A huge problem related to food was successfully solved with Fan Xin's quiet help.

But the ministers, who were completely unaware, came to the main hall of Shangyang Palace as usual.

"Have you heard that all the cattle in all prefectures and counties have been dealt with?"

"Really or not, wasn't the court still at a loss a few days ago? How come it was resolved so quickly?"

"How can this be false? Didn't you see the smile on Xu Zheng's face, the Minister of Revenue? It must be true."

While the ministers were discussing who should solve this matter, Song Jing walked in from outside.

When I heard everyone discussing this matter, my eyes twitched and I walked back to my seat.

"Guangping, have you heard that the problem of lack of cattle in various states and counties has been solved."

"As long as the people cultivate the land in time, we can ensure another good harvest in autumn!"

Yao Chong seemed extremely excited. He had been almost worried about this problem in recent days.

Unexpectedly, there is no clear road until the end of the mountain, and there is another village with dark flowers and bright flowers.

Someone actually provided 100,000 cattle at one time to help the court tide over the difficulties.

This is incredible.

Looking at the excited Yao Chong, Song Jing opened his mouth. He wanted to tell him that the owner of these 100,000 cattle was not a wealthy businessman at all.

But this guy Fan Xin deliberately brought it out in order to win the emperor's hearts.

One hundred thousand cattle is not a small amount of money. In terms of copper coins, it is at least several million copper coins.

Although most of them were given by Turks, Fan Xin actually only took out 1.8 million yuan.

But this is also an astronomical figure, which cannot be matched by the ministers present.

This shows how deep the relationship between the monarch and his minister is.

But he didn't say this, he just sighed slightly.

Yao Chong said in surprise when he noticed that Song Jing's face looked a little strange.

"What's wrong, Guangping? As the court officials, shouldn't you and I be happy that the court has solved such a big difficulty?"

"It's nothing. I just lament that there are people with such a temperament in the world who are willing to spend millions for so-called friendship."

Yao Chong nodded in agreement.

"Yes, several million copper coins is not a small amount of money. It is unimaginable to collect so many cattle in a short time."

"Guangping, your Majesty will be here soon. You and I must jointly report to the court to reward this unknown wealthy businessman."

"It is indispensable to be sealed to at least level four."

Song Jing smiled bitterly and shook his head, feeling filled with depression.

While he was talking, the big bell of Shangyang Palace suddenly made a dull sound.

Amid the loud roll call of the chamberlain, Wu Zetian stepped onto the Golden Palace with a glowing face.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"My lords, please make peace."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After the ministers straightened up, Yao Chong took the lead to step out of the queue and said with a smile.

"Congratulations to your Majesty, congratulations to your Majesty. Fengge Luantai received a report a few days ago that the cattle problem in all the prefectures and counties of Zhou Dynasty has been solved!"

Wu Zetian was immediately overjoyed and said in surprise.

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Please tell me how the Ministry of Household Affairs solved it?"


Yao Chong's smile faltered and he looked embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, this matter was not solved by the Ministry of Revenue, but by a good man named Mr. Zhao who helped the court overcome the difficulties."

After hearing these words, Wu Zetian was stunned and burst into laughter.

He said loudly to the ministers while laughing.

"To be honest with you all, I was called Mr. Zhao when I went out on tour in the early years."

"I'm afraid you don't know yet, right?"


As soon as this statement came out, the whole palace was in an uproar, and everyone was shocked.

There was a deep look of shock in his eyes.

They never expected that the benevolent person who took out tens of thousands of cattle at once would be Emperor Wu Zetian of the Great Zhou Dynasty!

But what makes everyone wonder is that Dazhou has limited cattle. How can she be so awesome?

Is it...?

A tall and tall figure appeared in the minds of all the ministers.

Yao Chong asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Your Majesty, are these 100,000 cattle brought by Fan Xin from the Turks..."

"Yes, it is the tens of thousands of cattle that Fan Xin brought from the Turks, as well as the property that he raised in captivity!"

Having said this, Wu Zetian stood up and looked at the ministers with emotion.

"In fact, Fan Aiqing had already investigated the cattle situation in various prefectures and counties on his way back from Hebei Road."

"While you were standing in the main hall of Shangyang Palace arguing about his impeachment, people had already sent people to send cattle to disaster-stricken counties in various places."

"Everyone, don't you feel ashamed to impeach a good official who is loyal to the country and loves his people like his son!"

At the end, Wu Zetian's tone was full of sternness.

The ministers were so frightened that they shuddered and lowered their heads.

They were really unreasonable about this matter, so they could only listen to the instructions honestly.

At this time, a chamberlain suddenly broke into the main hall of Shangyang Palace.

"Your Majesty, half an hour ago, the imperial city guard reported that tens of thousands of people gathered outside the city gate, as if to express their gratitude to the imperial court."


The hall suddenly erupted, and everyone was shocked.

Since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty, there has never been a case of people offering gifts.

I didn't expect it to happen at this time.

Wu Zetian looked up to the sky and laughed three times, flicked his sleeves and robe and said to the ministers.

"Come on, let's go take a look!"

Everyone arrived in front of Yingtian Gate and were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them.

Under the city gate, thousands of people were standing there, holding a giant Tianshu in their hands.

On it was written "Long Live the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty" in six big characters.

Seeing these words, Song Jing and Yao Chong looked at each other with complicated expressions in their eyes.

It was obviously not a good thing for the prince that Wu Zetian could obtain such honor before abdicating the throne.

This will put the latter under tremendous pressure.

Compared with the entangled attitude of the courtiers, Wu Zetian was full of joy. She clasped her hands tightly on the wall and looked at the subjects under the city gate with excitement.

Her greatest wish has always been to become an emperor respected by all people like Taizong.

It's a pity that because of her good fortune to dominate the Li family, her reputation in the court and among the people was not good.

No matter what she does, the world hates her.

Now that she is well, the subjects spontaneously came to Yingtianmen to express their gratitude to her.

This is tantamount to a recognition of her leadership of the country of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty. After more than ten years of being an emperor, you have finally gained the world's heart."

After coming back to his senses, the old Di Renjie smiled and cupped his hands.

"Yes, Your Majesty, your life is finally complete."

Fan Xin also said with emotion.

After looking at the two of them, Wu Zetian smiled and nodded despite her red eyes.

"Huaiying, Fan Xin, I can be content with you two helping me in this life."

"Draw up the decree. In ten days, I will officially hold the abdication ceremony and establish Prince Li Xian as the new emperor!"

"Long live your Majesty, long live your Majesty!" All the ministers knelt down and said...       Since ancient times, the old and the new have alternated, and the happiest person is the minister from Conglong.

For the arrival of this day, I don’t know how many people secretly prayed that Wu Zetian would abdicate soon.

Now that their wish has finally come true, countless officials congratulated Song Jing and Yao Chong with heavy gifts.

On the contrary, veterans of Wu Zetian like Fan Xin and Di Renjie were gradually forgotten by the ministers.

After all, as emperor and courtier, no matter how powerful Fan Xin and his ilk were, they were still the old emperor's people.

After the new king ascends the throne, he will definitely find ways to suppress them and respect his confidants.

If you get too close to Fan Xin at this time, you will inevitably get burned when he is liquidated in the future.

So rather than being implicated, it is better to draw a clear line with him as soon as possible.

Ten days passed quickly, and the day of the abdication ceremony came in a blink of an eye.

Early in the morning, all civil and military officials, wearing purple official uniforms, walked into the Wanxiang Shrine under the leadership of Prince Li Xian.

Since the first year of Tianshou, all major events of the imperial court have been held here.

Therefore, all the ministers of rank six and above came.

Under the gaze of all the ministers, Wu Zetian was supported by General Geng and walked up to the Temple of Heaven.

Looking at the solemn-looking ministers at the bottom of the steps, Wu Zetian sighed softly in her heart.

He forced himself to cheer up and faced Mr. Geng.

"Read the edict of abdication."

"It's Your Majesty."

Manager Geng bowed and saluted, picked up a golden edict from the tray and slowly unfolded it.

A shrill voice sounded over the altar.

"Since I came to the throne, the world has not been at peace for a long time. There are rebellions against the party at home, and Tibetans are invading the borders outside. It is actually a matter of internal and external difficulties."

"However, with God's blessing, my country's destiny in the Great Zhou Dynasty is becoming more and more prosperous. I am deeply relieved."

"Therefore, the throne is passed on to Prince Li Xian, in the hope that he can lead the Great Zhou Dynasty to overcome thorns and waves for eternity. I admire this!"

As Manager Geng finished speaking, hundreds of ministers knelt on the ground and said loudly.

"Long live your Majesty, long live, long live your Majesty!"

Amidst the congratulations of all the ministers, Li Xian, wearing a five-clawed golden dragon suit, climbed up the steps, walked to Wu Zetian and knelt down on his knees, his eyes red.

"Mother, I don't want to be the emperor, so you should continue to be in charge of the country of Great Zhou."

If someone else were to say this, they might just be being humble in accordance with the process.

But Li Xian was different from others. He really didn't want to be the emperor.

He was very afraid of being deposed and exiled again this time like the last time.

Wu Zetian looked at her son in front of her with complex eyes and gently touched his head with her palms.

"I am old and no longer have the ability to manage this huge country."

"You are my son. If I don't leave the country to you, who else can I leave it to?"

Hearing this, Li Xian could no longer hold back the sadness in his heart, crawled forward two steps, hugged Wu Zetian's thigh and cried.

"Mother, my son and I can't bear to leave you, mother!"

Wu Zetian sighed softly, turned around and waved her hand.

Manager Geng walked up to Li Xian holding the imperial edict and said with a smile.

"Your Highness, please accept the call."

Li Xian kowtowed to the ground twice, stood up, wiped away his tears, and took the imperial edict of succession with both hands.

At this time, the official of the Ministry of Rites shouted, and the ministers at the bottom of the steps fell to their knees and shouted, "Long live the new king."

Amidst the rumbling congratulations, Wu Zetian took one last look at her son and left the imperial altar sadly.

She knew that from this moment on, she would no longer be the master of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But his son Li Xian!

On the way back to the palace, Manager Geng's surprised voice suddenly came from outside Yushu.

"Your Majesty, look who's coming!"

"I am no longer the emperor, so who else can come?"

Wu Zetian smiled indifferently and opened the curtain.

However, when he saw the people following him clearly, his eyes immediately turned red.

"Di Renjie, Fan Xin, Wang Xiaojie, Lou Shide, Wei Yuanzhong, you important ministers of the country will not stay at the imperial altar to congratulate the new emperor. Why are you following me?"

Everyone looked at each other, Di Renjie stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, I am grateful to you for not abandoning me. In just a few years, I was promoted to Fengge Luantai Pingzhangshi and took charge of the central government."

"Now that I'm extremely ill, I just want to go back to my hometown to take a look while I can still move, so that I can finally return to my roots."

Wang Xiaojie on the side also sighed.

"In the battle at East Stone Canyon, I lost my beloved son. I have long wanted to go into seclusion. This time I just happened to leave the court with His Majesty."

Next, Lou Shide, Wei Yuanzhong and others gave their reasons one after another. When it was Fan Xin's turn, Wu Zetian wiped the corners of her eyes and said with a half-smile.

"My dear friends, you can believe this even at your age. You are so young, don't tell me you want to retire and return to your hometown?"

Fan Xin scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

"Your Majesty, although I am young, my influence is definitely not comparable to that of other princes in the court."

"Staying in the court will only make others jealous, so why bother coming? Let's just retire and return home."

Wu Zetian glared at Fan Xin angrily, with a touch of emotion flowing in her heart.

Like fallen leaves returning to their roots, retiring from old age and returning to their hometowns, these ministers each hold great power, with disciples and former officials everywhere, and the last one is also the leader of one party.

Just to let her, the abdicated emperor, leave with peace of mind, they left the court one by one.

What a sense of friendship.

At this thought, Wu Zetian wiped the mist from her eyes and laughed.

"Okay! Since all of you are tired of court, let's go fishing together at the Luoshui Lake. I invite you all to taste the fine wine that I have treasured for many years!"

"I thank you, Your Majesty!"

Fan Xin and others clasped their fists and rode off, looking in the direction of Luoshui.


Qinzheng Hall of Wanxiang Shrine.

Li Xian was wearing a yellow robe and sitting behind the case, frowning as he looked at the memorial on the case.

We originally planned to entertain Song Jing, Yao Chong and other masters to celebrate together today.

Unexpectedly, Helanshan Station actually sent back an urgent report from 800 miles away.

Damn it, after the Tubo King Songtsan Tridu besieged and killed Lunqin Mausoleum, he actually united with the Eastern Turks Chen Bing on the Zhou border to strengthen Qinghai Lake and recapture the Russell Khan Mountain.

What if the Tibetans occupied the land as soon as he ascended the throne?

How did he explain to the people of Zhou Dynasty?

Just when Li Xian felt a headache, Song Jing, Yao Chong and several other veterans quickly walked into the Qinzheng Hall.

"I will see you, Your Majesty!"

"My dear friends, please get up quickly. You must have heard about the Tibetan alliance with the Eastern Turks and Chen Bing on the Zhou border. I wonder if there is a way to have both sides?"

Several ministers looked at each other, and Zhang Jianzhi stood up and cupped their hands.

"Your Majesty, Tibet has always been a powerful enemy of the Zhou Dynasty. Although its vitality has been damaged by civil strife, if it unites with the Eastern Turks, the threat will still not be underestimated."

"I think the imperial court should immediately send a marching general to the front line to supervise border defense to prevent the Tibetans from taking the opportunity to make a sneak attack."

Li Xian touched his chin and nodded.

"What Zhang Xiangaiqing said makes sense, but who is suitable to be on the front line?"


All the ministers looked at each other, and Zhang Jianzhi sighed.

"Your Majesty, I am afraid that Fan Xin is the only one who can command thousands of troops in this great Zhou Dynasty."

(End of this chapter)

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