Chapter 233 Kill Ma Su with tears!

The ministers looked at each other in embarrassment, not knowing how to answer the emperor.

Compared to other ministers, Wu Sansi was more upright and said.

"Back to Your Majesty, Fan Xin has led an army to surround the city of God."

"When the time comes, the Youzhou Army will launch a charge. Please, for the sake of all the people in the world, please return the court immediately and prevent Fan Xin from attacking the city!"

"What did you say! Fan Aiqing came to Qinwang with his troops?"

Wu Zetian's expression changed and she stared at Wu Sansi closely, her eyes filled with joy.

She just said, how could Wu Sansi come to confess for no reason with his temperament.

It turns out that Fan Xin came to King Qin with his army!

Wu Zetian was filled with joy at the thought of returning to the throne.

"Okay! Good! You are worthy of being my humerus minister!"

"I was ordered to face defeat, and I was ordered to be in danger. I really did not misjudge him!"

"Here, bring me my five-clawed golden dragon suit. I want to return it to the court!"

Looking at the energetic emperor, Shangguan Wan'er wiped her tears with joy.

Great, after waiting for so many days, Fan Xin finally came back with King Qin's army.

After all, he is a legendary figure who is famous all over the world, always turning the tide at the most critical moments.

Princess Taiping on the side also breathed a sigh of relief, as expected.

The most courageous man in her mind finally appeared outside the city of God with an army at the last moment.

He was still so domineering, forcing Wu Dang to come and confess his crime with just one sentence.

Among everyone, only Shangguan Wan'er was the calmest.

Because she believed that with Fan Xin's temperament, he would never sit back and watch His Majesty in danger.

Otherwise, he would not be the legendary man.

After half a stick of incense, Wu Zetian, surrounded by civil and military officials, boarded the imperial banquet and drove majestically to Shangyang Palace.

Along the way, the soldiers fell to their knees one after another, showing no signs of hostility as before.

Seeing this scene, Wu Zetian laughed, feeling extremely happy.

If Fan Xin hadn't been threatening them outside the city, these people would have rushed up long ago.

Returning to Shangyang Palace, the first thing Wu Zetian did was to send Wu Sansi and Wu Youyi away from the palace and imprison them in the inner guard mansion.

Then Liao Yaoxiang, Zhou Kai and other major ministers of Yigan were all dismissed from office and imprisoned, under the custody of the internal guards, awaiting subsequent interrogation.

After dealing with these rebellious officials and traitors, the scarred Wei Yuanzhong stood up and said:
"Your Majesty, the rebellion case involves many things, and it will be difficult to clarify them for a while."

"Before that, I sincerely request your Majesty to immediately issue a decree to tell Duke Yan the truth."

"Otherwise, when the time comes, the Youzhou army will launch an attack on the city!"

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers were shocked.

Yes, how could they forget this? Fan Xin's army is still outside the city.

If we really launch an attack, who knows how many people will die.

Wu Zetian obviously also realized the seriousness of the problem.

He said with a solemn expression.

"What Wei Qing said is true. I will order someone to deliver the edict to Fan Xin."

After saying this, he took out a golden decree and handed it to Manager Geng.

"Give this decree to Fan Xin as quickly as possible, and he will understand everything after reading it!"

"The slaves obey!"

Manager Geng took the scroll with both hands, carried it on his back, and disappeared into the hall. The direction he looked in was clearly the North Gate of Luoyang.


Outside the city of God.

At this time, guns and cannons were erected here, war flags were fluttering, and a hundred thousand troops were like a black tide, surrounding Luoyang City.

At the head of the formation, Fan Xin pressed the golden dragon sword in his hand and looked at the defenders on the city wall without saying a word.

Zhang Xuanyu and Wang Xiaojie looked at each other and coughed.

"Xiang Fan, Luoyang City has high walls and thick walls. Isn't it too slow to bombard the city with heavy artillery alone?"

"How about we attack by force? We managed to capture it in three days even with the large number of people."

Hearing this, Fan Xin laughed. "They are all young men, so there is no need to waste your lives on attacking the city. You two, just wait patiently for a while. You will know the power of heavy artillery in a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liuzi wearing armor rode a horse to the front of the formation.

"Master, all the explosive packs are installed and ready for battle at any time!"

Upon hearing the word "dynamite," Zhang Xuanyu and Wang Xiaojie's expressions changed slightly.

They finally knew why Fan Xin was so calm.

This guy is planning to use heavy artillery and explosives to blast open the city gate.

Seeing that the attack on the city was promising, Wang Xiaojie licked his lips and said excitedly.

"Xiang Fan, there is still one stick of incense left before noon. I don't think the people inside will surrender. Let's order the siege, right?"

"No rush, just wait a little longer."

Fan Xin shook his head and rejected Wang Xiaojie's proposal.

His wife, children, and children are still in the city, and they will be in danger once the war starts.

Therefore, this battle focuses on deterrence, and attacking the city is the next best option.

However, what disappointed him was that when the time came, Luoyang City was still tightly closed without any movement.

Zhang Xuanyu and Wang Xiaojie glanced at the sun and drew their swords.

"Xiang Fan, the time is up. The people inside probably won't surrender. Let's attack the city!"

"Yes, Prime Minister Fan, Tu Xiong doesn't know what's good and what's good. You don't have to worry about your old relationship anymore. Give him a try."

Liuzi also followed suit.

Faced with everyone's persuasion, Fan Xintian sighed and raised his golden sword.

Just when he was about to give the order to attack, the city gate opened and several generals wearing heavy armor came out.

It looked like they were Tu Xiong and others.

Arriving in front of the formation, several people knelt on the ground and shouted loudly.

"The last general will kill the hero, see Fan Xiang!"

Seeing that these guys showed no regrets, Fan Xin's anger suddenly emerged.

He jumped off the black wind horse and hit several people, punching and kicking them.

Beating and cursing at the same time.

"Who told you to rebel? Do you know that this is a capital crime?"

"Tell me how you want to die!"

Tu Xiong smiled bitterly and remained silent despite being beaten violently by Fan Xin.

After an unknown amount of time, Fan Xin stopped moving and gasped for breath.

He looked at the people with red eyes. The moment he knew that his subordinates were participating in the rebellion, he didn't sleep for two full days.

I kept thinking in my mind, they are all generals with a bright future, why would they rebel.

It wasn't until he saw these guys that he realized that human ambition has no end.

Perhaps it was Fan Xin's true feelings that infected Tu Xiong.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, kowtowed to Fan Xin and said miserably.

"Xiang Fan, I really don't want to rebel. I just want to leave a future for my descendants and let them live a more dignified life."

"Now that we are defeated, I just ask you to take care of the children in your family for the sake of your brothers!"

After saying that, Tu Xiong suddenly drew out his sword and said loudly.

"Xiang Fan, I will be a cow and a horse for you in the next life, goodbye!"

Amidst the exclamations of all the troops, Tu Xiong wiped it on his neck.

A cold light flashed, and bright red blood dripped down the blade to the ground, gradually rising into clouds of dust and smoke.

Realizing that he was not dead, Tu Xiong slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw Fan Xin holding the sword with blood-covered hands, his eyes immediately turned red.

"Xiang Fan, what are you doing! This general is not worth your while."

The tough man who had been on the battlefield for many years suddenly burst into tears.

Holding back the pain and letting go of the sword, Fan Xin cursed with a pale face.

“Now is not the time to commit suicide, wait until His Majesty has finished convicting you!

(End of this chapter)

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