn and walked towards the front hall.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Yu, is here to see the Lord."

"Hurry up and get down to business!"

Instructing his followers to get down, Ge Hong glanced around and lowered his voice.

"How's it going? Is Fan Xin dead...?"

"Master Fu, according to your instructions, the lower officials have burned him to death in Fengshi Village, leaving only a pile of ashes."

Zhang Yu took out a fish charm engraved with the word "Fan Xin" from his arms with a sinister smile on his face.

"What! Fan Xin was burned to death!"

Although he was prepared in his heart, when he heard the news, Ge Hong still slumped down in his chair with a thud.

His eyes were staring straight at Zhang Changshi, his face was horribly pale.

It is hard to believe that the famous Duke of Yan died like this.

Seeing his expression, a mysterious sarcasm flashed across the corner of Zhang Yu's mouth.

"Master Fu, at this point we have no other choice but to get rid of Fan Xin."

"If he doesn't die, we will die."

"Yes, yes, only if he dies can I get through this difficulty."

After coming back to his senses, Ge Hong wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked to the desk to write an eight-hundred-mile emergency report to the court.

Fan Xin's death was such a serious matter, and he had to report it to the court as quickly as possible.

After a while, Ge Hong baked the Tang newspaper with fire paint and asked his subordinates to send it to the capital of God overnight.

After doing this, Ge Hong said to Zhang Yu.

"Recently, there are a lot of unscrupulous people in Lanzhou City who are always having trouble with me."

"Now that Fan Xin is dead, it's time to deal with them!"

"Tell all the county officials to arrest them all!"

After giving the order, Lanzhou officials immediately mobilized to arrest people who were dissatisfied with the government.

More than 100 people were arrested in just two days.For a time, everyone in Lanzhou was in danger.

"Li Xiucai, the Japanese officials heard a few days ago that you were going to file a lawsuit. I wonder who you want to sue?"

Looking at the scholar in white kneeling in the hall, Ge Hongpi said with a smile.

"Bah, you Li Bapi, aren't you afraid that Duke Yan will convict you?"

The scholar in white spit on the ground and said resentfully.

"Duke Yan?"

Ge Hong sneered, looking at everyone one by one, and said neither salty nor lightly.

"If you want to issue a notice to the State of Yan, I advise you to save it."

"Yesterday evening, he was burned to death in Fengshi Village by the remnants of Black Wind Village!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar. Whether it was Jin Niang's husband or the crowd of spectators, they were all shocked.

Originally, they thought that when the famous Fan Qingtian arrived, he would be able to get rid of Ge Hong, a dog official.

Unexpectedly, God failed to fulfill his wish and he died in Fengshi Village.

The scholar in white stood up from the ground and said angrily.

"Impossible. There are only a dozen old, weak, women and children in Heifeng Village. How could they go to Fengshi Village to kill and ambush Duke Yan."

"You, a corrupt official, must have been the one who deliberately killed me because you were afraid that the matter would be exposed!"

Hearing these words, Ge Hong's face quickly darkened, with murderous intent surging in his eyes.

"Okay, no wonder Black Wind Stronghold can't be wiped out repeatedly. It turns out that you unscrupulous people are secretly behind this!"

Ge Hong slapped the crowd hard.

"Come here, put these criminals suspected of murdering the imperial officials into prison, and they will be executed at a later date."

"Investor Ge, we were wronged!"

As soon as they heard that they were going to be executed, farmers nearby from Lao Zhibajiao knelt down and begged for mercy.

The onlookers also begged for mercy, saying that they were all innocent.

Looking at the people kneeling on the ground, Ge Hong sneered with his hands behind his back.

"You guys are really scoundrels. Don't you want to sue me?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you, no one in Lanzhou can lay a finger on me, Ge Hong!"

"Not even Duke Yan!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a chuckle came from outside the hall.

"It seems that Governor Ge's official authority is very high, and he can't even show his true appearance."

The crowd parted, and Fan Xin walked in wearing a purple python robe.

Behind him, dozens of Qianniu Guards wearing flying bear uniforms, red coats, and tiger gold boots followed closely.

"You are Fan Xin!"

Ge Hong stood up suddenly, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Zhang Yu patted his chest and told him that Fan Xin was burned to ashes by the fire.

The result was that he appeared here alive, which he couldn't accept for a while.

Seeing Ge Hong's uncertain expression, Zhang Huan snorted coldly.

"Ge Jishi, you are a fourth-rank official after all. Don't you even understand the most basic etiquette? Why don't you come forward to greet the deputy prime minister when you see him!"

After Zhang Huan shouted violently, Ge Hong finally came to his senses and immediately fell to his knees and said with a pale face.

"I am lowered to the rank of Ge Hong, the governor of Lanzhou, to see the prime minister!"

"President Ge, I sit high in the temple and don't dare to have such a high official power. Today is really an eye-opener."

After sitting behind the major case, Fan Xin said calmly to Ge Hong.

Ge Hong's expression changed and he quickly slapped his face several times.

He said with a smile.

"Excuse me, Mr. Fan. It was just a slip of the tongue, and it cannot be taken seriously."

"Who in the entire Zhou Dynasty doesn't know that you, Prime Minister Fan, are the real important minister of the country."

"Even if I have eaten the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage, I would not dare to compare with you."

(End of this chapter)

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