Chapter 257 The teacher returns to the court.

Mo Chui glared at his daughter fiercely and said to his subordinates.

"The three armies gather together and be ready to break out at any time!"

Although they are angry about their daughter's failure, the existence of their children is indeed their only way to survive.

The Han people attach great importance to the inheritance of their children, and he believed that Fan Xin would definitely let him go for the sake of his children.

As the morale of the Turkic army was greatly shaken, it quickly attracted the attention of the Zhou army.

"General Manager, the Turkic Khan wants to see you." Jiang Ji walked in and said.

"Mo Chui wants to see me?" Fan Xin frowned slightly and couldn't understand why Mo Chui wanted to see him. At this point in the war, he had already killed Hongyan. Unless one side was defeated, there would be no ceasefire.

However, Fan Xin still left the tent and headed to the entrance of Caomiao Village. He wanted to hear what Mo Chui had to say.

Caomiao Village was surrounded by water, and three lines of defense were set up inside and outside. A large number of artillery and soldiers were deployed on each line of defense.

After passing through the siege and arriving at the forward position, Fan Xin raised his head and looked to the opposite side, where Mo Chui was riding a horse.

Their eyes met, and there was a faint murderous intent in the air.

a long time.

Fan Xin said calmly: "I heard that you have something to do with me?"

Mo Chuo nodded with a sullen face.

"You and I have suffered heavy losses in this battle. Why not withdraw the troops and let us leave?"

"Don't worry, this Khan has sworn by the Immortal Heaven that he will never be an enemy of the Great Zhou again after returning to Mobei, otherwise humans and gods will abandon him!"

Looking at Mo Chui with a confident look on his face, Fan Xin sneered.

"We Han people have an old saying that cuts the grass without eradicating the roots. When the spring breeze blows, it will grow again."

"If you want to leave alive, you have no choice but to lay down your weapons and surrender!"

Mo Chui was not surprised at all by Fan Xin's answer and snorted coldly.

"It's a joke. How could we Turkic warriors surrender to you Han people after spending our entire lives as soldiers?"

"Since you don't know what is good or bad, then I will let you know how powerful I am."

"Yinzhu, why don't you let your cruel husband see your child?"

As soon as the words fell, Princess Yinzhu walked to the front of the battle with a fat baby in her arms while everyone watched, and looked at Fan Xin with eyes full of sadness.

Fan Xin was shocked the moment he saw the child.

so similar!

The child looked exactly like him, the only difference being that his eyes had a hint of Turkic color.

"Yinzhu, is this...?" Fan Xin said in a trembling voice while holding back the shock.

Yin Zhu glanced at him and said with slightly lowered eyes: "He is your son Fan Buhui."


Fan Xin froze in place, looking at Princess Yinzhu with complicated eyes.

He didn't expect that this woman would actually give birth to a son for him in Mobei.

And he was also named Fan Buhui.

Fan Bugui.

This affection...

After a while, Fan Xin suppressed the excitement in his heart and said with a cold expression.

"You want to use your children to force me to lift the blockade?"

"That's right, as long as Fangfuhan and the others return to Mobei, I'm willing to let you do whatever you want." Yinzhu said, biting her lip.

However, to everyone's surprise, Fan Xin shook his head.

"Yinzhu, you overestimate yourself. In this battle, our army suffered 70,000 casualties and more than 30,000 civilians were slaughtered."

"Don't mention you holding the child today, even if my parents are here, I will crush you invading Turks to ashes!"

"Come here, pass the general order from me, prepare for war!"

"General Manager, isn't this appropriate? My sister-in-law and young master are still in the hands of the Turks. What if..." Liuzi hesitated. "Yes, why don't you let Mo Chui go? Your Fan family finally has descendants, so there is no need to stay here." Wang Xiaojie advised.

Facing the crowd's advice, Fan Xin said coldly: "You don't need to say any more."

"One hundred thousand soldiers and civilians died in the hands of the Turks in this battle. If Mo Chui is released today, how can I, Fan Xin, have the dignity to see the family members of those who died in the battle!"

"Lin Tie, point the muzzle at Caomiao Village and don't let anyone go!"

When the generals saw that Fan Xin insisted on starting a war, they all sighed secretly and ordered the troops to prepare.

Seeing that Fan Xin was unwilling to give in, Mo pulled out his sword and put it on his daughter's neck.

"Fan Xin, I will give you one last chance. Order the army to retreat immediately, otherwise the Khan will kill them and their son!"

Fan Xin took a deep look at his wife and children, closed his eyes and raised his right hand high.

"Heavy artillery battalion prepares!"

"The Divine Machine Battalion is ready!"

As the Zhou army aimed their guns at the Turks, Mo Chui subconsciously increased his strength.

"Fan, do you really want to see your wife and daughter die tragically?"

"Mo Chui, I said you only have one option: surrender."

"Kill my wife and children, and I will bury all you Turks with them!"

As he spoke, he lowered his right hand suddenly.

"Open it for me..."

"Wait! We surrender!" Mo Chui's psychological defense finally collapsed at the last moment.

As the leader of the Turks, he cannot die here in vain. As long as he lives, he will still have a chance.

Hearing these words, Fan Xinxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body was as wet as if he had been fished out of water.

His heart was hanging just now, but luckily he succeeded at the last moment.

Ordering the army to disarm the Turks and take them into custody, Fan Xin said to Wang Xiaojie.

"Many people's hands were stained with blood when they went south this time. It is said that the 60,000 soldiers who surrendered under the command of our general commander Shi Wei and the 15,000 Turks who were suspected of killing the people of Zhaozhou were all killed and buried alive."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. Wang Xiaojie couldn't believe it.

"General Manager, if you want to bury all 80,000 people alive, I'm afraid it will harm Tianhe."

Fan Xin glanced at the crowd and said calmly: "Those who offend me during the Great Zhou Dynasty must pay with blood. Go ahead and execute it."

"After burying the people, we took Mo Chui back to the capital. It's time for us to return to the capital after being here for so long."

The generals looked at each other, clasped their fists and went to carry out the order.

When only Princess Yinzhu was left at the scene, Fan Xin took off his cotton coat and wanted to put it on her body.

Princess Yinzhu blocked her expressionlessly, then she got on her horse and left with a few maids, without even saying a word before leaving.

"Fan Xin, you are so cruel, I will never forgive you."


Looking at the retreating figure, Zhang Huan hesitated and said: "General manager, wouldn't it be better to just let the Turkic princess leave like this in case the court finds out?"

"How about we bring Princess Yinzhu back?"

"Forget it, let the mother and son go. Remember to find more experts to protect them secretly, and there must be no accidents."

After watching his wife disappear, Fan Xin wrote an urgent message and gave it to the Red Ling Courier, who sent it to Luoyang.

After dealing with this, Fan Xin got on his horse and pointed to the horizon in the distance.

"Brothers, it's time for us to go home!"

Oh oh oh!

Amidst the melodious sound of horns, the army slowly set off towards Luoyang with tens of thousands of prisoners in tow.

At the same time, dozens of fast horses were galloping towards the capital at a speed of eight hundred miles, trampling down bursts of dust wherever they passed...

(End of this chapter)

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