Chapter 253 The power of the Shenji camp!

Mo Chui smiled and nodded: "Well done, load the remaining Han people into trucks as soon as possible and transport them back to Mobei through Yixian County."

"I guess the Turkic tribes have been waiting for it for a long time."

"Don't worry, Great Khan, I will ensure the completion of the mission." Iron Curtain put his right hand on his chest and saluted, then turned and left the Governor's Mansion.

Looking at the figures of his subordinates, Mo smiled. This expedition was more about winning people's hearts than declaring war on the Great Zhou Dynasty.

With sufficient food and iron tools, Tiele's tribes must be convinced by him, which will be of great benefit to consolidate his position.

As for whether it would cause Da Zhou to be furious, Mo Chui was not worried at all.

The main force of Dazhou is currently deployed in the Anxi area, and there is no way to encircle and suppress them.

Afterwards, as long as he surrendered and was willing to surrender, Wu Zetian could only hold her nose and admit it.

At this time, a rough-looking man quickly walked into the lobby.

"Great Khan, the traitor we planted in Dazhou sent a letter, and Zhou Ting sent an army of 170,000 to Hebei Road."

"Counting the days, it's already been three days since we set off."

Mo Chuo was not surprised at all that Zhou sent an army. He was more concerned about the person leading the army this time.

"Did the letter say who commanded the army?"

"The letter said that the person in charge of the expedition was Fan Xin, the general manager of the march in Hebei Province."

"Fan Xin?"

Mo Chuo's smile faltered and his face turned gloomy. He did not expect that the young man who carried the coffin to Black Sand City would become the marching general manager.

He never expected that Wu Zetian would send him to fight against her.

"Humph, Dazhou really has no one, and he actually sent a young boy here. This is because he doesn't take Ben Khan seriously."

Mo Chuo sneered, with a sinister arc flashing in his eyes.

Alimutu hesitated.

"Great Khan, if you count the days, the Zhou army will arrive in Zhaozhou in three days at the earliest. Should we first..."

Before he finished speaking, Mo Chui interrupted: "Alimutu, you are too cowardly. How can the hundreds of thousands of Zhou troops be a match for my Turkic cavalry?"

"Go back and have a good sleep. We will teach Zhou Jun a big lesson in three days!"

Seeing that the Great Khan didn't take it seriously, Alimutu shook his head and left.

Just as the Turkic army was burning, killing and looting in Zhaozhou City, an army was rapidly advancing towards it in the mountains and forests dozens of miles away.

"General manager, we have entered Zhaozhou. According to the information from the pangolin, there are 18,000 people in Alimutu's camp ahead." Zhang Huan took out a map and said.

"Order the army to stop advancing and rest for half an hour."

While the team was resting, Fan Xin called several of his subordinates to his side and pointed at the map.

"Our current location is in a place called Shanshen Temple in the southeast corner of Zhao County. The slope is as high as six feet."

"After a while, the artillery battalion set up a position on the top of the mountain, and the muzzles of the artillery were aimed at Alimutu's tribe."

"Then Lin Tie led the Shenji Battalion to plant explosives and build fortifications at the foot of the mountain."

"When the night attack begins, first bombard their horses and then shoot the Turk soldiers coming out of the camp gate."

Lin Tie held a fist with a serious face and took the Shenji Battalion for deployment.

Then Fan Xin turned his attention to Jiang Ji and Zhang Huan: "As soon as the artillery fire is fired, the nearest Chahar troops will immediately come for reinforcements."

"The remaining 20,000 people will be handed over to you, and the remaining 20,000 people will be allocated ten heavy artillery and 10,000 grenades."

"Remember, we must try our best to kill the enemies in Zhaozhou before they react!"

The two of them clasped their fists together: "General, I will obey your order!"

After speaking, he led the remaining generals towards the distant hills. The enemy had only this way to go if they wanted to reinforce Alimutu.

After arranging the night attack plan, Fan Xin came to the mountain temple and looked at the Turkic camp not far from the foot of the mountain.

Perhaps they were tired from burning, killing and looting, so most of the people in the camp were sleeping except for the patrolling sentries.

"You dare to sleep like this in our Great Zhou world, you really don't know how to live or die!"

Fan Xin snorted and sat on the ground and closed his eyes. The long rush march made him exhausted.

When the time came to midnight, Liuzi came over and whispered. “Master, the time has come.”

"Then attack!" Fan Xin pulled out the golden dragon sword and pointed at the Turkic camp.

"Let these beasts have a good memory!"


The messenger shouted and turned around, waving the signal flag in his hand.

Seeing this, the artillerymen who had been prepared loaded the shells into the barrels and lit the fuses, then turned sideways while covering their ears.

After a burst of blue smoke, dozens of artillery shells pierced the sky and headed towards the horse group in the Turkic camp.

Boom boom boom!

When the cannonball fell into the horses, there was a deafening explosion, and the fierce fire directly tore the horses into pieces.


The violent noise woke up the sleeping Alimutu. He didn't even bother to put on his clothes and came outside the tent carrying a knife.

At just one glance, I was shocked by the sky-high flames in the camp.

"What exactly is going on?"

"General, we were attacked by the main force of the Zhou army, and the horses were all killed!" Several Turkic generals covered in blood came up and said.

"What, the main Turkic force is coming!" Alimutu was shocked.

"Yeah, we're surrounded!"

After all, Alimutu was a battle-hardened veteran, and he quickly calmed down after the initial panic.

He immediately said to several subordinates.

"Aligado, please immediately lead your troops to the Chahar tribe to ask for help and ask them to help me resist the Zhou army."

"The rest will follow my general and fight out. I want to see if the Zhou army can block the attack of our Turkic warriors."

The Turkic army had 200,000 soldiers. He believed that as long as he could hold on to the arrival of reinforcements, he would soon be able to launch a counter-encirclement and suppression campaign.

The generals drew their swords without hesitation and followed Alimutu out to the camp gate.

During this period, many Turkic soldiers were blown to pieces by falling shells.

Seeing this scene, Alimutu made up his mind that after defeating the Zhou army, he must cut them into pieces.

However, when the group arrived outside the camp gate, what greeted them was a dense barrage of lead bullets.

Hundreds of unresponsive Turkic soldiers were beaten into pieces on the spot.

"No, there's an ambush!" A Turkic general shouted and threw himself on Alimutu.

Puff puff!

His back was beaten into a sieve.

"Thank you!"

Seeing his brother's tragic death, Alimutu's eyes turned red and he pointed at the mountain temple.

"Warriors, fight up through this farmland and avenge your dead brothers!"

With an order, the remaining Turkic soldiers charged towards the mountain temple like wild wolves.

Ignoring the lead bullets coming towards them, the people in front fell down, and the soldiers behind followed them, stepping on the corpses.

Seeing that the main force of the Zhou army was in front, Alimutu's blood-covered face revealed a sinister smile.

But the laughter didn't last long, and suddenly a huge fire broke out from under the feet, swallowing up the Turks who were not afraid of death.

After an unknown amount of time, the battlefield gradually became quiet, and all the Zhou troops responsible for cleaning the battlefield had shocked expressions on their faces.

They didn't expect the firearms to be so powerful, and they wiped out the Turkic vanguard in just a few hours.

"General Manager, Alimutu's troops have suffered all casualties and we have won." Lin Tie said happily.

"Yes, victory."

Fan Xin sighed: "Now is not the time to be happy, clean the battlefield immediately and help Jiang Ji eliminate the Chahar tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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