Chapter 239 Guests visiting late at night.

"What! Lang Jun was injured?"

The woman in palace clothes was startled, suddenly stood up and walked out.

"Come on, let's go have a look."

Putting the tea cup on the table, Fan Xin and Liu Zi followed him out.

There were many servants of the Di family gathered in the courtyard, all with angry expressions on their faces.

One of them, a thin man with a pale face and blood on the corner of his mouth, was lying on a stretcher and seemed to be seriously injured.

"I only suffered a few flesh wounds, how can I be so unworthy of crying."

The woman in palace clothes wiped her eyes and signaled the servant to carry Di Guangyuan to the bedroom.

When the crowd dispersed, Di Guangyuan noticed two strangers in the room.

"Young lady, who are these two guests?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you. This scholar in white is my father's disciple named Fan Renyan. He came to join us specially."

After coming back to her senses, the woman took out the letter and handed it to the man on the bed.

Seeing that the handwriting on it was indeed written by his father, Di Guangyuan's expression softened a bit and he faced Fan Xin.

"Since you are my father's disciple and you have his letter of introduction, I will definitely take care of you."

"Let's stay in the house for one night first. I'll find a job for you after I recover from my injury."

After saying that, he coughed violently.

"Mr. Lang, are you okay? Why don't I go find Dr. Lu?"

The woman in palace clothes said with a worried look.

Di Guangyuan waved his hand.

"No need, it will take a hundred days to break the muscles and bones, and it will be fine after a period of recovery.

Seeing that her husband was resolute, the woman in palace clothes said angrily.

"President Zhao has gone too far! You have never made a big mistake since you took office, why should he torture you?"

Hearing this, Di Guangyuan shook his head solemnly.

"You are wrong. The one who beat me was not Governor Zhao, but the Meihua Internal Guard from the capital city of God!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

Fan Xin and Liu Zi looked at each other and frowned slightly.

Why would the inner guard come to Yingzhou if he wasn't on duty in Luoyang?
Could there be another big case happening?
The young lady's face changed and she said nervously.

"Mr. Lang, we in the Di family have always been good people. Why did the inner guards come to you?"

No wonder she was afraid. In the Great Zhou Dynasty, almost all officials who were targeted by the internal guards were spared. Even if they survived, they would be disabled.

My father fell into the hands of these people and almost died in prison.

In the end, he was lucky enough to be demoted to Pengze County Magistrate.

Unexpectedly, these haunting guys were targeting her man again.

Di Guangyuan sighed.

"I heard that they are investigating some kind of rebellion case. Anyone who is suspected will be arrested and tortured."

"My husband offended Peng Laishun, the leader of the inner guard, because he said a few fair words, and was beaten twenty times with a stick by him in court."

"If Governor Zhao hadn't begged for mercy, my husband would have been disabled even if he didn't die."

Hearing the inner guard being so domineering, the young girl suddenly became angry.

"These people are so lawless. Let's send a letter to father and ask him to take action to rectify the internal guards!"

Di Guangyuan pulled the woman in palace clothes and smiled bitterly.

"It's useless. My eldest brother sent me a letter some time ago saying that my father is seriously ill and has been lying at home to recuperate for several months."

"Now the only person in the imperial court who can make the internal guards fear is Duke Yan."

"You mean Fan Xin, who is so famous that even his father was amazed?"

The woman in palace clothes said with a surprised look on her face.

When Fan Xin's name was mentioned, Di Guangyuan looked filled with admiration.

"Yes, back then, in order to redress the grievances of the people, I did not hesitate to kill more than a dozen groups of corrupt officials."

"Afterwards, instead of blaming him, the Emperor of Zhou entrusted him with important responsibilities, which shows how deep the relationship between the two is." "If he took action, how could these arrogant and domineering internal guards dare to be so rampant?"

"It's a pity that in order to protect the soldiers of the three armies, Duke Yan has retired and returned to his hometown."

At the end, Di Guangyuan shook his head regretfully.

"Okay, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. You'd better rest for a while first."

After covering Di Guangyuan with a quilt, the woman in palace clothes turned around and faced Fan Xin.

"Master Fan, you are my father's disciple. Please do not tell anyone about today's conversation."

"If the inner guards find out, not even we can save you."

Fan Xin stood up and cupped his hands.

"Thank you madam for informing me. I'm going to rest first."

After leaving the bedroom, Fan Xin and Liu Zi went straight to the wing next door.

"Master, it seems that Wu Sansi's rebellion has nothing to do with Yingzhou. What are the inner guards doing here?"

Glancing at him, Fan Xin came to the window with his hands behind his back and said calmly.

"Liu Da, the new leader of the inner guard, and Lai Junchen were sworn brothers before."

"Lai Junchen's death made him hate Di Renjie to the core. Why do you think the inner guards came to Yingzhou?"

Liuzi was shocked and said in disbelief.

"Are you saying that the inner guards want to take advantage of Di Ge's old and serious illness to take advantage of his son?
"It should be like this." Fan Xin's eyebrows showed a hint of confusion.

"But what makes me wonder is that Di Guangyuan is just a young Sima. It seems too far-fetched for the inner guards to use him to bring down Mr. Di Ge."

"Not to mention that Your Majesty doesn't believe it, even Liu Da himself doesn't believe it, so what method will they adopt?"

Just when Fan Xin was puzzled, there was a sudden knock on the door in the silent night.

Then the concierge opened, and Dean walked to the door dissatisfied and asked.

After confirming the identity of the other party, he ran all the way into the bedroom. Not long after, Di Guangyuan personally welcomed the person into the hall with the support of a woman in palace clothes.

"Hey, this person seems familiar?"

Looking away, Liu Zi scratched his head and said.

"This man has strong steps and a tall build. His right arm is slightly raised when he walks."

"If my prediction is correct, the opponent should be a general, at least a captain or above."

After closing the window, Fan Xin was about to write a letter when Dean's voice sounded outside the door.

"Mr. Fan, please come over and introduce me to a big shot."


The night is dark and the trees are thick with shadows.

At this time, the outside of Di's Mansion was filled with men in black holding sharp knives, roughly estimated to be at least dozens of people.

"How's it going? Has the Khitan general Li Kaigu gone in?"

asked a large man wearing an eyepatch.

"Go back to Peng Pavilion. According to your instructions, we forged a letter from Di Guangyuan."

"After reading this letter, Li Kaigu came to Di Mansion overnight and calculated the time to meet."

After the report, the inner guard hesitated.

"But besides Li Kaigu, a student of Di Renjie came during the day, his name is Fan Renyan."

The big man was startled and laughed nonchalantly.

"Just a few scholars, nothing."

"On the contrary, this guy Li Kaigu was recommended by Di Renjie to become a general.

"Now he has thoughts of rebellion and has a close relationship with his son."

"I would like to see what Di Renjie has to say this time!"

The one-eyed dragon snorted coldly, his small eyes flashing with malice.

"Come here, surround Di Mansion, don't let anyone go!"


The man in black shouted loudly, drew his weapon and rushed towards Di Mansion!
(End of this chapter)

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