Chapter 256: Despair after a deadly battle.


Dense arrows shot into the Turkic army from all directions.

Sensing something was wrong, the old man's expression changed drastically: "No, the enemy is attacking!"


An arrow pierced his throat, and then a deafening killing cry rang out in the forest.

It was General Wang Xiaojie who was ambushing here. He thought that Fan Xin's plan had failed, but he didn't expect that the Turks were driven here in just five days.

"Tell brothers that you must keep the Turks here and never let them return to the Mobei grassland!"

Wang Xiaojie has experienced many battles and knows the characteristics of the Turks well. Once they return to Mobei, it will be impossible to inflict serious damage.

Therefore, no matter how much the price is paid, he will drag the enemy to the fifth corridor to wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

The generals naturally know this truth, and they all fight as if they are risking their lives.

Seeing that the Fifth Route was blocked by the Zhou army, Mo Chui was shocked and angry, and immediately ordered his generals to fight a bloody path.

Soon both sides became jealous.

"General Qi, the Turkic army has broken through the first line of defense!" A general came closer and said.

"If we break through the first line of defense so quickly, we should be facing the Third Turkic Division."

Wang Xiaojie sneered.

"It is said that I will order the death squads to tie explosives and kill Mo Chu's Chinese army!"

In order to buy time for the second line of defense, he had to use unconventional means to force the Turkic vanguard to turn around and return for reinforcements.

This move was indeed effective. When hundreds of Zhou cavalry strapped with explosives rushed towards Mo Chui's central army, the Turkic vanguard, who had previously opened the way with blood, hurriedly chased after the Zhou cavalry.

Once the Turkic Khan is killed, it will be a disaster for the army.

Boom boom boom!

Although the Zhou cavalry were brave and fearless, they could not withstand too many Turks. They only charged several tens of feet and the explosives on their bodies exploded.

Seeing the bodyguards dying of blood and flesh, Mo Chui took a deep breath.

It was only then that he felt Zhou Jun's will.

"Quickly, order the army to fight out the Five Ways quickly!"

His generals led the troops towards the stronger second line of defense.

As time passed and night fell quietly, the exhausted soldiers and horses of both sides were still fighting in a pool of blood.

It didn't gradually calm down until dawn. At this time, there were less than 5,000 men and horses left by Wang Xiaojie's side, all standing at the crossing with swords in hand.

Opposite them, Mo Chui was riding a horse with a livid face.

"Wang Xiaojie, your subordinates are less than five thousand, while this Khan still has an army of more than ninety thousand."

"If you are wise, get out of the way as soon as possible, otherwise this Khan will definitely let you die!"

Faced with Mo Chui's threat, Wang Xiaojie spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground and said coldly.

"Now that you Turks are here, don't even think about going back to Mobei."

"Stay and be buried with us on this land."

"Okay, okay, you are looking for death on your own and you can't blame me!" A murderous intent flashed in Mo Chuo's eyes.

The next moment he whipped out his saber and shouted.

"Kill me warriors!"

Looking at the Turks coming like a tide, Wang Xiaojie murmured to the sky.

"Fan Xin, the general has done what I promised you!"

After speaking, he was about to lead his men to make the final move when dozens of artillery shells were suddenly fired from a distance and fell into the Turkic army.

Immediately afterwards, the Zhou army overflowing the mountains and plains attacked the Turks.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who were originally prepared to die cried with joy.

"General, our reinforcements have arrived!"

Wang Xiaojie laughed loudly, brandished his sword and said loudly: "Brothers, it's time for revenge, kill them!"


Since the number of the Zhou army was twice that of the Turks, and the support of the Shenji Battalion, the morale of the Turkic army gradually fell into a disadvantage.

After seven days and seven nights of bloody fighting, he was forced into Caomiao Village.

"General Manager, the Turks have hid in the village. If we attack by force, the damage will be too great. The general will think that we can use a siege method." Lou Shide suggested. Fan Xin nodded. After a long period of consumption, there was not much ammunition left, and siege was indeed the best way.

"Tell the brothers to surround the village. The Turks will be left without anything to eat for anywhere from seven to eight days to half a month."

"The last will obey!"

Inside Caomiao Village.

The Turkic generals sat in a yellow mud room with a dull look on their faces.

There were 340,000 troops when they arrived, but now there are only 30,000 left in less than a month.

This blow was too big for them.

Someone started sobbing, which made Mo Chui very irritable.

"Why are you crying? We are just taking a break and have to fight back to Mobei tomorrow!"

Signaling the Great Khan to calm down, Iron Curtain brought a bowl of porridge and said.

"Great Khan, the food in the army is only enough to last until the day after tomorrow. Do you think you should kill some war horses first?"

Glancing at the Iron Curtain, Mo pulled out the saber and put it on his neck with a slurp.

"It's already here, are you still going to hide your identity? Pangolin!"

Iron Curtain's expression changed slightly and he said: "Why can't the general understand what the Great Khan is saying?"

"Can't understand?"

Mo Chui sneered: "The spies placed by Ben Khan in Dazhou told me that a man named Pangolin was a spy who lurked in."

"I didn't suspect you originally, but you deliberately lied when you were investigating the Fifth Circuit."

“Do you really think Ben Khan is a fool?”

Seeing that his identity was exposed, Iron Curtain put down his porridge bowl and said with a smile: "As expected of the Turkic Khan, you are right. I am the spy planted by Zhou Dynasty, nicknamed Pangolin!"

"Mo Chui, if you want to go back alive, you'd better put down your weapons and surrender, otherwise no one can save your life!"


With a knife thrust into the heart of the Iron Curtain, Mo Chui wiped his hands and said to the generals.

"Everyone, we can't be trapped here for too long. Does any of you have a good way to escape?"


The generals looked at each other and didn't know how to answer. Zhou Jun set up a dragnet outside the village. The only way to get out was to surrender.

Seeing everyone's expressions in his eyes, Mo Chuo snorted heavily.

"A bunch of useless trash, I can't count on you for anything at the critical moment, think quickly!"

At this time, Princess Yinzhu, who had been holding the child silently, spoke.

"Father, I have a way for you to return to Mobei alive."

"Oh, what can I do?" Mo Chui asked eagerly, his eyes brightening.

Princess Yinzhu hesitated and said, "Didn't you ask me what my child's name is before? Now I can tell you."

"His name is Fan Buhui."


Mo Chui stood up suddenly, staring at his daughter with his eyes.

"You said he is Fan Xin's son?"

Princess Yinzhu nodded solemnly: "Yes, he is the first child I gave birth to to Fan Xin!"


Mo Chui was furious and wanted to kill the child but gave up after thinking about it.

He never dreamed that his daughter would give birth to a child for his enemy.

The Ashina family's face was completely lost to her.

"Great Khan, when the top priority is not to hold people accountable, we should tell Fan Xin the news as soon as possible."

"With the child in his hands, I believe he won't dare to stop us." The subordinate said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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