Chapter 238 Di Pangpang, you are cruel!
"It turns out to be Yuan Shuji."

Seeing that the person coming was the former veteran Li Dan, he smiled slightly and bowed.

"Your Majesty, Li Dan, respectfully greets you."

"Saint Boon."

Yuan Shu coughed and helped Li Dan up with a smile.

"His Royal Highness the Prime Minister, His Majesty has decreed that you should immediately return to Luoyang, the sacred capital, to reminisce about the past."

"Without further ado, let's set off on the road right now, shall we?"

After receiving the imperial edict, Li Dan nodded anxiously.

The secret thought in his heart was indeed revealed by his son, and the emperor became suspicious of him.

Thinking that the minister who had been innocently implicated was still waiting for him, Li Dan forcibly cheered up, followed Yuan Shu with his salute and rushed to the capital of God.

As for Li Longji, because there was no imperial edict, he could only stay in Xiangzhou and wait patiently for the opportunity.

Just when the Zhou court was plunged into a bloody storm due to the coup, a convoy was slowly driving into the city in Yingzhou, hundreds of miles away.

"I really didn't expect that Yingzhou was still in the midst of war last year, and people fled one after another."

"As a result, the situation became more prosperous within a year, just like a dream."

Time passed, and the group returned to Yingzhou again with infinite emotion.

"Yes, I think I almost lost my life in a bloody battle to resist the Khitans."

"It's not a waste of time to see people live and work in peace and contentment in my lifetime." Looking at the crowded streets, Fan Xin felt joy from the bottom of his heart.

This time he came to Yingzhou for a more important reason besides revisiting his old place. Di Renjie had been bedridden for a long time and his condition had worsened.

At his request, Fan Xin came to Yingzhou to deliver a message to Di Guangyuan, the Sima of Yingzhou.

Let him come to the bedside to perform some filial piety before Di Renjie dies.

After staying at Dongsheng Inn, Fan Xin left a large number of guards to protect Princess Taiping.

He and his six sons planned to visit Di Guangyuan's house.

Since the elimination of the Khitan rebellion, Yingzhou has quickly regained its former vitality.

The street is bustling with people, people are shuttling in front of various stalls.

"Master, Di Guangyuan is just a young Sima. Isn't it inappropriate for you to deliver the letter personally?"

"How about I ask the governor of Yingzhou to hand it over to him for you?"

Liu Zi hesitated and said.

Today is different from the past. The power of our young master is at its peak.

Although he retired from old age and returned to his hometown, he still held no official positions.

With such an identity, sending a message to a small sixth-grade Sima would inevitably attract criticism, so he didn't want Fan Xin to go there in person.

Glancing at him, Fan Xin said angrily.

"You are a general after all. Can you think more about what you do?"

"As long as we don't reveal our identities, who would know that I am Duke Yan?"

Liuzi's eyes lit up and he slapped his forehead suddenly.

"Yes, we fight in other places all year round, and no one in Yingzhou knows us."

"Now I don't have to worry about your safety."

While they were talking, the two came to a small courtyard.

The plaque on the door clearly says the word "Di Mansion".

"Master, we have arrived at Di Guangyuan's house. The younger one will call the door right now."

Liu Zi took a deep breath and banged the wooden door.

"Is anyone home?"

After a long time, a lazy voice sounded.

"Who is it? You can't let anyone take a nap in broad daylight!"

The door of the mansion opened, and a sleepy-eyed boy appeared at the door.

He looked over Fan Xin and Liu Zi.

"You are?"

With many years of discernment, he felt that these two plainly dressed strangers should be poor relatives who came to seek refuge.

"This little brother, I'm Fan Renyan, is a disciple of Mr. Di Ge. If I have something to do, I want to see Disima." The boy said angrily, showing an expression that was indeed true.

"Disma is so busy with official duties that he doesn't have time to receive you. Hurry up and leave!"

Said to close the door.

Liuzi didn't want to come, but when he saw the boy's attitude, he became angry and kicked the boy to the ground.

"You are such a scornful person. If it weren't for Mr. Di Ge's sake, my young master wouldn't want to come."

The boy is used to being arrogant, but he has never suffered such a big loss.

He immediately started shouting.

The noise quickly attracted the attention of the people in the mansion, and soon many people gathered.

The crowd parted, and a fair-skinned and beautiful woman in palace attire came over.

"What's wrong Dean?"

Seeing the mistress coming, the boy quickly pointed at Liuzi and said

"Madam, this guy relies on his physical strength to beat innocent people. You have to make the decision."

The woman in palace attire frowned slightly and looked at Fan Xindao.

"Master, this is the Di Mansion. If you have anything to do, please tell me your intention. I will treat you as a guest."

"If you want to bully others, I'm sorry, you are in the wrong place!"

After hearing these words, Fan Xin nodded secretly. She was indeed Di Renjie's daughter-in-law. These two sentences alone were enough to show her level.

So he took out a letter from his arms and said calmly.

"I am Fan Renyan, Mr. Di Ge's student. I am here to send you a message."

The woman in palace clothes was startled and took the letter with doubtful eyes.

When she saw that the handwriting on it was indeed her father-in-law's, her eyes softened when she looked at Fan Xin.

"It turns out that I am my father's student, but I am blind, so I asked you to sit inside."

Fan Xin did not refuse and walked into the hall under the curious eyes of the Di family.

After the two parties sat down, the woman in palace attire ordered someone to bring two cups of tea.

Taking advantage of the gap, he opened the envelope. The content on it was very simple.

Only a few large characters.

"I'll leave it to you to take care of the person who delivers the message."

After reading these words, the woman in palace clothes smiled at Fan Xin.

"Don't worry, Young Master Fan. Since you are my father's disciple, we will definitely take care of you."

"Waiting for your husband to come back from the government office later, I will ask him to find you a job as a guard guarding the city gate."

"When there is an opportunity in the future, I will be promoted to the government office."

As soon as these words came out, Fan Xin almost choked and looked at the woman in palace clothes in disbelief.

"You want to find me a ninth-grade gatekeeper to work with?"

The woman nodded with a smile.

"Yes, my father said in his letter that he will take good care of you, and I will obey my father's wishes."

"Although the gatekeeper is a fat man, you must not be arrogant and complacent. You must work down-to-earth for a few years."

"Only in this way can there be opportunities for promotion."

Fan Xin felt a headache. Damn that old guy. When he left Luoyang, he clearly asked him to deliver a letter, but in the end he entrusted his family to him.

Isn't this bullying him for not having enough IQ?

"Di Pangpang, you have definitely tricked me."

"you are vicious."

Fan Xin said helplessly, feeling secretly embarrassed in his heart.

"Thank you madam."

A few people chatted for a while, and the boy suddenly stumbled in, breathing heavily.

"Sorry, madam, Disma was seriously injured and is lying on a stretcher. Please go out and take a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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