Chapter 231 The ruling and opposition parties are shaken!


After breaking away from the warrior in front of the palace, the messenger said excitedly.

"Prime Minister Liao, everything I say is true. The Youzhou army led by Fan Xin is outside the city."

"We will attack the city when the time comes!"

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers were in an uproar, and all of them looked ashen.

If they were previously complacent about supporting the new king.

So the moment is undoubtedly filled with fear.

The Youzhou army swallowed up the defenders deployed in three counties in an instant.

Can the sergeants in Luoyang City still hold on?
Damn Fan Xin, why do you always have trouble with them!

Thinking of this, an unspeakable sadness, despair, and anger surged into the hearts of the ministers.

On the steps, Wu Sansi's whole figure had his soul sucked away, and he looked blankly at the general kneeling below.

My heart is full of dissatisfaction.

He has endured humiliation and heavy burden for more than ten years, isn't it just for today?
Why would God torture him like this!
When I thought of Fan Xin leading the Youzhou army into Luoyang City to welcome Wu Zetian back to the court.

Wu Sansi's eyes were blood red and he was gnashing his teeth, wishing he could cut him into pieces!

Now he can only place all his hopes on tens of thousands of Beijing soldiers.

As long as they guard the Divine Capital, everything is still possible.

At this thought, Wu Sansi suddenly raised his head and looked at Liao Yaoxiang.

"My dear, please summon General Xu Gong quickly. Isn't he a city-defending general who claims to have never been defeated? I want to ask him how confident he is!"

Hearing this, the ministers were greatly refreshed and regained some confidence.

Yes, why did they forget Xu Gong? During the Lingzhou War, the Turks relied on their large number of soldiers to besiege Lingzhou for more than ten days.

It was unexpectedly defended by Xu Gong with 9000 troops.

If he is sent to defend the divine capital this time, he might actually be able to hold it.

Without further ado, Liao Yaoxiang waved to the two guards without hesitation.

"Go quickly and invite General Habayashi Wei!"


After the guards left, Wu Sansi stood up from the dragon chair, walked around with his hands behind his back, and looked up from time to time outside the palace.

Finally, under the expectant eyes of everyone, Xu Gong was carried into the hall by several guards.


Wu Sansi asked with only one word, and saw Xu Gong fell to his knees with a thump, his voice trembling.

"I will see your majesty at the end."

Wu Sansi and Xu Gong were greatly moved when they saw that they were wearing white cloth on their heads and ordinary military armors with blood stains on them.

All civil and military officials were also filled with emotion.

As expected of the famous city-defending general of the Zhou dynasty, he wore a white cloth to show his ambition before the enemy attacked the city.

This loyalty and courage are unparalleled even in the officialdom.

Infected by the emotion, Wu Sansi walked down the steps quickly, held Xu Gong's shoulders and said movedly.

"In the face of a formidable enemy, I am very pleased that General Xu can take the lead in the front line and live and die with the city."

As he said this, he was about to help Xu Gong up, but unexpectedly, an unpleasant smell of urine came from under him.

Seeing this, Xu Gong's face flushed with shame and he didn't know what to say.

Only his family knows about his family affairs. During the Lingzhou War, he wanted to escape, but unfortunately the road was blocked by Turks.

He had no choice but to disguise himself as a soldier and lay among the corpses, waiting for the Turks to retreat before coming out.

This time I heard that Fan Xin led the Youzhou army to surround Luoyang, the sacred capital.

His first reaction was to wear a white cloth on his head as a sign of surrender.

Then he put on ordinary sergeant clothes while no one was paying attention, and planned to sneak away quietly.

As a result, he was discovered by the guards. In a panic, he fell so hard that his whole body was covered with scars.

Wu Sansi was startled, thinking that he had some manly diseases like himself, so he didn't care.

"General Xu, there is no need to be ashamed. After we defeat the Youzhou army this time, I will find you an imperial doctor to take a look at it." "How about it? How confident are you that I will hand over the power of defending the city to you?"

When he heard that he was asked to face Fan Xin, Xu Gong was so scared that his legs went weak.

He stuttered.

"Your Majesty, it's useless to say anything now. When the Yulin Guards heard that Fan Xin personally came with troops, they all put down their weapons and returned to the military camp."

"Not only that, the army in the capital camp has no intention of defending the city, and they are all waiting to atone for their sins."

"I guess the gods are not far away from being lost!
When everyone heard these words, they felt as if they were struck by lightning, and their faces instantly turned pale.

Big beads of sweat broke out from the foreheads of many people.

Before Fan Xin could attack the city, the soldiers defending the city gave up resistance.

What else can they use to resist?
Being hit one after another in one day, Wu Sansi seemed to have aged more than ten years.

He returned to the dragon chair in a daze without saying a word.


The ministers lowered their heads and looked uncertain. The situation had become obvious by now.

Fan Xin brought the army from Youzhou to Qinwang, and it was only a matter of time before Wu Sansi's head was missing.

If you want to keep your family, life, glory and wealth, you must be loyal to Wu Zetian.

Because only by asking for her forgiveness can everyone survive from Fan Xin's hands.

After making a decision in his heart, more than twenty ministers immediately stood up.

"Your Highness Prince Liang, I have been experiencing urgent urination, pain and inability to urinate recently. Please excuse me first."

After saying that, he didn't care about Wu Sansi's face and left in a hurry.

Looking away from them, Wu Youyi called Wu Sansi.

The latter did not respond, as if he had not heard anything.

Wu Youyi frowned slightly and shouted again.

"Think twice!"

This time Wu Sansi finally regained some of his energy and cheered up.

"Uncle Wang, what should we do!"

Wu Youyi sighed softly.

"In this current situation, it is impossible to rely on the Beijing army to defend the city."

"Instead of waiting for Fan Xin to enter the city and kill him, it is better to take the lead."

Wu Sansi's eyes lit up and he straightened his back slightly.

"Uncle Wang, do you mean to take Fan Xin's family and Wu Zetian as hostages?"

After hearing this, Wu Youyi's face suddenly darkened and he snorted coldly.

"Stupid! Fan Xin has a strong personality. Isn't he seeking death by kidnapping his family?"

"And His Majesty is the person Fan Xin cares about the most. If you kidnap him, he will destroy the entire Wu ancestral hall."

"What I mean is that before we have officially ascended the throne, we should quickly go to the Prime Minister's Mansion to apologize to His Majesty."

"For the sake of being from the Wu family, my aunt might be able to help us survive."

Wu Sansi stood up suddenly and said in disbelief.

"What are you talking about, asking king to confess my mistake to my aunt?"

How could Wu Zetian let him, a traitor who usurped the throne, go without recognizing her relatives?

Wu Chengsi sneered.

"Think twice, you must know that there is still a chance of survival if it falls into the hands of my aunt. If it falls into the hands of Fan Xin, will your whole family survive?"

As if he saw the fate of death and annihilation, Wu Sansi shuddered all over and nodded with a pale face.

Wu Youyi was right. With Fan Xin's character, once he entered the city, he would definitely massacre his entire family.

Instead of the whole family dying, it would be better to go to Wu Zetian to plead guilty and try to save a few.

After making a choice in his mind, Wu Sansi shook off his sleeves and robe.

"Let's go to the Prime Minister's Mansion to meet my aunt!"

(End of this chapter)

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