"You wait here, I'll report to General Jiang."

Instructing Yinggu to wait outside the camp gate, the guard hurriedly ran into the camp.

Not long after, Jiang Yunding, who was wearing armor, walked to the gate of the camp and found that the person coming was the housekeeper next to Princess Taiping. He cupped his fists and said.

"May I ask what happened to Butler Ying? That he came to the camp to look for me late at night?"

Jiang Yunding is Jiang Ji's son. Before his father left, he told him to take good care of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Back to General Jiang, what happened is this. On his way to Beijing, Mr. Fan was arrested by the government and sent to prison because he didn't have a fish charm.

"After many inquiries from the Prime Minister's Office, we found out that he was imprisoned in Lijingmen Inner Prison."

"For this reason, Her Royal Highness the Princess ordered your servant to come to you. Please be sure to rescue Old Mrs. Fan."

"How dare the Jinwu Guard arrest Mr. Fan!"

Jiang Yunding was shocked and his temper immediately exploded.

The damn Jinwu Guard has become rampant again just a few days after it stopped. If he doesn't bring people back, will he be scolded to death by the chief manager?

Thinking of this, he pulled out his sword with a clang.

"My father gave many instructions before he left, telling me, General, to protect the Fan family."

"Now that Mr. Fan is imprisoned in the Internal Guard Prison, this is a big deal!"

"Come here, gather your troops and follow me to Lijingmen to ask Jinwu Guards for someone!"

"Follow the order!"

With an order, two thousand heavily armed sergeants immediately picked up their weapons.

He looked towards the direction of Lijingmen in the night with a murderous look on his face.

Jin Wuwei is looking for death if he dares to capture the chief steward's father!

Suddenly, an angry shout sounded in the night.


"Old Cao?"

Jiang Yunding frowned when he saw that the person coming was Cao Bingbing.

"The chief steward's father was taken to Lijingmen by Jin Wuwei. You and I both know where that place is."

"If we go late, we won't be able to explain it to the chief manager!"

Cao Bingbing said with a solemn expression.

"Of course I know where Lijingmen is, but have you ever thought about it? We are just the personal guard of the Grand Manager."

"Going to Lijingmen to ask for someone without an order from the chief steward is tantamount to rebellion."

"When the court accuses us of treason, who among us can afford it?"

Seeing that what Lao Cao said made sense, Jiang Yunding snorted irritably.

"Then what do you think we should do? We can't just watch Old Mrs. Fan being locked up in prison, right?"

"Just wait a moment. I, the general, have a few words to ask Aunt Ying."

Having said this, Cao Bingbing moved his eyes to Yinggu on the side.

"Gu Ying, this matter is of great importance. Do you have any evidence?"

Yinggu slapped her forehead and said apologetically.

"I'm sorry to you two young generals. I forgot about it in my hurry."

"This is a personal letter from Her Royal Highness the Princess to you.

As he spoke, he took out a letter baked with wax paint from his arms.

Cao Bingbing took the letter and took a look at it. The cover was indeed stamped with the official seal of Princess Taiping.

Moreover, the beautiful handwriting was obviously written by Princess Taiping herself.

The last bit of doubt in my mind disappeared.

"How about it, Lao Cao, what did Her Highness Princess say in the letter?"

"His Highness asked us to rescue Old Mrs. Fan as soon as possible, so as not to be harmed and unable to explain to the chief manager."

Cao Bingbing took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with coldness.

"Now that Her Royal Highness the Princess has spoken, we have nothing more to say, let's go!"

woo woo woo...

The low horn sounded melodiously, and eighty battlefield veterans ran towards Lijing Gate with murderous intent.

Although he had the official seal of Her Royal Highness, Cao Bingbing only brought 80 people with him out of caution. Even if someone impeached him in the future, it would not be a big deal.

The eighty people were a little arrogant and domineering at best, and they couldn't even talk of starting a rebellion.

Soon the appearance of troops on the street attracted the attention of the patrol sergeant.

Qianniuwei General Huang Helou personally led his men to block the intersection, staring at the approaching army with vigilant eyes. “Cao Bingbing, why are you taking so many people during the curfew?

"Shut up!"

Cao Bingbing reined in the reins, rode towards Huang Helou and clasped his fists.

"Uncle Huang, my nephew has received orders from Her Royal Highness the Princess and has something to do. Please get out of the way."

"Her Royal Highness the Princess' order?

Huang Helou frowned and said, "How does a woman, Your Highness, get the right to issue orders?"

"You two brats, take your people back quickly, otherwise the censor who patrols the city will find out and will definitely impeach you to the court."

Cao Bingbing was focused on saving people at this time, so he had no time to talk.

said impatiently.

"My nephew wants someone from Lijingmen Prison. Please don't stop Uncle Huang. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

Huang Helou snorted angrily.

"Shu Zi, don't be so arrogant. Don't say it's you today, even if your father comes, don't even think about it."

"If you are wise, take your people back quickly, otherwise this general will order your arrest!"

In Huang Helou's opinion, after giving his warning, Cao Bingbing would take the people away.

It's a pity that he forgot that the two guys in front of him were Fan Xin's subordinates.

Didn't take him seriously at all. .

Jiang Yunding laughed a few times.

The next moment he whipped his horse whip violently.

"Brothers, rush over to me!"


The eighty-year-old veteran rolled up his sleeves and rushed into the patrol like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep.

With three punches and two kicks, several recruits were beaten until they were lying on the ground.

Huang Helou, in particular, was beaten twice because he was ignorant of current affairs.

"Jiang Yunding, if you dare to beat me, just wait for me!"

Looking at the 80-year-old veteran walking away, Huang Helou's nose became crooked with anger.

"General Huang, what should we do? Do we need to mobilize an army to suppress it?"

asked a sergeant covering his face.

"Forget it! These two children are not bad-hearted. For the sake of friendship with their father, we should try to keep the matter as minor as possible."

Staring hard in the direction the two were leaving, Huang Helou covered his eyes and said helplessly.

"Damn, I've been beaten for a long time. I'm going to kill Jiang Ji and Cao Wei when they come back."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he stopped and stared at the man in black in front of him warily.

"who are you?"

"Jie Jie, there is no need for a bunch of dead people to know, I will send you on your way right now!"

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of masked men rushed toward the patrol.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of patrol troops died tragically under the butcher's knife.

Amid the chaos, a panicked sergeant fled into the night.

"Want to chase?"

"No need. According to the plan, this survivor is the witness who identifies the Prime Minister's Mansion. Let him go back and report the news."

After kicking Huang Helou's body, the masked man sneered.


At the entrance of the Ministry of War Yamen.

The originally peaceful night was broken by a sergeant covered in blood.

"Ergou, why did you come back by yourself? Where are General Huang and the others?"

The sergeant named Ergou gasped and shook his head.

"They are all dead. Open the door quickly. I have something important to report to the Minister of War!"

Sensing that something was wrong, the guard quickly took Ergou to the night watch study of the Ministry of War.

"What did you say! Fan Xin's family general attacked your patrol?"

After the major case, the Minister of War asked loudly with a shocked look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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