The generals looked solemn and began to clean the battlefield in preparation for support.

According to the information from the pangolin, Mo Chui deployed two armies outside Zhaozhou City to defend the city.

Now that the Alimutu tribe has been eliminated, only the Chahar tribe on the right is left.

As long as these two armies are cut off, the Zhou army can march directly to Zhaozhou.

At the same time, artillery fire suddenly rang out in the Funiugang area, and more than a dozen shells fell into the Turkic army that came for reinforcements.

With the flames blazing into the sky, the 20,000 Zhou troops pulled out the fuses and threw grenades at the rushing enemies.

Boom boom boom!

Explosions one after another spread all over the mountains and forests. Countless Turkic soldiers were blown to pieces, and screams were heard everywhere for a while.

Seeing the enemy suffered heavy losses, Jiang Ji and Zhang Huan looked at each other.

next moment.

The two men drew their swords and each led their men to rush down the hillside like a flood.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides collided and began a brutal hand-to-hand combat.

The Zhou troops who followed this time were all veterans who had participated in several wars, so the two sides showed their strong strength as soon as they met.

On the other hand, due to the haste of the incident and the impact of artillery fire, the Turks' morale had long been lost, and they soon fell into a disadvantage.


Cutting off the Zhou army's neck with one knife, the Turkic general said to the one-eyed dragon.

"General Chahar, I will cover your retreat. Hurry and lead people to Zhaozhou."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on here much longer!"

Chahar stared at the exploding fire with gloomy eyes, feeling extremely unwilling to do so.

He never dreamed that Zhou Jun would have such powerful weapons.

This news must be known to Mo Chui Khan, otherwise he will suffer a big loss in the future.

At this thought, Chahar no longer hesitated, and suddenly swung the reins and led hundreds of guards towards Zhaozhou.

Two hours later, the killing cry disappeared, and Fan Xin led the Shenji Battalion to Funiugang.

Jiang Ji said with a guilty look on his face.

"Report to the General Manager that the final general was incompetent and could only annihilate 14,000 people, leaving Chahar to escape."

Fan Xin smiled slightly and looked at Zhaozhou Road in the distance.

"It doesn't matter. If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. Send an order to the whole army to rest and continue to advance towards Zhaozhou at sunrise."


Zhaozhou, inside the big tent.

At this time, Mo Chui was sitting on the tiger leather chair with a sullen face and said nothing.

Dozens of generals commanding troops stood on both sides with solemn expressions.

"Are you sure it was the main force of Zhou's army that attacked the camp?" Mo Chui asked.

Until now, he couldn't believe that Fan Xin's team would arrive so many days in advance.

How the hell did he do it?

Chahar covered his chest with blood on his mouth and said: "It's absolutely true. Judging from the combat effectiveness of this group of Zhou troops, they number at least 200,000."

"They are all weapons we have never seen before. The brothers didn't even have time to react before their bodies were blown apart by the huge fire."

Recalling the terrible scene before, Chahar said with a trembling voice.

"Great Khan, this man named Fan is a devil. We should retreat to Mobei as soon as possible!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone started talking among themselves, obviously thinking of retreating.

Seeing this, Mo Chuo's expression changed and he yelled loudly.

"Nonsense, it's obvious that you were careless and underestimated the enemy, allowing the Zhou army to take advantage of the loophole, and that's why they suffered heavy losses."

"You actually said that the Zhou army used weapons that I have never seen before."

"Do you really think I don't know that Dazhou has explosives?"

Speaking of this, Mo Chui slammed the table: "Come here, pull down this coward who is afraid of the enemy and avoids fighting and chop him down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two Turkic soldiers broke into the tent and held Chahar down before retreating.

After dealing with the defeated general, the white-haired old man stroked his beard and said. "The Great Khan, Chahar and Alimutu have a total of 35,000 people. If they can be wiped out in the middle of the night, I'm afraid there are not a few Zhou troops."

"The old minister thought that we should immediately send people to Tanzhou and Guizhou to ask for help from Yelu Qiyan."

Mo Chui immediately understood the meaning of the old man's words.

"Sir, don't worry. This Khan will immediately order people to ask for help. He will never use his own troops as cannon fodder."

"That's very good." The old man smiled and said nothing.

One night passed, and when the sky lit up with a flash of fish belly white, Mo Chui put on his battle armor and personally led the army out of the city.

He wanted to use his powerful Turkic cavalry to defeat the invading Zhou army in one fell swoop.

As the two armies faced each other, Mo Chui saw Fan Xin being defended by all the troops at a glance.

"Hahaha, who I thought attacked Ben Khan's army at night, turned out to be you."

"I remember that when the Great Zhou Dynasty was in danger, it was Ben Khan who sent troops to assist you in annihilating the Khitans."

"What's the difference between doing this and being ungrateful?"

Faced with Mo Chui's question, Fan Xin said coldly: "They say you Turks are capricious villains. I didn't believe it before."

"Now it seems you are more shameless than I thought."

"Mo Chui, I just want to ask you, massacre the people of Great Zhou, how do you want to die?"


Mo Chui smiled disdainfully.

"You really don't know the heights of the sky. There are 160,000 troops behind this Khan. What are you going to do to kill me?"

"That's all, since you don't know what's good or bad, then this Khan will let you see the power of the Turkic cavalry!"

The words fall.

Mo Chui suddenly pulled out his scimitar and shouted: "Kill me!"

In an instant, tens of thousands of troops surged toward the Zhou army like a black tide.

At the same time, Fan Xin also pulled out the golden dragon sword and ordered to fire.

The gushing shells mixed with lead bullets were fired at the approaching enemy troops.

Before coming, he had deduced the war situation many times and found that as long as the soldiers kept firing continuously according to the three-stage formula.

It is enough to eliminate 70% of the enemy when they rush to the front of the formation.

At this time, Zhang Huan and Jiang Ji, who were on both wings, would lead the cavalry in a countercharge to cover the Shenji Battalion.

Of course, deduction is one thing, and real war is another.

The charge of more than 20,000 cavalrymen has a great psychological impact on people. Whether they can maintain stability will test the psychological quality of the soldiers.

Fortunately, Fan Xin's worries were unnecessary. Even though the Turkic cavalry was getting closer and closer, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion still carried out three-stage shooting in an orderly manner.

The cavalry on both sides also raised their weapons and prepared for cover.

Turkic side.

At first, Mo Chuo still had a smile on his face, but when he saw a large number of cavalry being covered by artillery fire, he finally realized that something was wrong.

When he wanted to order the withdrawal of the troops, only a few thousand of the 20,000 cavalry were still on their horses.

"Damn it, what kind of weapons did Zhou Jun use? Why has Ben Khan never seen it?"

Seeing the densely packed lead bullets fired into the bodies of the Turkic soldiers, his heart almost broke.

This is not a war, it is clearly a unilateral massacre!

As a military advisor, the old man frowned after observing for a while.

"Great Khan, charging like this is not an option. Zhaozhou's terrain is narrow and 20,000 cavalry are too densely packed together."

"One shot from the other side often kills a dozen people. This is not a war that wise men should fight."

"Order to withdraw from the city."

"There is no need for us to waste our cavalry here."

(End of this chapter)

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