Chapter 230
While Wu Sansi was immersed in the joy of successfully usurping power, the Prime Minister's Mansion was closed and heavily guarded.

All the guards were holding weapons and watching the door of the mansion vigilantly to prevent the eager enemy troops from rushing in.

In the palace, Wu Zetian lay on the bed and fell asleep with her eyes closed tightly.

"Mr. Li, is the mother's dragon body okay?"

Princess Taiping asked worriedly.

Doctor Li stroked his beard and shook his head.

"Your Highness, there is no need to be nervous. Your Majesty is just depressed and his internal organs are blocked. He can just rest for a while and be fine."

Hearing this, Princess Taiping breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Dr. Li. Please stay with the housekeeper in the wing for a few days. I will send you back after a few days."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

After the imperial doctor left, Princess Taiping looked at Shangguan Wan'er.

"What's going on outside? Is there no news about Fan Xin yet?"

Shangguan Wan'er smiled bitterly.

"To be honest with you, Your Highness, Luoyang is now under the control of Wu Sansi, and our people cannot leave the Prime Minister's Mansion at all."

"Is that so..."

Princess Taiping sighed, feeling anxious in her heart.

She didn't expect the situation to deteriorate so quickly in just a few months.

It took Wu Sansi less than two months to control the army near Luoyang.

How can this be good?

As time went by, several days passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, all ministers who opposed Wu Sansi were arrested and imprisoned.

Only a few sycophants remained in the court.

For a time, the news of Wu Sansi's ascension to the throne was widely spread throughout God.

In the atmosphere of celebration, the enthronement ceremony gradually arrived.

Luoyang camp.

"Brothers, today is the day when His Royal Highness Prince Liang ascends the throne. You must cheer up and make no mistakes, do you hear me?"


General Zhou Yan nodded with satisfaction and was about to shake the reins to go to other inspection points.

Suddenly, dozens of scouts came galloping over on war horses, clasping their fists in panic.

"General Zhou, what's bad is that the enemy has been spotted in the front, and the number of people is estimated to be tens of thousands!"

"What did you say!"

Zhou Yan suddenly raised his head and looked at the scout with a look of horror on his face.

Tens of thousands of troops!Looking at the entire Henan Province, there are not so many troops.

Where did these people come from?
Could it be...Youzhou?
With a thought in his mind, Zhou Yan thought of the most likely place.

Thinking of this, he forced down the doubts in his heart and snorted with a sullen face.

"I would like to see if Huang Qi and Lin Tie have the guts to go against His Highness Prince Liang!"

"Array to meet the enemy!"

In Zhou Yan's view, Fan Xin was missing and the only people who could command such a huge army were Lin Tie and Huang Qi.

To deal with these two guys, his own troops are enough to defend the city.

When he came to the city wall, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The dense army surged towards the city like a flood.

At the front of the army, a young man wearing a purple python suit was riding a black wind horse.

It’s not Fan Xin or someone else! "

This shock was so shocking that Zhou Yan fell down the steps, peeing from his buttocks, and ran back, not even caring about the boots he had left behind.

Damn, he just said that, his right eyelid was twitching in the morning, his feelings were that Fan Xin was back!
Unfortunately, before Zhou Yan could run too far, he heard the deafening sound of artillery fire throughout the camp.

Looking at the Beijing camp defenders who were defeated by artillery fire, Lin Tie frowned.

"I didn't expect these Shendu soldiers to be so bad. They fled without even fighting."

"Yes, with such fighting power, not to mention fighting us, even the Turks may not be able to fight." Huang Qi said with emotion.

After glancing at the two generals, Fan Xin shook the reins and came to the captured Zhou Yan and said calmly.

"Tell me, when will Wu Sansi ascend the throne?"

"Back to the general, the date of Liang Wang's enthronement is today at noon, in the Wanxiang Palace."

Zhou Yan said with a face full of shame.

"Fan Xiang, can you please consider this as a way to atone for your sins..."

With a bang, heads flew up!

Putting the Golden Dragon Sword back into its scabbard, Fan Xin took a deep breath and pointed at the Luoyang City Road in the distance. .

"Send the order and surround Luoyang City!"

With an order, tens of thousands of troops instantly turned into a rolling torrent and headed towards Luoyang.

At the same time, in the direction of Jiangzhang County and Xin'an County, Zhang Xuanyu and Wang Xiaojie each captured the rebels and headed towards Luoyang non-stop.

Royal Palace.

After drinking with several confidants, Wu Sansi put on a brand new five-clawed golden dragon suit with the help of the maid.

Then he led everyone towards the Vientiane Shrine.

In half an hour, he will sit on the coveted dragon chair amidst the congratulations of civil and military officials and officially become the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty.

As for Wu Zetian, she will be named the Supreme Emperor without any rights.

"By the way, Liao Yaoxiang, is there any news from Youzhou?"

Before entering the door, Wu Sansi suddenly stopped, turned his face and asked.

Liao Yaoxiang stroked his beard and smiled.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Youzhou is always under our surveillance. There won't be any problems."

"What's more, in order to successfully hold the enthronement ceremony, Wei Chen specially deployed [-] troops in Yongchang County, Xin'an County, and Jiangzhang County."

"Coupled with the tens of thousands of troops defending the divine capital, we ensure that no one can disturb the enthronement ceremony."

Hearing that Liao Yaoxiang had arranged everything so well, Wu Sansi breathed a long sigh of relief and walked into the Wanxiang Shrine with a flick of his sleeves.

Cao Xin, the Minister of Rites, unfolded the fake edict of succession prepared in advance and coughed.

"Haotian has a destiny, and the emperor accepts it. I am too old to control the country, so I summon the throne to Sansi. You and other ministers must sincerely assist you and share your worries. I appreciate this!"

All the ministers fell to their knees and shouted in unison.

"I congratulate Your Majesty, long live my emperor!"

Wu Sansi had never been so happy as he was today, and his heart felt as if he had drunk a sweet spring.

The throne that he had been waiting for for more than ten years finally came true at this moment.

Therefore, he waved his hand enthusiastically.

"My dear friends, you don't need to be polite, just stay on your toes."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After the ministers stood up, Liao Yaoxiang was the first to stand up and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, the new emperor has ascended the throne. Heaven and earth are happy. My old ministers are here to congratulate you."

Wu Sansi laughed and was about to signal the chamberlain to read out the canonization decree.

A general rolled and crawled into the Wanxiang Temple and said in panic.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, Luoyang is surrounded by enemy troops!"

As soon as these words came out, the relaxed atmosphere in the hall suddenly stopped.

Everyone looked at the general blankly, thinking that they heard wrongly.

Liao Yaoxiang frowned and said with a straight face.

"What is going on? I have deployed tens of thousands of troops outside the city of God. How could someone break in?"

"Are you confused? Come on, please escort this man who is deceiving the public with his lies to me!"

No wonder Liao Yaoxiang was angry. In order to prevent anyone from objecting, he deliberately deployed tens of thousands of troops in three directions of Shendu.

As a result, this guy opened his eyes and said that the enemy soldiers were surrounding him. Wasn't this disturbing the morale of the army?

(End of this chapter)

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