Chapter 236 Wu Zetian’s good intentions.

The curtain was opened and Fan Xin came out of the carriage. Seeing the ministers waiting here, he immediately jumped out of the carriage and took a few steps forward.

He said with a look of shame.

"How dare I, He De, trouble all your ministers to come and see me off? I'm really ashamed."

Zhang Jianzhi sighed and said with some regret.

"Since he took office more than a year ago, Prime Minister Fan has eradicated powerful traitors several times and tried his best to turn the country back from the turmoil. He is truly a rare pillar of our country."

"Just leaving like this, I feel really reluctant to leave."

"Therefore, I hope you can stay for the sake of the country and the country."

Wei Yuanzhong, Wang Xiaojie and other ministers also echoed.

"Xiang Fan, after Wu Sansi's case, His Majesty will definitely raise the butcher's knife, and the court cannot be without you."

"Yes, you are young and promising. If you tell His Majesty, your memorial will definitely be dismissed."

Faced with the persuasion of the ministers, Fan Xin smiled and looked at the ancient road in the distance.

"For more than two years, I have been traveling to Bozhou, Yingzhou, and then Youzhou and Liangzhou. I have been on the road.

"Now that the overall situation has been decided, it's time to return to my hometown and live a comfortable life for a few days."

"You guys should stop trying to persuade Fan."

Seeing that Fan Xin had made up his mind, the ministers shook their heads with complicated eyes.

Now is the time when people's hearts are unstable and the political situation is in turmoil.

They really couldn't figure out why the young Fan Xin wanted to retire and return home at this time.

Could it be that it really aroused the emperor's suspicion as rumored?

The crowd parted and a group of leading generals in armor came out.

In front of Fan Xin, he knelt on the ground with a thud, his eyes turned red.

"Xiang Fan, it's the generals who have caused trouble for you, please give us a few sticks to vent your anger!"

Fan Xin sighed softly as his eyes swept over Tu Xiong.

Said to the generals.

"You have committed a heinous crime and deserve to suffer a little injustice."

"If your Majesty is lucky enough to spare your lives, you must make atonement for your sins in the future and never think of anything else."

"I can protect you for a while, but I can't protect you for the rest of your life!"

After saying this, Fan Xin flicked his sleeves, boarded the carriage and headed towards the ancient road under the guilty eyes of the generals.

The breeze blows, and there is a faint song of vicissitudes of life.

"The rolling waters of the Yangtze River pass eastward, and the waves wash away the heroes. Right and wrong, success and failure are all gone. The green mountains are still there, and the sunsets are red several times..."

Looking at the departing carriage, the civil and military officials silently bowed.

This is my last tribute to Fan Xin.

When he straightened up, a group of cloaked inner guards appeared in Shili Changting.

He sneered with a malicious look in his eyes.

"Tu Xiong, open your mouth, Zhu Shan, you thieves who are causing trouble, why don't you come with me and lead you away?"

"Bold, we are all generals, and if we want to be tried, we will be sent to Dali Temple. How can we allow you to arrest us at will?"

A strong-willed general stood up and reprimanded loudly.

The other generals all looked indignant. They didn't expect the inner guards to be so arrogant.

He dared to arrest the general of the army in broad daylight.

In the past, the inner guards might have been wary of the influence, but this time they got the emperor's permission.

So I didn't take these generals seriously at all.

"Since your generals have such hard bones, I will loosen them for you!"

Having said this, the little boss waved his hand.

"Come on, beat me to death!"


The inner guards laughed ferociously, rushed into the crowd like tigers entering a herd of sheep, raised their sticks and smashed them.

On the hill, Liu Da nodded with satisfaction and cupped his fists towards Wu Zetian. "Your Majesty, according to the list drawn up, all 76 officials of fifth rank and above have been arrested. In less than half a month, the minister can make them confess!"

"As for the generals like Tu Xiong, do you think they should be executed directly without trial?"

Wu Zetian looked at the convoy at the foot of the mountain quietly and said calmly.

"These people should be relieved of their military power and driven back to their places of origin. There is no need to kill them."

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about? They are actually rebelling!"

Liu Da was shocked and looked at the emperor in disbelief.

Since ancient times, starting a rebellion has been a taboo, and it would be a dead end for anyone.

The emperor actually wants to let them go. How is this possible?

As if she knew what he was thinking, Wu Zetian sighed.

His eyes followed the convoy to the end of the ancient road.

"For the sake of my peace of mind, Fan Xin did not hesitate to retire and return home at the height of his career."

"He cares about the friendship between the king and the ministers between us, so I am not willing to lose him."

"Let them all go. I can't let Fan Aiqing's hard work go to waste."

The emperor spoke, and even if Liu Da was unwilling, he could only follow the order and release a number of generals.

After sending the letter, Wu Zetian got on the imperial banquet and returned to the Guanfeng Hall to continue handling government affairs.

When the lamp was turned on, the door of the palace opened, and Shangguan Wan'er walked into the hall carrying a medicine bowl.

"Your Majesty, after a busy day, it's time for you to eat the lotus seed soup."

Putting down her brush, Wu Zetian rubbed her head and said in a tired voice.

"Did that kid from Taiping follow you to Youzhou?"

"Back to Your Majesty, Her Majesty the Princess didn't say anything. She packed her things and left with the motorcade."

"This kid actually didn't care about Luoyang's property for Fan Xin."

Wu Zetian got up and went to the window to look at the shadows in the night, her tone full of helplessness.

The last time Princess Taiping acted sexually, she sneaked out of the palace and went to Hanguang Temple.

Unexpectedly, time flies by, and this time I leave Luoyang directly for Youzhou.

It’s true that time is not forgiving.

After a long time, she turned around and looked at Shangguan Wan'er and said.

"I know that you, like Taiping, complained that I shouldn't have given up all my powers and approved Fan Xin's resignation and return to his hometown."

"But I am doing this for his own good. Fan Xin is a good minister and son-in-law, but he is not a cold-blooded executioner."

"Instead of letting him stay in Shendu with his hands stained with blood, it would be better to let him go back to Youzhou to rest for a few days."

Shangguan Wan'er's eyes lit up, she raised her head suddenly and said in surprise.

"Your Majesty, do you mean to wait until the rebellion is over before inviting Fan Xin back?"

She didn't expect that the emperor loved Fan Xin so much.

Wu Zetian smiled and nodded.

"Of course, Fan Xin is the only outstanding minister in my great Zhou Dynasty!"

"I still expect him to preside over the overall situation of the DPRK. How can I let him hang up and leave!"

With that said, he came to the imperial case and took out two newly written yellow imperial edicts.

"Fan Xin has never failed me in his life, and I will naturally not fail him. In half a month, you will go to Youzhou in person with the imperial edict."

"Since the first year of Tianshou, I, the Great Zhou Dynasty, have never received a great title. It's time to give him the title!"

Shangguan Wan'er was overjoyed and quickly saluted Wu Zetian.

"I would like to thank Your Majesty for your kindness on behalf of Fan Xin."

Unexpectedly, Wu Zetian smiled slightly.

"It's not urgent in advance. Send someone to Xiangzhou to see what Li Dan is doing."

"I've been away for so long without even a letter. I still miss him a little." At the end of the sentence, Wu Zetian's eyes flashed with endless coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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