Chapter 251 Take command and go to war!

Looking at the carrier pigeon that gradually turned into a black spot, Xiao Mu secretly prayed that Zhou would get the news as soon as possible.

Only in this way can the losses in Hebei Province be minimized.

In order not to arouse suspicion, he came out of the restaurant and went directly back to the military camp.

When the first ray of dawn shone into the tent, the shrill sound of hammer and drum sounded on time in the school grounds.

"Quick, quick, quick! Gather quickly!"

Under the urging of the generals of each battalion, the densely packed Turkic soldiers turned over and mounted their horses.

Seeing him coming, Mo Chui said: "Xiao Mu, you will follow me to attack Zhaozhou later!"

"I know, Great Khan!" Xiao Mu got on his horse and straightened his clothes.

Seeing that his soldiers and horses were almost assembled, Mochui Khan pulled out his scimitar and pointed it towards the sky.

"Warriors, food and women are right in front of you, please kill me!"

The next moment, 240,000 Turkic troops rushed towards Hebei Road like a black tide.

Along the way, yellow sand rolled up all over the sky, and the terrifying momentum was still frightening even if it was dozens of miles away.


A shrill report pierced the sky and resounded over the Zhaozhou government office, scaring the governor of Tang Dynasty so much that he almost fell to the ground.

"What are you yelling about? Have you met the ghost of an injustice?" Tang Ban straightened his official hat and glared at the guard angrily.

The guard swallowed his saliva and said urgently: "Master Fu, go and see if the Turks are coming."


This surprise was no small matter. Tang Ban could no longer think about getting angry and quickly mounted his horse and came to the city gate.

At this time, sergeants gathered here, and there were many spears. Everyone looked like they were facing a powerful enemy.

"Your Majesty, you are finally here. According to the report from Tanma, the Turks coming this time are personally led by Mo Chui. There are more than 200,000 people in total."

Tang Bang's heart sank when he heard that there were so many people. As he walked towards the city wall, he asked, "Have you asked for help from the nearby state capital?"

Ma Changshi shook his head bitterly.

"It's too late. Yelu Qiyan led 100,000 Khitan people to Zhenzhou, while Shiwei and the remnants of the Western Turks surrounded Tanzhou. We have no reinforcements to ask for."

Seeing that the situation had deteriorated to this point, Tang Ban sighed.

"Send a report to the imperial court. The Turks have betrayed their faith and invaded south. Please mobilize reinforcements quickly for rescue!"

"I'm going to go now!"

After his subordinates left, Tang Ban looked at the black tide in the distance, and it only took a blink of an eye for it to surge to the bottom of the city.


Mo Chui reined in the reins and spun around twice, pointing at Yan Zhihui.

"General Yan, it's up to you."

Yan Zhihui sighed secretly, stepped forward and raised his head.

"Zilong, is the former capital all well and sound?"

"Are you General Yan Zhihui of Leopard Tao Guard?" Tang Ban asked with wide eyes in disbelief.

He did not expect that his mentor would defect to the Turks.

Feeling the strange look in Zhou Jun's eyes, Yan Zhihui said with guilt on his face.

"Sir, there is nothing you can do. You should open the city gate and surrender. They promised me that they will not harm the people inside."

"Otherwise, everyone will die after the city is captured."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole city was in an uproar. Some were angry and some were afraid.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Mo Chui knew it was time for him to show up.

So he said: "This time I am leading an army of 400,000 people to go south. If you don't want to die, you'd better open the city gate."


"Kill, kill, kill!" Hundreds of thousands of troops roared deafeningly!

Tang Ban looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, closing his eyes in pain, his fists clenching loudly in his hands.

Zhaozhou's garrison numbered at most four thousand. With this small number of people, they could not stop the Turks' iron hoofs. Only by opening the door and surrendering could they leave a way for the people to survive.

But in that case, he would become a big traitor who cut off cities and offered land.

Seeing that Tang Ban looked wrong, his subordinates said anxiously. "Tang Governor, there are more than 30,000 people in the city. We cannot ignore their life and death."

"Yes, it is a small thing to protect people's lives by being called a personal name, but it is a big deal!"

Tang Bang weakly waved his hand.

"Go, open the city gate and let the Turks in."

As the city gate opened, the Turkic army suddenly burst out into shocking cheers.

Just as the army marched into Zhaozhou in an orderly manner, what shocked everyone was that Tang Ban suddenly pulled out his saber and slashed his neck.

"Zi Long!"

"Tang Governor!"

Amid everyone's exclamations, Yan Zhihui jumped off his horse and took three steps at a time before arriving in front of Tang Ban.

"Zilong, why are you doing this?"

Tang Ban smiled with blood on his mouth and said in a bitter voice.

"As the governor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, I cannot protect the people under my rule, so I should die."

"Sir, if you don't want to bear the eternal infamy of betraying your country and seeking glory, you are in a hurry to come back now..."

Hua Luo closed his eyes.

"Zilong, sir, I can't help you!" Yan Zhihui cried loudly while holding Tang Bang's body.

However, Mo Chui, who was immersed in joy, naturally didn't care about two people who had lost their value.

After ordering people to disarm the Zhou army, he entered Zhaozhou City in a big way.

At the same time, Tanzhou and Zhenzhou also fell one after another.

When the news of the fall of Sanzhou was sent to Luoyang at a speed of eight hundred miles, the imperial court was shocked and the world was shocked.

The big bell of Shangyang Palace, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly rang at midnight.

All the ministers of rank five or above put on their clothes and rushed to Shangyang Palace.

Even Di Renjie, who had been bedridden for a long time, made an exception and came here.

"Your Majesty, you summoned your ministers here late at night, but what happened in Anxi?" Di Renjie asked with his hands raised.

Wu Zetian turned around, glanced at Di Renjie, and said to everyone.

"I received an urgent secret report an hour ago. The Turkic Khan Mo Chui actually assembled an army of more than 400,000 to conquer our great Zhouzhou!"

"Capture tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians!"


The whole palace was in an uproar!

Everyone looked at Wu Zetian in surprise. No one thought that the Turks were so bold and dared to attack Hebei Province!

Di Renjie is mature and prudent, and quickly calmed down after the initial shock.

"Your Majesty, I think this matter has not yet reached its worst point. The most urgent task is to appoint a marching commander as soon as possible to oversee the war against the Turks."

"At the same time, we will raise military pay and recruit soldiers to deliver a fatal blow to the Turks."

"I agree with Mr. Di Ge's proposal!" Zhang Jianzhi, Yuan Shuji and others stood up and agreed.

Wu Zetian nodded.

"I also have this intention. I wonder who you think is suitable to be the general manager of the march?"

"I am not talented, but I am willing to lead the army with the body of Fengzhu to fight against the enemy...cough cough cough!" Di Renjie coughed violently.

After hearing these words, Zhang Jianzhi turned his head and said worriedly.

"Mr. Di Ge, how can you go to the battlefield when you are so ill? You should go down to the official position."

"We can do it too!" All the ministers signed up enthusiastically, showing the same hatred and hatred.

At this time, a cold voice sounded in the hall.

"You don't have to argue, let me go."

After saying this, Fan Xin strode into Shangyang Palace and cupped his fists at Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to lead the expedition!"

(End of this chapter)

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