In order to find out the matter, Wu Zetian neither dispatched Fan Xin's confidant Zhou Tong nor selected Wu Chengsi's party members.

Instead, Ma Rulong, the upright Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, was asked to investigate the case.

This person used to be the chief of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. He offended powerful people several times due to his ruthless enforcement of the law, and has been suppressed by the officialdom.

It was Wu Zetian who discovered his talent when he checked the official assessment.

Therefore, after receiving the decree, Ma Rulong left Shangyang Palace directly and went to the crime scene.

"So, you only saw the word "Fan" engraved on the weapons but not their faces?"

Looking at the surviving sergeant in front of him, Ma Rulong stroked his beard and looked thoughtful.

"Returning to Ma Shangshu, it was three o'clock in the morning and the sky was pitch dark. In addition, the other party's face was covered, so the general could not see their appearance clearly."

"In this case, things are a little strange." Ma Rulong frowned.

After staying in the Ministry of Justice for a long time, he vaguely realized that things were not as simple as imagined.

After taking a deep look at the sergeant, Ma Rulong asked some more about the circumstances of Huang Helou's murder, and then asked his subordinates to take him to the Criminal Department for further interrogation to avoid missing important clues.

"Master Ma, there seems to be something unusual about this case."

Director Xia said.

"Yes, the water in this case is much deeper than we thought."

"But Mr. Di Ge once said that no matter how complicated and confusing the case is, there is always only one truth!"

“As long as we seize the slightest flaw, we will definitely be able to reveal the truth.

"Come on, let's go to Lijingmen and have a look. Maybe we can gain something."

The two of them got into the carriage and drove non-stop to Lijingmen Prison.

Because this major case alarmed the court and the emperor, the troops guarding the scene became soldiers.

"How's it going? Did you find anything at the crime scene?"

Glancing at the corpse in the pool of blood, Ma Rulong asked seriously.

"Going back to Ma Shangshu, after sealing off the scene, no one else touched the scene except Dali Temple who came to inspect the body."

A Qianniuwei general said with his fists clasped.

"Okay, I'll go in first and take a look at the scene. You guys guard the door and don't let anyone in."

After giving instructions to the generals, Ma Rulong took his subordinates to the prison.

Along the way, there were bloody corpses everywhere in the corridor.

Each corpse maintained an expression of disbelief.

Seeing this, Ma Rulong knelt down and dipped his fingers into the black blood on the ground.

Then he opened the collar of the corpse to check the knife edge, and the expression on his face became more solemn.

It is not difficult to find out from the concentration of wounds and body spots that these people should have died between one quarter and three quarters of an hour.

Being able to kill hundreds of well-trained Jinwu guards in such a short period of time is definitely not something that a few killers and thieves can do.

In other words, the perpetrator must be a powerful army.

From this point of view, the generals led by Cao Bingbing clearly fit the characteristics.

But Ma Rulong believes that the real murderer behind the scenes is definitely not them.

Because through inquiry, we learned that from one quarter to three quarters, Cao Bingbing was confronting the patrol team and it was impossible to have time to rob the prison.

The most important point is that it can be seen from the expression of Jin Wuwei's corpse.

Apparently the murderer and the deceased were so familiar that they took the initiative to open the prison door and were killed by the other party without any defense.

But Cao Bingbing’s generals didn’t know them at all!

The only thing that fits this is...

A group of figures wearing bamboo hats and cold faces appeared in Ma Rulong's mind.

"Ma Shangshu, what's wrong with you?" Chief Xia's voice sounded in his ears.

Ma Rulong came to his senses and coughed calmly.

"It's okay, let people guard the crime scene, let's go back."

After saying that, he tossed his sleeves and robe and walked out.

Manager Xia looked at his back expressionlessly, a coldness flashing in his eyes.


After returning home, Ma Rulong directly closed the study door.

He walked around inside with his hands behind his back, sometimes frowning deeply, sometimes sighing, hesitating in his heart whether to present the truth of the case.

With his many years of experience in solving crimes, it is not difficult to find evidence that those people committed murder.

But things are never that simple, those people have great powers.

Now is the time when the undercurrent is surging again. If the murderer cannot be eliminated, he will be implicated instead.

In addition, Fan Xin is far away in Hebei Province, and Mr. Di Ge is seriously ill. If something happens, who can protect the family?

When Ma Rulong was in a dilemma, the housekeeper said respectfully outside the door.

"Sir, Princess Taiping has come to visit you and is waiting in the hall."

"Why is she here?"

Ma Rulong rolled his eyes, suppressed the worries in his heart, and planned to meet Princess Taiping first to see what she meant.

Arriving at the living room, Ma Rulong immediately bowed and saluted.

"I didn't know that His Highness was coming. I missed your welcome at a distance, but I hope I'll forgive you."

Princess Taiping smiled slightly, gave her a hand and said.

"Master Ma, you're welcome. The Lijingmen case involves the Prime Minister's Mansion, so I can only come in person."

After both parties sat down, Ma Rulong asked the butler to pour two cups of fine Longjing tea.

Take advantage of this opportunity and speak.

"Your Highness, this case is complicated and could lead to bloodshed. I hope you can understand my official's difficulties before the investigation is clear."

Ma Rulong had been an official for many years and knew the dangers inside, so he dismissed Princess Taiping's idea.

Princess Taiping smiled calmly.

"Ma Shangshu misunderstood. I am not here to inquire about the details of the case. I just hope that you can report the case to the public and reveal the truth."

Ma Rulong breathed a sigh of relief and nodded seriously.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I will investigate this case impartially and will never take sides."

"In addition, for the sake of His Highness's late-night visit, I can make an exception and remind you."

"Based on my many years of experience in solving cases, this case is by no means simple. There must be a black hand behind it."

"Your Prime Minister's Office must be mentally prepared. The case may develop in the worst direction."

"As I expected, this case is aimed at me and my consort."

Princess Taiping sneered, stood up from her seat and said to Ma Rulong.

"No matter what happens today, I still want to thank Ma Shangshu for reminding me. When the consort returns one day, my husband and I will definitely come to thank you in person."

"Your Highness is serious. As the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, I naturally want to establish the righteousness of heaven and earth and restore the strict laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

After seeing Princess Taiping off, Ma Rulong's eyes flashed with determination, and he resolutely entered the study to write a memorial.

He decided that even if there was a lot of secrets behind this case, he would get to the bottom of it!

After writing down the whole story of the case on the memorial, Ma Rulong stood up and opened the door, preparing to have a meal and wait for the court appearance.

Unexpectedly, a young man came in with a few servants carrying a large box. Judging from the expressions of the servants, it was obvious that the box was very heavy.

"What are you carrying in the middle of the night?" Ma Rulong asked angrily.

Hearing this, the young man bowed and smiled and said: "To be honest with my father, this is a wooden fish given to my grandmother by a Luoyang merchant. I heard that the gold powder alone cost more than 20,000 taels."

"What? More than 20,000 taels!" Ma Rulong was shocked. He quickly looked at the box and saw a huge wooden fish placed inside the iron box.

It's worth at least tens of thousands of taels of gold.

This is not bad, considering that his annual salary is only 300 guan, and he cannot even afford a gold ingot, let alone a gold wooden fish. "

The merchant must have deliberately sent someone to give him a gold wooden fish in order to curry favor with him.

Thinking of this, Ma Rulong snorted and pointed at his son.

"You're such a greedy person, have you forgotten how many bowls of rice you can eat? Send it back quickly!" "If you dare to carry it in again, I'll give you a leg."

The door opened with a bang.

An old lady dressed in jewels and with a rosy complexion came out.

He slapped the crutch in his hand hard and said dissatisfiedly to Ma Rulong.

"What's wrong with you? The merchants also have good intentions and want me to gain more Dharma protection when I knock fish and chant sutras."

"Wouldn't it chill everyone's heart if you asked Xiaoyu to be sent back?"

"Mom, this is a bribe!" Ma Rulong said helplessly.

"Nonsense! This is given to me for the sake of my pious practice of Buddhism. What does it have to do with you?"

After speaking, he touched the young man's forehead with a doting look on his face.

"My dear grandson is still Xiaoshun. Knowing that my grandmother believes in Buddhism, I specially invited a gold wooden fish."

"Unlike some people who have become ministers of the Ministry of Punishments, their relatives don't recognize integrity as water. Can this thing be used as food, or can it be used as money for sesame oil?"

"If you don't make money for your family as an official, then what kind of official do you want to be?"

Facing the old lady's complaints, Ma Rulong sighed and stepped forward.

"Mom, as a minister of the Ministry of Justice, how can my son know the law and break it?"

"My son will never be able to afford a wooden fish made of 20,000 taels of gold, so he should return it to a Luoyang merchant."

"Otherwise, if the court pursues the case, my son's future will be ruined."

Hearing this, the young man said nonchalantly.

"Father, this wooden fish was not given by a merchant to bribe you."

"It's just to congratulate my son on becoming the head of Tongwen Hall."

The old lady waved her hands impatiently.

"Rulong, you heard me this time. The merchant gave me my good grandson, and it has nothing to do with you."

After saying that, he took the young man's hand and entered the house.

Ma Rulong was left standing alone with an extremely ugly expression.

At first he thought it was just the merchant who wanted to bribe him to send him such a valuable gold wooden fish.

Unexpectedly, there was a force behind it that was adding fuel to the fire.

Who is it that can easily elect Bai Ding, who doesn't even know a word, as the leader of Tongwen Museum?

Just when Ma Rulong was in a state of confusion, the housekeeper trotted over.

"Master, there is a person outside the door who claims to be the second master's personal entourage and wants to see you."

"Ma Rushui? Isn't he serving as the chief historian in Suzhou? Why are you sending someone here now?"

Ma Rulong frowned and said displeased: "Let him come to the hall to see me!"


Not long after the housekeeper left, a middle-aged man wearing a raincoat and a straw hat walked into the hall.

"Ma Shangshu, we meet again." He said and slowly untied the straw hat on his head.

"It's you!"

Seeing the appearance of the person coming clearly, Ma Rulong's expression suddenly changed.

A pair of eyes stared at the middle-aged man, and he did not expect that the visitor would be an acquaintance.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm here to bring you glory and wealth."

The middle-aged man sat on the chair nonchalantly, picked up the tea bowl and took a sip.

"Hmph, I don't care about glory and wealth. Leave Ma Mansion immediately. You are not welcome here!"

Ma Rulong pointed to the door and said loudly.

He just said: How could a merchant give A Niang a gold wooden fish for no reason?

His son was promoted from Baiding to the head of Tongwen Hall. It turned out that this person was behind it.

Putting down his tea bowl, the middle-aged man waved his hand and took out a file from his arms.

"Master Ma, there is no need to be angry. You should read this file first."

"Okay, let me see what you are doing!"

Ma Rulong sneered and opened the file.

However, when he saw clearly what was written on it and the fingerprints he pressed, his whole body froze in place, his face turned pale, and big beads of sweat emerged from his forehead.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man shook his head regretfully.

"To be honest, I don't believe that your brother could commit such a heinous crime while serving in Suzhou."

"In less than two years, he embezzled a total of 200,000 yuan, and even raped and killed Duke Qi's beloved daughter."

"Tsk tsk, Lord Qi, that is an old minister named Li. Ma Shangshu should know the consequences of offending his family."

The middle-aged man's words made Ma Rulong break into a cold sweat.

He didn't expect that good-for-nothing brother Ma Rushui to commit such a big crime in Suzhou.

Lustfully raping the royal family and embezzling 200,000 yuan is a serious crime that will kill everyone.

Even he is not immune.

a long time.

Ma Rulong raised his head and stared at the middle-aged man with a livid face.

"What do you want?"

The other party suppressed such an important case and did not report it, which was obviously intentional.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man smiled, took out a flint and ignited the file.

"As long as Ma Shangshu handles the case impartially, Cao Bingbing, who committed the heinous crime, and the mastermind behind the crime will be brought to justice."

"I promise you, not only will your brother be safe and sound, but I will also take the position of Suzhou governor."

"Besides, when the prince ascends to Dabao, there will be a place for you in Feng Pavilion Luantai, how about it?"

Facing the middle-aged man's coercion and inducement, Ma Rulong's expression kept changing.

To be honest, he wished he could kill the person in front of him with his own hands.

But his reason told him that he was the youngest when he died. Once the second child's crime was reported, no one in the family would be able to survive.

So after making the painful choice, he closed his eyes helplessly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do what you say when I present the case to His Majesty tomorrow morning."

"I hope you can keep your promise!"

"Hahaha!" The middle-aged man laughed three times, stood up and patted his shoulder.

"I always follow my words. As long as you do what I say, I will never treat you badly."

Looking at his back, Ma Rulong looked up to the sky and sighed, and returned to the study sadly.

The next day, early morning.

The ministers came to the main hall of Shangyang Palace early to wait for the emperor's arrival.

Because today is mainly about the case of Fan Xin's private soldiers killing Jin Wuwei.

So Princess Taiping and others also came to Shangyang Palace for the first time. .

Under the gaze of all the ministers, Wu Zetian, wearing a yellow five-clawed golden dragon suit, sat on the dragon chair with the support of Manager Geng.

"I see your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live your Majesty!"

"Everyone is safe."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wu Zetian glanced at the ministers and said in a deep voice.

"Where is Ma Rulong, the Minister of Punishment?"

(End of this chapter)

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