Chapter 229 The portrait is here, let’s see who dares!
"I beg you, Your Majesty, to abdicate!"

All the ministers fell to the ground and their voices rumbled.

Wu Zetian stared at Wu Sansi angrily and said in a cold voice.

"Wu Sansi, if you want me to abdicate, you will never be able to sit on the throne of the emperor unless you kill me!"

Wu Zetian had been obsessed with power all her life, how could she abdicate in such a humiliating way?

What's more, she has already made the decision to return the power to the descendants of the Li family.

Therefore, Wu Sansi will never be allowed to ascend the throne of the emperor.

Wu Sansi was not surprised by this, and a sneer flashed across his lips.

"Since my aunt is unwilling to abdicate and let Xian become the Supreme Emperor, then don't blame my nephew for being unkind!"

After saying this, he waved his hand towards the main hall.

"Come here, arrest the Emperor of Zhou!"


The palace door burst open, and densely packed Yulin guards rushed into the main hall of Shangyang Palace, pointing cold weapons at Wu Zetian and Shangguan Wan'er.

During the flash of cold light, Wu Zetian slowly closed her eyes and sighed in her heart.

"Fan Xin, after all, I still didn't wait for you to come to my rescue!"

Just as Wu Zetian closed her eyes and waited for death, a cold shout came from outside the hall.

"Fan Xin is here! Who dares?"

Everyone looked for the sound and saw a potbellied woman walking towards the palace gate.

She looks like Princess Taiping!

"Your Highness!"

Wu Zetian was very surprised when she saw Princess Taiping walking into the hall. She did not expect that her daughter would come to rescue her at the critical moment.

Shangguan Wan'er also looked surprised.

Seeing that it was Princess Taiping, Wu Sansi sneered disdainfully.

"Who do you think this king is? It turns out to be Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"Come here, give her to me and arrest her together!"

Now that the two sides have broken their skin, there is no need to be merciful anymore.

However, Princess Taiping was not afraid in the face of danger, and slowly unfolded a huge portrait surrounded by hundreds of Yulin guards.

Above is Fan Xin, wearing white plain clothes, standing with his hands behind his back, looking up to the sky.

"General Fu Guo, Fan Xin, the marching commander of Henan Province, is here. Let's see who dares to step forward!"

The cold voice echoed in the hall like thunder. All the Yulin guards looked at each other and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Fan Xin had great military exploits and was famous throughout the Zhou Dynasty. He was also the immediate boss of the soldiers of the three armies.

Facing his lifelike portrait, to be honest, no one dared to step forward.

Seeing this scene, Wu Sansi kicked down the nearby guard and said with a ferocious expression.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a portrait of Fan Xin. It's not like he's here in person. I'll charge them all!"

However, no matter how much he urged, Yulinwei still refused to step forward. .

Seeing His Highness Prince Liang's eyes spitting fire, several generals looked down and said.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Liang, Fan Xin is quite prestigious in the army and no one dares to disrespect his portrait."

"You'd better do it yourself."


Wu San thought for a moment and glared at General Yu Linwei bitterly.

He was secretly angry, if he dared to wait until now?

Liao Yao, the minister of Feng Pavilion on the side, saw that something was not going well, stepped out of the queue and shouted coldly.

"Bold Princess Taiping, how can a woman like you break into the court without permission? For Fan Xin's sake, why don't you retreat quickly!"

Princess Taiping's pretty face is frosty and she holds her portrait high.

"Xiang Liao, have you forgotten? I am the Princess of Zhou Dynasty. How can I be called trespassing in the court?"

Liao Yaoxiang's eyes kept flickering, but he had forgotten about this incident.

As soon as he thought of this, his expression changed and he said with a smile.

"Your Highness, if you have anything to say, please tell me. Without disturbing Duke Yan, please put the portrait away quickly."

Princess Taiping ignored his words and looked at Shangguan Wan'er.

"Shangguan Sheren, please support His Majesty and follow this princess to the Prime Minister's Mansion."

"Wei Chen obeys."

Shangguan Wan'er nodded and came to Wu Zetian to urge. "Your Majesty, I will support you to stay at the Prime Minister's Mansion for a few days."

"All right!"

Wu Zetian nodded and slowly walked down the terrace with Shangguan Wan'er's support.

Along the way, the Yulin guards holding weapons retreated to both sides.

"What should I do, Old Liao? With Fan Xin's portrait here, my subordinates dare not take action."

Wu Sansi said with an ugly expression.

"My lord, there is no need to be anxious. The Yulin Guards in this palace used to be noble sons, so they are naturally timid and afraid of getting into trouble."

"But those soldiers in the Beijing camp outside are different. Once they choose to rebel, they often take the most ruthless actions, ensuring that Wu Zetian will not survive the Prime Minister's Mansion."

Liao Yaoxiang sneered repeatedly.

"This will make me feel at ease."

Wu Sansi breathed a sigh of relief, flicked his sleeves and led the ministers out of the palace.

If Wu Zetian is not dead, he really feels uneasy.

There were dense crowds of sergeants everywhere along the way. Fortunately, Fan Xin's portrait still had its power and the generals did not dare to stop him.

When they reached the palace gate, someone finally stopped Princess Taiping and others.

"Your Highness, the last general, Xiong Wen, has been ordered to guard the palace. For the sake of Duke Yan, as long as you leave on your own, how about letting the past go?"

Princess Taiping took a step forward, held up Fan Xin's portrait and glared with phoenix eyes.

"My husband is here, how dare you stop us?"

Unexpectedly, this time, Xiong Wen shook his head.

"Your useless princess, I might have been afraid of Fan Xin when he was alive, but now that he is missing, a small portrait cannot scare me."

After saying this and waving his hands, several wolf-like Jin Wuwei rushed forward and snatched the portrait, throwing it to the ground and stepping on it a few times.

Princess Taiping and Shangguan Wan'er tried to stop them, but were pushed to the ground by several Jinwu guards.

"Your Highness, are you alright?"

Seeing Princess Taiping holding her belly and turning pale, Shangguan Wan'er quickly stepped forward to help her up and expressed concern.

Wu Zetian also held her daughter's little hand and helped her rub her belly.

Princess Taiping shook her head to indicate that she was fine, and stared at Xiong Wendao with her eyes.

"I have written down today's events. My husband will definitely look for you in person when he comes back tomorrow!"

"I hope you can still be this bold."

Hearing these words, Xiong Wen shivered for no reason and was about to speak. Suddenly, a group of wolf riders rushed over from a distance. When he saw the portrait being stepped on the ground, he became furious.

"Who did it!"

Xiong Wen waved his hand and ordered his subordinates to step aside and frowned.

"I did."

"You are so brave, you even dare to step on the ground of Prime Minister Fan's portrait."

"Come on, pull down all those who trample on the portraits and chop them down!"


Without saying a word, the generals drew out their swords and slashed Jin Wuwei's neck.

Then he jumped off his horse and knelt down on one knee.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, Princess, but the general failed to protect you!"

Princess Taiping gave Tu Xiong a cold look and walked towards the Prime Minister's Mansion with Wu Zetian.

Along the way, all the soldiers in the divine capital bowed down on one knee, looking ashamed.

Looking at their backs, Liao Yaoxiang's face turned pale.

"A bunch of losers, what can you expect them to do if they can't even deal with a woman?"

"Forget it, I didn't originally intend to kill Wu Zetian. As long as she abdicates the throne, let her live out her life in the Prime Minister's Mansion."

Wu Sansi snorted coldly.

"When someone comes, seal off the Prime Minister's Mansion immediately. No one is allowed to enter or leave without my order."


After the three armies retreated, Wu Sansi looked around at the ministers, with a long-lost smile on his face.

"There are still ten days before the enthronement ceremony. Let's go back and discuss the candidates for each ministry."

All the ministers were refreshed and bowed to accept the promise.

(End of this chapter)

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