Chapter 237 Li Longji is so powerful!

"Weichen will send someone to Xiangzhou now!"

Shangguan Wan'er bowed, slowly exited the Guanfeng Hall and went to Fengge Luantai to convey her will.

Early the next morning, Yuan Shuji led a group of Qianniu Guards to Xiangzhou.

Xiangzhou, Wangfu

An extraordinary middle-aged man stood in front of the desk and wrote and wrote.

If any courtiers come here, they will definitely recognize this person as Li Dan, the former Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

A puppet emperor who was ousted by his own mother after reigning for only six years.

Unlike others, Li Dan was not depressed because of losing the throne.

On the contrary, he devoted himself to playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting all day long, living a free and easy life.

At this time, a plump butler walked in and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, the Crown Prince has come back from Luzhou to visit you."

"Oh? Saburo is here?"

Li Dan raised his eyebrows, put down his brush and said happily: "Let him come in and talk."


Not long after the housekeeper left, a young man in official uniform strode in.

"The boy Li Longji has met his father!"

The young man has bright eyebrows and sharp eyes, a tall and straight figure, and an imposing manner in his behavior.

Li Dan was very satisfied, so he walked around the desk and patted his shoulder.

"I heard that you did an impressive job in Luzhou and won the love of the people. You really lived up to your father's expectations."

Li Longji smiled sheepishly.

"Father, you are very grateful. As a child of royal blood, I naturally have to set an example to the world."

"I haven't seen you for several years, but your face has become a lot rosier."

Li Dan laughed, took his hand to the hall, and ordered the servant to get a table of food and wine.

When there were no outsiders in the room, Li Dan's smile faded.

"Sanlang, you did a good job in Luzhou. Is there anything going on when you come back this time?"

There is no better son than a father. Li Dan knew this brave and capable son so well that he would never come back to visit him unless something happened.

Hearing this, Li Longji nodded seriously.

"I can't hide anything from my father. Not long ago, I heard that something big happened in Luoyang."

"Wu Sansi and other party ministers took advantage of my grandmother's carelessness to launch a coup. If Fan Xin hadn't arrived at the end with his army, he would have succeeded in usurping the throne."

Hearing that a coup had taken place in Luoyang, a look of sadness appeared on Li Dan's face.

After leaving the court for so long, he thought that the country would return to its former peace under his mother's governance.

Unexpectedly, it was still the same as before, full of killing and betrayal.

Thinking of this, Li Dan pondered a little and asked.

"In the current court, is the prince supervising the country or is Fan Xin and Di Renjie assisting the government together?"

Speaking of Prince Li Longji, he curled his lips and said indifferently.

"Father, you think too much. The prince has been under house arrest for a long time. The imperial grandmother is still in charge."

Li Dan's expression changed slightly, and his palms clenched together subconsciously.

No one knows his mother better than him. The last time he did not hesitate to start a cruel politics in order to cleanse the people with the surname Li.

This coup is obviously better than the last one, and with my mother's character, she will definitely cause another bloody storm.

By that time, I'm afraid even he, the prime minister, will be implicated.

Seeing his father's frightened look, Li Longji comforted him.

"Father, don't worry. As the old saying goes, a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise."

"This time the princelings and the armed party fail to seize power, and they will inevitably be severely suppressed by the imperial grandmother."

"I think the imperial court is already in panic at this time. If you stand up to save their lives, are you worried that no one will be loyal to you?"

In fact, Li Longji had been paying attention to the situation in the court. When he discovered that the prince and the military party had lost power, and the civil and military officials were leaderless.

Knowing that his father's opportunity has finally arrived. Wu Zetian's health is getting worse day by day. If she can take advantage of this golden opportunity to win over people's hearts and replace her with the crown prince.

It will definitely be his father who ascends to the throne of God in the future.

So he put down what he was doing and rushed from Luzhou to Xiangzhou overnight to persuade his father to stand up and take charge of the overall situation.

It's a pity that he overestimated Li Dan's courage. When he learned that the emperor was going on a killing spree in Luoyang, he had no time to hide, so how could he take the initiative to send him to his doorstep.

"Saburo doesn't need to say anything more!"

Li Dan's expression changed, he glanced at the servants around him, and said loudly on purpose.

"My father's greatest wish in this life is to be a leisurely prince. Now I can only realize it because of the support of your royal grandmother."

"As ministers, we should be grateful and wish her long life."

While talking, he dipped his finger in some tea and wrote the four words plum blossom inner guard on the table.

Li Longji nodded calmly and said.

"What my father taught me is that it is the child who speaks nonsense."

Next, the father and son focused on eating and did not talk about anything about the palace.
Li Longji didn't come to the back house until all the servants were asleep at the top of the moon.

"Gao Lishi, you are the person I trust most. No one can come near this place without my permission."

Gao Lishi chuckled.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, there are servants guarding here, not even a mosquito can fly in."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Li Longji opened the door and walked into the room. Hearing the movement, Li Dan raised his head from behind the book bank.

He was surprised when he saw his son coming.

"Why are you here so late without sleeping?"

"Father, this opportunity must not be missed. It will never come back. At present, the whole court is leaderless."

"Once you stand up to save the implicated officials, who will dare to question your lack of prestige in the future?"

Li Dan sighed.

"Sanlang, you think too highly of your father. Who can save the person your royal grandmother wants to kill?"

"If we offend her old man, we, father and son, will inevitably die."

"Have you forgotten what happened to Prince Zhang Huai?"

Li Longji came well prepared, so he would not be frightened and said with a hand.

"Father, I asked you to save hundreds of officials from fire and water, not the core members of the armed party."

"But Yao Chong, Song Jing, Kong Xiaoru and other pillars of the country."

"They are all talented ministers, but they have been implicated. You should rescue them both publicly and privately."

This time Li Dan did not refuse again and said hesitantly.

"But my father has been sent to Xiangzhou, and I can't go to Luoyang without an order."

"Father, there is no need to worry. According to the child's calculation, now that the prince is imprisoned and the military party is damaged, the emperor will definitely send someone to take you to his side for close surveillance."

"Maybe the imperial edict is on the way by now, we just have to wait patiently for a few days."

"Also, once you return to Luoyang, you must first talk to Aunt Taiping. With her help, there will undoubtedly be less resistance."

Looking at his eloquent son, Li Dan's eyes were filled with relief.

He secretly thought, my son Li Longji has really grown up.


As time passed slowly, six days passed in a flash.

Early in the morning, a servant ran into the hall to report.

"Your Highness, the Prime Minister, the imperial court has sent someone to ask you to go to the hall to receive instructions."

Li Dan and his son looked at each other, flicked their sleeves and walked towards the hall.

"Your Highness, Prince Xiang, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Seeing Li Dan walking in, Yuan Shu bowed his hand politely.

(End of this chapter)

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