Chapter 232: Your Majesty, please return the favor!

Prime Minister's Mansion, back house.

Wu Zetian woke up from her sleep and stared at the roof with dull eyes.

If the guess is correct, the traitor Wu Sansi should be enthroned in the Wanxiang Palace now, right?
Wu Zetian felt bitterness in her heart when she thought that she, who had held power for more than ten years, would eventually end up being forced to abdicate.

"Your Majesty, the imperial doctor said that your liver qi is stagnated and your heart is blocked. You need to calm down and recuperate."

Shangguan Wan'er put the medicine bowl on the table and said with concern.

Wu Zetian retracted his thoughts, sat up from the bed, and looked outside.

"Has Wu Sansi ascended the throne?"

"Back to Your Majesty, not yet. In the morning, through the crack in the door, Wei Chen saw many ministers going to the Wanxiang Shrine. They must be carrying out a ceremony to worship the heaven."

"But what is puzzling to me is that it is already this hour, and we should have already worshiped Wan Tiandi. Could it be that King Liang regrets it?"

After saying this, even Shangguan Wan'er herself didn't believe it.

Wu Sansi put up such a big battle to usurp the throne, how could he give up so easily? Something must have delayed him.

Wu Zetian was also puzzled. According to the etiquette system, if you want to become the emperor, you must complete the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sky, and then officially declare the world in the Wanxiang Palace.

Why hasn't there been any movement yet?
Just when the monarch and his ministers were puzzled, a group of white-haired ministers hurriedly came outside the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Upon seeing this, the general responsible for sealing off the Prime Minister's Mansion came forward to greet him.

"General, I have met all the prime ministers. Who are you?"

"Stop talking nonsense, is Your Majesty inside?" the Minister of Rites asked urgently.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Hurry up and ask your subordinates to move the fence. We want to go in to greet His Majesty and return the court!"

"what did you say!"

The general was shocked. Yesterday, the ministers asked him to seal off the Prime Minister's Mansion and not allow anyone to come out.

Why did he change his mind in just one day?

The ministers were now rushing to apologize to Wu Zetian before Fan Xin attacked the city.

He didn't have the time to explain to a military general, so he immediately pushed him away and went to the door of the mansion to slap the copper ring.

"Your Majesty, I have come to escort you. Please ask someone to open the door of your palace!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, a country cannot live without a king for a day. Please return the court as soon as possible. If it is later, it will be too late!"

"His Majesty……"

The shouts of the ministers immediately alerted the guard generals inside.

"Your Highness, these ministers are all confidants who support Wu Sansi. What are they here for?"

"I don't know." Princess Taiping shook her head and came to the door of the mansion, across the doorway.

"It's already here. If you don't pledge allegiance to Wu Sansi, what are you doing here!"

"Don't you think your mother is sad enough?"

The knocking on the door fell silent for a moment, and then came the explanations from the ministers.

"Your Highness, I am wronged. I am in the Cao camp but my heart is in the Han Dynasty. How can Wu Sansi compare with Your Majesty?"

"Yes, Your Highness, please open the door quickly, we are here to escort you!"

Hearing this, Princess Taiping's delicate body trembled and she took a few steps back, her pretty face showing shock.

"Are you here to escort me?"

If it weren't for the fact that there was only one door between them, she would have even thought she heard it wrong.

In order to ascend the throne as emperor, Wu Sansi did not hesitate to deploy more than [-] troops in Luoyang.

In the face of this power, she really couldn't believe that the ministers would loyally come to protect her.

Seeing that Princess Taiping didn't believe it, the ministers outside the door were so anxious that they were sweating profusely.

There is only half an hour before the siege. If you still can't get Wu Zetian's forgiveness.

When Fan Xin attacks the city, none of them will survive.

"Your Highness, I beg you, please open the door quickly. We are really here to protect you! It will be too late if it is later."

Princess Taiping had never seen anything like this before, and when she heard the minister's tone, she knew in her heart what must have happened.Forcing the ministers to change their positions.

Thinking of this, she had a faint suspicion in her heart.

"Hmph, you guys just wait while I go to report to my mother."

Instructing Wei Peng to pay attention, Princess Taiping waved her sleeves and entered the room.

"Mother, those people from Fengge Luantai are standing outside the mansion asking to see you."

"Why are you seeing me?"

Wu Zetian was startled, his face suddenly darkened, and he said coldly.

"This group of traitors who are plotting to usurp the throne, even if they force me to abdicate, they actually have the nerve to come see me."

"Go and call them in. I want to see what they can say!"

"The minister obeys the order."

Shangguan Wan'er bowed, walked to the door of the mansion, opened the door bolt and said to the ministers.

"Your Majesty has a decree for you to enter!"

"Thank you, Shangguanshe people!"

The ministers bowed their hands to Shangguan Wan'er and rushed to the back house, fearing to be left behind.

Seeing the ministers coming in, Wu Zetian snorted angrily and was about to reprimand them.

Unexpectedly, all the ministers knelt on the ground with a bang and burst into tears.

"Your Majesty, I came too late to protect you, and I have made you suffer such a big sin!"

"All the ministers are incompetent. They are unable to stop Wu Sansi from rebelling, so they can only be forced to deal with him."

Looking at the ministers crying and howling on the ground, Wu Zetian was a little confused.

Aren't these people all members of Wu Sansi? Why did they rebel?
Having been in charge of the country for many years, she could tell that these ministers were not just pretending, but that they really regretted it.

Even some ministers were trembling faintly, as if they were very scared inside.

"Hmph, didn't Wu Sansi control Luoyang? Are you here to protect him without fear of retaliation?
What surprised Wu Zetian was that after hearing this, the ministers laughed contemptuously.

"Your Majesty, I am so loyal and courageous that I have risked my life and death for a long time, not to mention that Wu Sansi controlled an army of 10,000+."

"Even if it's 20, I will fight to the death to welcome you back to the court today!"

"That's right, you are the True Dragon Emperor of Zhou Dynasty, Wu Sansi is nothing!"

After saying this, all the ministers knelt down on the ground and said loudly.

"I respectfully request that Your Majesty return the throne immediately and restore the country and the country!"

Amidst the loud voice, a shirtless man carrying a cane walked into the hall, knelt on his knees and said with a look of shame.

"Your Majesty, my nephew has come to apologize to you!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall was in an uproar, and all the ministers shouted angrily.

"Be brave and think twice. What shame do you have in coming to see His Majesty? Get out of here!"

"Hmph, with loyal ministers like us here, you can't even think of hurting His Majesty in the slightest!"

Wu Zetian looked at her nephew with complicated eyes and waved her hand to stop the ministers.

She never dreamed that the situation would change so quickly.

I didn't expect that Wu Sansi would come here to confess his crime when he had all the advantages.

It would still be understandable if we say that all civil and military officials acted out of conscience.

Then she really couldn't figure out why Wu Sansi came here.

Wu Zetian has been in charge of Jiangshan Sheji for more than ten years, and her thoughts are unparalleled by ordinary people.

Therefore, the unusualness of this matter can be seen at a glance.

If something had not happened, these people would never have come to the Prime Minister's Mansion to confess their crimes!
After thinking about this, Wu Zetian glanced at everyone and said calmly.

"Tell me, what happened to force you to come here to plead guilty?"

(End of this chapter)

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