Chapter 250: Having a child out of wedlock.

After coming back to his senses, Fan Xin bowed and saluted: "Your Majesty, accept the order!"

He knew that once the news got out, he and Li Longji would be outright mortal enemies.

Seeing Fan Xin receiving the imperial edict, Wu Zetian laughed and returned Fan Qianyi to Princess Taiping, while she picked up Li Ci and teased her non-stop.

She obviously cares more about the heir of the Li bloodline than the former.

"Come and give Grandma the Queen a smile..."

Seeing several women surrounding the little guy, Fan Xin reluctantly came to the yard and bowed his hands to everyone.

"Thank you for coming to visit despite your busy schedule. Fan has prepared a banquet in the front yard and please enjoy it."

"Let's not get drunk today!"

"Fan Xiang is really happy!"

Everyone laughed and went to the front court together for the banquet.

Just as the Fan Mansion was decorated with lanterns and colors to announce the birth of his son, thousands of miles away in the desert was a different scene.


A slap hit Princess Yinzhu hard on the face, Mo Chui pointed at the fat boy in her arms and said sternly.

"Tell me, who does this bastard belong to? Tell me and I will kill him!"

Although the Turks are not as particular about etiquette and purity as the Han people, as the noblest princess of the Ashina family, she gave birth to a child out of wedlock.

The most hateful thing is that he, the Khan, doesn't even know who the child's father is.

Simply a shame.

"Father Khan, you don't need to ask, I won't tell you even if you beat me to death." Yin Zhu got up from the ground and said with a mouth full of blood.


"Reporting to the Great Khan, the envoy from the Great Zhou Dynasty has arrived and is seeking an audience in the South Courtyard." The deputy general walked in and said.


Mo Chui glared at his daughter, flicked his sleeves and left the king's tent.

When they arrived at the South Court tent, a fat man came up to them from a long way away.

"My little minister, Bao Tao Wei, General Yan Zhiwei has met the Supreme Khan!"

Glancing at the man on the ground, Mo Chui said lightly with a flash of contempt in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, please come. Let's go in and talk." He said and walked into the tent first.

After the two parties sat down, Mo Chui said to Yan Zhiwei: "A few months ago when I was on an envoy to the Great Zhou Dynasty, I told the emperor of your country about the marriage. I wonder how the consideration went?"

Hearing this, Yan Zhihui said with a smile: "To be honest with you, the Great Khan, I am here just to resolve this matter."

"The emperor of our country has said that he can send Huaiyang King Wu Yanxiu to marry your princess as a sign of friendship between the two countries..."

Unexpectedly, when Mo Chui heard this, his face suddenly darkened and he slapped his palms heavily on the table.

"Too deceiving!"

Yan Zhihui was startled by this sudden scene and asked quickly.

"Why are you angry, Great Khan? King Huaiyang is the solemn royal relative of our Great Zhou Dynasty."

"A royal relative?"

Mo Chui sneered: "In our hearts, as Turks, only the blood of Li Tang is worthy of being a relative of the emperor. A mere surname from the Wu clan is nothing."

"That's all, since you, the Zhou Dynasty, look down on the Turks, then the two sides should fight each other."

"Come here, take these Zhou Envoys out and chop them down!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of Turkic soldiers opened the curtain and rushed in to surround Yan Zhihui and his party.

Seeing this scene, the envoys who followed him couldn't help but shouted loudly.

"Mo Chui, you are treacherous. Aren't you afraid of the coming of the Heavenly Soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

"I've known for a long time that Turks like you are capricious. It's true!"

Facing the two people's accusations, Mo Chui's lips showed a trace of ridicule.

"Before, I was really unwilling to offend the great Zhou Dynasty when my foundation was not stable."    "But now that our Turks have an elite army of [-] people, what can you do to me!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you, Khitan, that Shiwei's troops are on their way."

"In a few days, the coalition forces will move south and attack your home base!"

After speaking, he waved his hands, and several Turkic soldiers swarmed forward and stabbed the two envoys into the chests with their knives.

After getting rid of the entourage, the Turkic soldiers were about to execute Yan Zhihui, but the guy suddenly knelt on the ground and shivered.

"Great Khan, please spare my life. I am willing to surrender to the Turks and do your best for you!"

Signaling the soldiers to leave, Mo Chuo laughed and personally helped Yan Zhihui up.

"This Khan admires people like you the most. Tomorrow when the army goes south to attack Zhenzhou, it will depend on you."

"I will do my best to serve the Turks," Yan Zhihui said sarcastically.

While he was talking, Turkic generals came into the king's tent one after another, and Mo Chui said solemnly only when the seats were full.

"Everyone, the land of Dazhou is fertile and rich in products. If we want to live a good life, we can only obtain enough people and food by attacking the hinterland of the Central Plains."

"So this time I plan to lead the army directly south to tear a hole from Huailai, Hebei Province, and then capture the three states of Tanzhen and Zhao."

"Then use this as a stronghold to sweep across half of the Zhou Dynasty. What do you think?"

The generals looked at each other, and one of the white-haired old men stroked his beard and said.

"It's good to snatch people and food, but as far as I know, the Zhou army is not a vegetarian. They recently invented something called an explosive pack."

"If it explodes, there will be almost no chance of survival within a few feet."

"I wonder if the Great Khan has any way to defeat the enemy?"

"Yes, we heard that the explosion in Black Sand City last year was caused by this object."

"If you act rashly, you may suffer heavy losses."

Seeing everyone's cautious expressions, Mo Chui smiled slightly.

"Leader Shi Wei is right. The Zhou army did create a powerful explosive bag."

"However, after eight months of analysis by our Turks, we found that this object has fatal flaws."

"Oh, what's the flaw?" Everyone's eyes lit up and they looked at Mo Chui curiously.

"Afraid of water!"

"The twister is too long!"

"Can't move!"

"As long as our hundreds of thousands of troops charge quickly, we can definitely break into Zhou's army before the Nianzi burns out."

Hearing that Mo Chui had found a solution, the old man and a big man with a wolf totem tattooed on his shoulders stood up from their seats.

"Since the Great Khan is determined to conquer Zhou, I, the Khitan Shiwei, are willing to follow you!"

"Okay!" Mo Mo said energetically: "You two go back and prepare your troops quickly. Let's go south in one fell swoop at noon tomorrow!"

"When the time comes, let's work together to conquer the world!


Everyone put their right hands on their chests and bowed, and left in twos and threes.

After seeing everyone off, the smile on Mo Chuo's face gradually disappeared.

"Xiao Mu, after the army invades the city, it must rob the population and food as quickly as possible. It must not let the Khitan and Weishi take the lead. Do you hear me?"

"Great Khan, what should I do if the Han people resist?"

"Kill them all, leaving no one alive!"

"I will understand at the end."

Xiao Mu nodded and left the tent. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he came to the city to eat alone.

After coughing when paying the bill, the old shopkeeper picked up the leftovers and walked into the kitchen knowingly.

After a while, a gray homing pigeon flew into the dark sky and flew towards the distant circumference...

(End of this chapter)

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