Chapter 228 Your Majesty, please abdicate!
Tu Liang's expression changed, he stood up, held his fists and said coldly.

"Since the two generals are so stubborn, my nephew will say nothing more and say goodbye!"

"No delivery!"

Watching Tu Liang leave the tent, Huang Qi slowly opened his eyes and said calmly.

"Brother Lin, what do you think?"

"Since Tu Xiong dared to send his son here, Jiang Ji and Cao Wei must have also defected to Wu Sansi."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before Luoyang, the capital of gods, is going to change."

"Yes, if Huang's prediction is correct, Fan Xiang should be on his way to Youzhou."

Lin Tie smiled and put the armor on his head.

"Forget it, we, the Youzhou Army, have been training hard for so long, it's time to show off the power of firearms."

Speaking of this, a cold light flashed from Lin Tie's eyes.

"Go ahead and inform everyone in the Shenji Battalion to assemble!"


As the deep horn sounded melodiously, the Youzhou camp instantly became excited.

Groups of sergeants carrying flintlock rifles quickly gathered on the school grounds.

Looking across the army, Lin Tie put his hand on his saber and said loudly.

"Brothers, there are treacherous ministers in the court now, trying to kidnap Your Majesty to change the dynasty. What should we do?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The [-]-strong army raised their weapons and made a deafening roar.

"Good! You are worthy of being a soldier of the great general of the auxiliary country. He is talented!"

Lin Tie praised loudly, drew his sword and pointed it at the sky.

"The whole army obeys the order and the military exercises begin!"

With an order, the [-]-strong army instantly transformed into two long black dragons, each rushing towards the dense forest of Youzhou.

The so-called military exercise is the formation of troops by the generals of both sides based on sand table deductions.

Then analyze the pros and cons based on the war situation.

According to investigations, after the introduction of this training method, the combat level of the Youzhou Army improved by several levels.

Many grassroots commanders have emerged among them.

At dusk, youzhou dense forest.

An army of tens of thousands marched toward Youzhou in a mighty manner.

The leader was none other than Fan Xin, who was wearing a purple python dragon suit and a Xuantian crown.

Beside him were the famous generals Wang Xiaojie, Cao Shiren, Zhang Xuanyu and others.

"Xiang Fan, I said goodbye to you in Luoyang in the past, but I didn't expect to be fighting side by side so soon."

General Wang Xiaojie said with emotion.

"Yes, if the four towns of Anxi had not needed to guard against the Tibetans, I would have really wanted to summon Lou Shide back."

For an army of tens of thousands, Fan Xin always felt that it was a little small.

Hearing this, Zhang Xuanyu laughed and stroked his beard and said.

"Prime Minister Fan is overly worried. We all know the virtues of those generals in the Beijing Camp."

"They are just some of the noble sons who have gained military honors and are doing errands here. If I heard that King Qin's army numbered [-], I would probably pee in my pants."

As soon as these words came out, the generals burst into laughter. Amidst the laughter, a group of wolf cavalry came riding on the sand.

The generals jerked the reins, and the horses immediately raised their front hooves and neighed.

"The last generals Lin Tie, Huang Qi, and Tian Maogong are the generals of the auxiliary country!"

Fan Xin nodded solemnly as his eyes swept over the generals.

"How are you preparing?"

"Back to the General, the Shenji Battalion has been assembled. There are 8000 people in total, 70 rounds of ammunition, and [-] heavy artillery!"

"Okay, let's go!"

"As ordered!"

In an instant, 10,000+ troops divided into three groups and marched towards Luoyang, the sacred capital.


God capital, Luoyang.

Guanfeng Hall.

"Your Majesty, it's time for the morning court. I will serve you to wash and change clothes."

Shangguan Wan'er brought a basin of water and said with a smile.

While talking, a paper ball was quietly thrust into Wu Zetian's hand.

The latter glanced at the chamberlain standing in the hall and nodded.

The content of the note was only two short sentences. "The palace has changed, and only the humble ministers are left."

Hiding the paper ball in her sleeve, Wu Zetian washed herself without changing her expression, then put on the five-clawed golden dragon suit and headed towards the main hall of Shangyang Palace.

Wherever he passed along the way, the chamberlains, imperial guards, and Qianniu guards all bowed, just like usual.

But the careful Wu Zetian still discovered the difference, that is, these people were all unfamiliar faces.

"It seems that my nephew moves very quickly."

Wu Zetian sneered and climbed onto the Golden Palace with Shangguan Wan'er's support.

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

His eyes swept over the ministers, and an imperceptible sarcasm flashed across the corner of Wu Zetian's lips.

said lightly.

"Be flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After all the ministers straightened up, Wu Sansi coughed, and the censor Zhao Chang stood up and cupped his hands.

"Your Majesty, it has been half a year since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty. It is a time when the country's strength is strong."

"I believe that a vigorous person should be selected to ascend to Dabao and lead the Great Zhou Dynasty to become a powerful force all over the world."

"This way you can stay in Guanfeng Hall and retire peacefully."

As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Wan'er took a deep breath and shouted solemnly with her pretty face.

"How dare you, Zhao Chang! How dare you speak nonsense in public, aren't you afraid that your head will be moved!"

However, all the officials who should have been in an uproar now were horribly silent, as if they had formed some kind of consensus.

Zhao Chang straightened his court clothes and snorted with a proud look on his face.

"What Zhongshu Sheren said is wrong. Your Majesty's dragon body has been declining in recent years, and I am also thinking about her elderly person."

Having said this, look at the emperor on the dragon throne.

"Your Majesty, do you think so?"

Faced with the provocation of a little censor, Wu Zetian surprisingly did not get angry.

He said with a calm expression.

"Whether I abdicate in favor of someone more worthy is a matter of national importance. When will it be your turn for a little censor to intervene?"


Zhao Chang paused and shook his sleeves heavily, his expression extremely ugly.

Wu Zetian's dragon power was not something he dared to contradict in public.

Seeing this, Wu Sansi walked out of the queue and sighed.

"Your Majesty, although Zhao Chang's words are a bit unpleasant, they are an indisputable fact."

"Since the reign of Emperor Gaozong, you have been in charge of the imperial court for more than ten years. It's time to take a rest."

"My nephew is not talented. I am willing to continue to manage this great and prosperous country for you."

At the end, Wu Sansi exuded a strong sense of confidence.

Looking at this high-spirited nephew, Wu Zetian said calmly with phoenix eyes.

"Prince Liang, I treat you clan members with the surname Wu very well. Is this your intention or the intention of all the clan members?"

"Your Majesty, you don't have to ask. This is what we two mean, and it has nothing to do with anyone else."

King Wu Youyi of Jian'an spoke up.

"what about you?"

Wu Zetian raised her head and looked at the martial arts ministers in the hall.

Today, for some unknown reason, none of the prince's ministers and Wu Chengsi came.

All the courtiers she glanced at lowered their heads and did not dare to look at her.

Somewhat guilty.

"Your Majesty, the situation is stronger than the situation. Mr. Di Ge and Fan Xin, one is ill in bed and the other is missing."

"You'd better abdicate the throne to avoid suffering."

Wu Zetian stood up slowly while supporting the dragon chair with her hands and said coldly.

"I have never admitted defeat in my life, not even when I was sent to Ganye Temple."

"Don't you want to force me to abdicate? I tell you... don't even think about it!"

As if he had expected it, Wu Sansi went straight to the Jinluan Palace with complicated eyes.

"Your Majesty, my nephew, let me tell you straight. I have deployed a hundred thousand troops in the city of Shendu. Even the Yulin Guards in the palace are my people."

"Don't say that Fan Xin is missing. Even if he is not dead, nothing will change."

"You should announce your abdication!"

(End of this chapter)

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