Chapter 223 A sign of great evil.

Fan Xin slapped the wall hard, rolled up his sleeves and said coldly.

"Bold Ge Hong, how dare you kill Liang Liang and take credit, so that Fengshi Village was brutally wiped out, leaving only two or three people alive."

"I just want to ask you, aren't you afraid of your head falling to the ground?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall was in an uproar, and all the people watching looked at Ge Hong, whose face was pale.

There was a look of shock in his eyes.

They never dreamed that the Heifeng Village that the government destroyed was actually the villagers of Fengshi Village!
No wonder not half of the people from Fengshi Village were seen in Lanzhou City. It turned out that these honest farmers were all killed by the army.

Thinking of this, the people looked at Ge Hong differently.


Hatred, and a strong hatred.

"My lord, Ge Hong has been embezzling and accepting bribes over the years, occupying people's homes, and plundering people's wealth and anointing. You have to make the decision for us!"

As the scholar in white stood up to petition, the people fell to their knees and shouted in unison.

"Please let the Duke make the decision for us!"

As the voice rumbled, Ge Hong knelt on the ground and kept wiping his sweat, his face changing constantly.

He didn't expect Fan Xin to find out the truth about eliminating banditry so quickly.

I didn't expect that the local people would hate me so much.

If he had known this, he would not have let these daring and unruly people off no matter what he said.

Looking at the people kneeling on the ground, Fan Xin stood up and said to everyone.

"The case of the family extermination in Fengshi Village can be regarded as the most important case in our Great Zhou Dynasty. The nature of it is unheard of."

"I hope you fellow villagers will give you some time to investigate and find out the truth."

"The court will definitely give you an explanation when the matter is over!"

After finishing his words, Fan Xin turned his eyes to Ge Hong who was in the hall and said with a cold expression.

"President Ge, all the witnesses and physical evidence are there, what else can you say?"

Seeing Fan Xin's shame, Ge Hong also took the risk and stood up immediately.

"My lord, the gangsters from Heifeng Village hiding in Fengshi Village will inevitably injure several villagers. How can you say that they are killing good people and taking credit for their merits."

"Besides, Xiaguan is a fourth-rank official and is still the highest official in Lanzhou until he is convicted by the court."

Ge Hong's meaning is very simple, just to remind Fan Xin not to forget that Lanzhou is his territory and has more than 8000 garrison troops under his command. If the situation is desperate, no one will survive.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, deafening shouts rang out in Lanzhou City.

Then two military generals wearing heavy armor walked into the lobby.

"The last generals Meng Qi and Duan Long meet the generals of the auxiliary country!"

"Get up."

"Thank you, General!"

After the two generals stood up, Duan Long opened the box and said roughly.

"Reporting to the general, Lanzhou garrison Ding Hui has been executed for refusing to open the city gate, and all remaining soldiers and horses have been disarmed and await disposal."

"Thank you both for your hard work."

Fan Xin nodded and glanced at Ge Hong. Ever since the latter saw Ding Hui's head, he collapsed on the ground and was trembling all over.

In the crowd, Zhang Yu, who was disguised as a servant, saw that Ge Hong was finished, glared at Fan Xin bitterly, and disappeared on the street.

Arriving at the main altar of Baita Mountain, Zhang Yu went straight to the snake lair.

"Master, my subordinates are incompetent. Not only did they fail to kill Fan Xin, they also lost the chess piece Ge Hong."

The young woman slowly opened her eyes and looked at Zhang Yu a little.

said lightly.

"Zhang Yu, have you been with me for ten years?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yu trembled all over and fell to his knees, sweat dripping down his face.

"Return to the master, exactly ten years."

The woman laughed.

"Just remember, now it's your turn to contribute to the Holy Religion."

After saying that, a fierce light flashed in the woman's eyes, and two small red snakes flew out of her sleeves, went straight into Zhang Yu's mouth, and crawled along his throat and into his stomach.ah!
After screaming, the snake guards lifted Zhang Yu's body and threw him into the dense snake den.

"Master, what should we do next? Should we send another group of killers?"

"No need, let Fan Xin live for two more days and tell Wubu Snake to start taking action immediately."

"Fan Xin is not in Luoyang, so it is a good time for us to implement our plan..."

At the end of the sentence, a malicious smile appeared on the woman's lips.


The main hall of Shangyang Palace in Luoyang, the capital of the gods.


Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed across the gloomy sky, followed by a dull thunder.

"If it rains in winter, it's a bad sign."

Taking her hand back, Wu Zetian sighed.

"Your Majesty, this year's treasury tax revenue is [-]% higher than in previous years. Is Tianshu built as planned?"

Cabinet Minister Liao Yaoxiang asked, cupping his hands.

"Since the treasury is full, let's build it in accordance with the regulations drawn up by the Ministry of Household Affairs."

Wu Zetian turned back to the dragon chair and said calmly.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

All the ministers saluted.

At this time, a figure hurriedly came from the rain curtain.

As soon as he entered the hall, he immediately fell to his knees and looked panicked.

"Your Majesty, Qizuo, it's not good! Fengge Luantai received an urgent delivery from Lanzhou half an hour ago. It said... it said..."

Wu Zetian's face darkened and he shouted coldly.

"What did it say?"

"Back to Your Majesty, it is said that Duke Yan fell down the mountainside while exploring Fengshi Village and his whereabouts are unknown."

After saying that, he raised the sign with both hands.

Seeing that it was indeed Fan Xin's fish charm, all the ministers looked at each other, and they all couldn't believe that the famous Fan Xin would capsize in the creek.

In particular, Wu Zetian didn't believe that Fan Xin, who had always been a strategist, would fall off the mountain.

At this thought, Wu Zetian suddenly looked at Wu Sansi and said in a cold tone.

"Prince Liang, Ge Hong, the governor of Lanzhou, is your student. How do you explain this?"

Feeling the emperor's strong anger, Wu Sansi turned pale with fright.

Come forward quickly.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. The newspaper only said that he fell down the mountain and did not say that he fell to death. Wei Chen thought that Fan Xin only suffered some injuries and should be fine."

"I believe it won't be long before reports that Fan Xin is safe and sound will be sent to the capital."

Wu Zetian shook her sleeves, her eyes filled with endless coldness.

"It's best to make a mistake, otherwise all the officials in Lanzhou will be waiting to be buried with Fan Xin!"

After saying this, Wu Zetian snorted and left the main hall of Shangyang Palace, leaving the ministers at a loss.

"Your Highness Prince Liang, what is going on? Didn't Duke Yan go to encourage Ge Hong? Why did he stumble and fall down the mountain?"

Cabinet Minister Liao Yaoxiang came over and asked softly.

Wu Sansi shook his head with a sullen face.

"I don't know what happened. I guess Ge Hong has some information that fell into Fan Xin's hands."

"This guy jumped over the wall and chose to kill and silence him!"

"This idiot is really failing at success and failing at disaster. Let's go back immediately to discuss a countermeasure and see how to deal with the next changes.

Liao Yao said bitterly.

"Okay, if Fan Xin really dies, I have to make preparations as soon as possible."

Wu Sansi nodded and walked out of the hall with all his confidants...

(End of this chapter)

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