"Back to the servant, I saw with my own eyes that the weapons used by those people were engraved with the word "Fan"."

"And they are all very skilled, just like the guards of the Prime Minister's Mansion. They must have done it!"

The Minister of War had a gloomy expression on his face. This matter was too big. Whether he led his troops to break into Lijing Gate at night or killed patrolling soldiers, they all violated the laws of the Zhou Dynasty.

It stands to reason that he should report it to Fengge Luantai immediately at this time.

But the other party was from Fan Xin, and with the latter's power in the court, he had to act cautiously.

"Shilang Xia, it is not a small matter for nearly a hundred generals to break into Lijingmen at night, not to mention the fact that they killed General Huang of Qianniu Guard."

"We have to report this matter to the court as soon as possible, otherwise our Ministry of War cannot afford to pursue it."

The head of the Ministry of War said with a worried look.

"Yes, this matter is too big. Our Ministry of War alone can no longer handle it."

Speaking of this, Xia Shilang looked solemn and said to his subordinates in the study.

"I order you to take people to track down the murderer immediately. Remember not to alert the enemy, and wait until I come back from the court!"

"I accept my order from my humble position!"

All the officials held their fists together and disappeared into the night.

Shilang Xia was not idle either. He got on the sedan chair and rushed to the residence of Wei Yuanzhong, the Shifu of Fengge, overnight.

When he heard that Fan Xin's family generals had killed dozens of patrolling soldiers, Wei Yuanzhong's expression changed drastically and he quickly asked for details.

When he learned that he was going to Lijingmen to rob a prison, Wei Yuanzhong's face turned blue and white for a while.

Finally he gritted his teeth and said.

"That's it, Minister Xia. No one is allowed to disturb His Majesty after he falls asleep."

"Taking advantage of this gap, I and you will go to Lijingmen in person and try to stop Cao Bingbing before they make a big mistake."

"Only in this way will things have room for change, okay?"

The reason why Wei Yuanzhong took the risk to suppress this shocking case was entirely for Fan Xin's sake.

He has been in official circles for a long time and is well aware of the dangers involved. A discerning person can see that someone is secretly fueling the situation.

So he had to stop this from happening.

Xia Shilang was forced by Wei Yuanzhong's influence in Qingliu, so he could only nod in agreement.

At the same time, there is also a hidden thought of selling the model letter which is somewhat thin.

Seeing that Xia Shilang agreed to his request, Wei Yuanzhong quickly changed into his official uniform and went to Lijingmen with him.

Luoyang, Lijingmen.

There was a dead silence here at this time. Eighty veterans held weapons in their hands and stared coldly at the big iron gate in front of them.

"General Cao, the brothers have been knocking on the door for a long time, but there is no response at all. It seems that they are not planning to release him."

"How about we rush in and rescue Old Mrs. Fan as soon as possible to save him from suffering."

Cao Bingbing glanced at him and looked at Lijingmen Prison.

Back then, this place was a detestable place, but now it is under the jurisdiction of Jinwu Guard.

"Hmph, do you really think that the general will not dare to go in if he is hiding inside?"

"Tietou, lead the brothers and break the door open for me!"

"General Cao, watch out!"

The man named Tietou sneered, picked up the wood and hit it.

With a bang, the heavy iron door collapsed.

Then eighty generals, led by Cao Bingbing and Jiang Yunding, broke into Lijingmen.

However, when they saw the scene in front of them clearly, everyone stopped and looked shocked.

That's horrible!

Nearly a hundred corpses lay in a pool of blood, and weapons were scattered everywhere on the ground.

Looking at the armor style, it’s King Wu Guard!

Jiang Yunding swallowed and said with a trembling voice.

"Old Cao, why are all these Jinwu guards dead?"

"If you ask me how I know, you have to ask their murderer."

Cao Bingbing scolded Jiang Yunding, but his heart cast a shadow.

For some reason he felt like he was in a trap.

The Kingo Guard in front of him is the third existence after the Zuowei Guard and the Habayashi Guard. The soldiers who can enter here are all veterans who have been on the battlefield.

Now lying here, it is obvious that the murderer is a group of extremely powerful beings.

Just when Cao Bingbing was about to leave here, the earth suddenly shook.

Then there was a cold shout from outside Lijingmen.

"People inside, listen, come out and surrender quickly, you are already surrounded!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the families immediately became panicked.

At this time, even fools know that they have fallen into the trap.

"Where's this bitch Yinggu? Bring her to me!"

After Jiang Yunding came back to his senses, he looked around, if this guy hadn't claimed that Mr. Fan had been arrested.

How did they get here?

"There's no need to look for it. This bitch has disappeared since we entered the prison."

Cao Bingbing signaled his subordinates to put down their weapons and rode outside.

There is no point in going against the imperial court at this point.

All he could do was wait for change and wait for the court to investigate and find out the truth.

Seeing Cao Bingbing come out on his own initiative, Wei Yuanzhong and Xia Shilang breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this situation has not reached the point of irreversibility.

"Cao Bingbing, your father has been with Duke Yan for many years in vain. How could you do such a stupid thing!"

When the two parties met, Wei Yuanzhong couldn't help but scolded him.

"Prime Minister Wei, Cao Bingbing, you led your private soldiers to kill innocent patrol soldiers, have you ever thought about the Duke of Yan?"

Xia Shilang said angrily.

Cao Bingbing was startled and looked at the two people in confusion.

"Even the soldiers from the patrol battalion were killed?"

Hearing this, Wei Yuanzhong and Xia Shilang's expressions suddenly turned ugly.

Cao Bingbing looked at Cao Bingbing in disbelief.

"Are you saying that the Jinwu guards guarding Lijing Gate were also killed by you?"

"Not my nephew, they were killed before we came."

"And we only beat up the patrol soldiers, not killed them at all!"

"If you don't believe me, ask Uncle Huang from Qianniu Guard."

Cao Bingbing said helplessly.

In fact, at this point, he finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

Being blocked on the spot at Lijing Gate, even if I had a hundred mouths, I probably wouldn't be able to explain clearly.

Sure enough, Wei Yuanzhong snorted: "Your Uncle Huang has been killed. Where can I ask him?"

After saying that, he pushed him away and walked into Lijingmen Prison.

When the corpses on the ground appeared in sight, Wei Yuanzhong's cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and his mouth was full of bitterness.

"It's over, it's over, these Jinwu Guards are all sons of nobles and the royal family."

"If you kill them, even Daluo Jinxian won't be able to save you."

Shilang Xia smiled bitterly.

"The killing of Jin Wuwei is just one of them. The most important thing is that all the traitors imprisoned here have been rescued."

"If His Majesty finds out, there will be another thunderous wrath."

The two calmed down and came to Cao Bingbing with pale faces.

"It has only been two months since I entered Fengge Luantai, and I am going to suffer miserably from you today."

"You not only harmed me and Shi Lang Xia, but also the Duke of Yan was implicated."

"If you still have some conscience, then arrest him as soon as possible. Only in this way can we give everyone a chance of survival."

"Otherwise, when the Emperor's thunder is wrathful, it will be the day when everyone's heads will be dismembered!"

(End of this chapter)

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