The matter was too big, including killing patrol soldiers and rescuing those who rebelled against the party, all of which were shocking crimes.

Wei Yuanzhong did not dare to delay reporting to Fengge Luantai overnight.

Early the next morning, inside the Guanfeng Hall.

Wu Zetian stood in front of the bronze mirror and compared the newly made yellow dragon robe with a look of satisfaction on her face.

"Yes, the dragon robe customized by Jiangnan Silk is indeed more in line with my temperament."

"Let them make some more regular clothes."

Manager Geng nodded with a smile and put the crown on Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, today is the Shangyang Palace Great Court Meeting, and all the civil and military officials are waiting for it."

"Shall we go to court first?"

"That's fine. I've been recovering from illness recently, so it's time to meet all of you, my dear friends."

On the way to Shangyang Palace, Wu Zetian suddenly stopped and asked Manager Geng.

"By the way, have all the rebels who rebelled some time ago been executed?"

"Back to Your Majesty, two batches of criminals have been executed so far, and the remaining ones are temporarily detained in Lijingmen and guarded by Jinwu Guards."

Thinking of these unsatisfactory martial arts ministers, Wu Zetian waved her sleeves and robes and came to Shangyang, where all the ministers bowed and worshiped.

"I see your Majesty, long live my emperor!"

"My dear friends, please be safe."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After Wu Zetian ascended the platform, she looked at the civil and military officials with a smile on her face.

But what surprised her was that everyone in the civil and military court had solemn expressions, as if something big had happened.

"My great Zhou Dynasty is bright and clear, and everything is renewed. It is the time when the prosperous age is rising. Why do you, my dear friends, look like this?"

"Back to Your Majesty, Fengge Luantai received news last night that Fan Xin's family general broke into the divine capital at night and killed the patrolling General Qian Niuwei."

"And broke into Lijingmen at midnight and killed the Jinwu guard who was responsible for guarding it."

"So much so that there is no trace of the traitor who was imprisoned here."

Cabinet Minister Zhang Jianzhi's voice became softer as he spoke, and finally he knelt on the ground.


Wu Zetian stood up suddenly and stared at Zhang Jianzhi with an angry look.

"It's such a big deal, why didn't you report it last night?"

"Your Majesty, the minister on duty at Feng Pavilion last night was not a minor minister, but..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jianzhi looked at Wei Yuanzhong who was standing aside.

The latter sighed secretly and fell to his knees.

"Your Majesty, after receiving the report from the Minister of War, I went to Lijingmen Prison overnight to stop Cao Bingbing and Jiang Yunding."

"It turned out to be a step too late, which resulted in an irreversible mistake. I am guilty."

Wu Zetian smiled coldly, with endless killing intent surging in her eyes.

"Of course you are guilty. Come here, bring these two thieves Cao Bingbing and Jiang Yunding to me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Manager Geng bowed, turned around and said sharply to the door of the palace.

"Your Majesty has a decree to bring the prisoner Cao Bingbing to Jiang Yunding for an audience!"

As soon as the words fell, the two men, dressed in prison uniforms and shackled, were escorted into the main hall by the guards.

"Your Majesty!"

Pushing the two men to the ground, the guard said to Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, bring the prisoner!"

Wu Zetian nodded and looked down at Cao Bingbing and Cao Bingbing on the ground with cold eyes.

"You two come from a military family and should abide by the law and be loyal to the court."

"I didn't expect you two to dare to attack the imperial officers and soldiers and break into Lijingmen."

"I ask you how you want to die?"

Hearing this, Cao Bingbing raised his head and said without changing his expression.

"Your Majesty, if you want me to die, I have to die, but I am unjustly accused."

Immediately he told what happened.

"So, you were deceived by the housekeeper of the princess's residence and went to Lijingmen?"

Wu Zetian's heart moved, and the murderous intent on his face softened a bit. In fact, this matter was really too hasty. She really couldn't figure out how Fan Xin's general would go to save the rebel party.

It stands to reason that the two sides should be incompatible with each other.

"That's right, Your Majesty, the last general thought that Mr. Fan was captured by the Jinwu Guards and sent to Lijingmen, so he led eighty generals to go to the prison to demand his release out of desperation."

"Not a single soldier was killed during this period. If you don't believe me, you can call Her Royal Highness to come and inquire."

Looking at Cao Bingbing who was vowing to do so, Wu Zetian sat back on the dragon chair again and said calmly.

"Princess Taiping is already on her way here. Such a big thing happened in the Prime Minister's Mansion. She, the mistress, has a great responsibility."

Not long after he finished speaking, a chamberlain ran into the main hall of Shangyang Palace.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Highness the Princess wishes to see you."

"Let her in!"

Under the gaze of all the ministers, Princess Taiping walked in with a majestic face and bowed to Wu Zetian.

"My son, I have met my mother..."

"Okay, Taiping, my mother asked you, did you give Cao Bingbing a letter with a big seal yesterday?"

"After returning to my mother, my daughter did not write any letters to Cao Bingbing. This was all done by Yinggu behind her back."

Princess Taiping had already heard about this on the way here, so she directly denied it.

Wu Zetian nodded.

"According to what you said, this was all done by a housekeeper. Then I ask you, where is Aunt Ying?"


Princess Taiping hesitated.

"To be honest with my mother, Yinggu never came back after leaving the Prime Minister's Mansion last night. My son and I are also looking for her whereabouts."

Wu Zetian tapped her fingers lightly on the armrest, with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

After a long time, he looked at His Highness's civil and military officials.

"What do you dear ladies think?"

The ministers looked at each other in shock, and Wu Chengsi walked out of the queue and cupped their hands.

"Your Majesty, it is no small matter for a general of the Fan family to break into the gods at night."

"Do you think that with no one to support them in such a shocking case, only 80 generals would dare to act so recklessly?"

"Now that the crime has occurred, it is simply ridiculous to replace it with a housekeeper."

The old guy's words were not without poison, and they were aimed directly at Fan Xin, who had not yet returned.

Wei Yuanzhong and others' expressions changed, and they immediately stood up and retorted.

"Your Majesty, King Wei's words are wrong. The Duke of Yan went to dangerous places to fight against the enemy for the sake of the great Zhou Dynasty."

"He himself is upright and honest, and has never used his power for personal gain."

"How could he instruct his generals to rescue the rebellious minister?"

"Don't forget, he arrested these people himself!"

Those who support Fan Xin are some upright and capable ministers.

When he saw that someone was trying to bring trouble to Fan Xin, he immediately gave up.

Immediately point the finger at Wu Chengsi and others.

Wu Zetian was sitting on the dragon chair, her head almost exploded.

Finally, he slapped his hand hard on the armrest.

"Okay, shut up!"

After the ministers calmed down, he said in a deep voice.

"Fan Xin has a strong personality. If you say he did it, I believe him, but if you say he ordered his subordinates to rescue the rebels, I absolutely don't believe it!"

"Although both persons were caught with the stolen goods in this case, there are still doubts. Ma Rulong, you are the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, so I will leave this matter to you to investigate!"

Ma Rulong bowed.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. I will guarantee with my life that the investigation of this case will come to light."

Seeing that the emperor appointed him as the minister handling the case, Wei Yuanzhong and others breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no other reason. This person never clings to any clique and has always regarded himself as upright and upright.

With him coming forward, the truth of the case will soon be revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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