"Then pass on my decree and appoint Fan Xin as the General Manager of the Western Expedition, who will be fully responsible for the crusade against Tubo."

What surprised Li Xian was that as soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jianzhi and others showed a hint of embarrassment.

"What's wrong, dear friends? Is there any problem?"

The ministers looked at each other, Zhang Jianzhi raised his hands and said, "Your Majesty, you don't know. Duke Yan has already submitted his resignation to Fengge Luantai, and he has probably resigned from office now."


Li Xian put down his writing brush and looked at several close ministers in surprise. Although Fan Xin had dismissed the chief administrator of Hebei Province and the defense envoy of Henan Province.

But he was still the prime minister of Fengge Luantai and the Duke of Yan.

The power in hand has not been reduced much.

Unexpectedly, before he could say anything, this guy handed in his resignation and left the court. Didn't he feel sorry for the power in his hands at all?

Also, he is also the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. In what way is he inferior to his mother and queen, so that this guy would rather give up his official position than be loyal to him?

Seeing the emperor frowning with an unhappy look on his face, Zhang Jianzhi continued.

"Reporting to your majesty, not only Duke Yan followed the Supreme Emperor out of the court, but also Wei Yuanzhong, the imperial censor, Di Renjie, the official of Fengge Luantai, as well as Zuoweiwei General Wang Xiaojie, Lou Shide and other dozens of ministers. "

"The imperial court wants to send a battle-hardened veteran to the front line, I'm afraid."

Zhang Jianzhi's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally there was no movement at all.

Originally, Wu Zetian's abdication was a good thing for the new monarch, but no one expected that these important officials in the court would also leave with him.

This will lead to a situation where the new king will take the throne and no one will be available.

Hearing this, Li Xian's face sank slightly, and anger burst out in his heart. These ministers have simply gone too far!

As soon as he ascended the throne, he hung up his crown and left collectively. This was obviously looking down on him as the new emperor.

After thinking about this, Li Xian suddenly stood up from behind the big case and said angrily.

"I don't believe that without him, Fan Butcher, the imperial court will not be able to eat pigs with hair on them. Come here and draw up a decree! Li Qingyuan, the former general of Yu Linwei, has been promoted to the general manager of the two marches in Gannan and concurrently as the governor of Liangzhou."

"We must defeat the Turkish-Turkish coalition within three months and take the head of Songtsen Chidu!"

After receiving the imperial edict, Song Jing and Yao Chong's expressions changed slightly, and they wanted to stop the emperor. However, Li Xian was so angry that he couldn't listen at all, so he waved his dragon sleeves and left the Qinzheng Hall.

"What should we do in Guangping? Tufan has deployed 160,000 troops on the front line. Can Li Qingyuan cope with it?"

Song Jing glanced at Yao Chong and said hesitantly.

"I think it should be possible. Li Qingyuan has followed his father in the Yulin Guards since he was a child. He is the best choice in terms of qualifications and talent."

"Now that there is no one available in the court, we can only let him take over."

Having said this, Song Jing seemed to feel something was wrong again, stroking his beard.

"However, just in case, before Li Qingyuan sets off, you and I need to inspect it to avoid anything going wrong."

Yao Chong nodded in agreement: "I have exactly what I mean." He then gave instructions to his entourage.

"In the name of Fengge Luantai, go to the Yulin Guards and tell Li Qingyuan that I will review the three armies."

"Yes, Minister Yao."

The entourage bowed, exited the hall and headed towards the Habayashi Medical School grounds.

Yulinwei, school grounds.

Under the scorching sun, thousands of guards in bright armor stood on the battlefield with spears in hand for drills.

On the awning, a middle-aged man with a dignified face inspected the soldiers below with a saber in his hand.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed and he shouted.


"General, what's wrong?" the deputy general asked in confusion.


Li Qingyuan snorted heavily, pointed at a soldier and motioned for him to be dragged out with a weight of twenty army sticks.

"There is a saying in the art of war that when two armies are fighting, the brave one wins, and the highest state of bravery is to have a well-organized army and not show composure in the face of the collapse of Mount Tai."

"Only in this way will the army not be defeated when fighting."

"Keep practicing!"

Just when Li Qingyuan was about to continue supervising the soldiers' training, a soldier ran from a distance, knelt on one knee and said.

"General General, someone from Fengge Luantai has informed me that the two Prime Ministers Song Jing and Yao Chong are coming to inspect the army, so you should be prepared!"

"Okay, the general knows."

After letting his subordinates leave, Li Qingyuan touched his chin, rolled his eyes, and said with suspicion.

"It's strange. Fengge Luantai never reviews the army. Why do you think of the Yulin Guards today? Could it be that something happened?"

The recorder on the side said thoughtfully.

"Is it related to the Tufan Turks teaming up to threaten the border of the Zhou Dynasty? I heard that the imperial court is planning to send a general to take charge there."

Li Qingyuan's eyes lit up, and he exuded a strong sense of confidence, laughing loudly.

"So this is what happened. I thought it was some big deal. A few foreign tribesmen are nothing to worry about."

"When Lun Qinling served as the general of the local vassal, I was even afraid of him. Now he has been strangled by the local vassal king. Looking at the world, who else is my opponent?"

"The order goes down, the army gathers and prepares for the drill!"

When the sun was high in the sky, several carriages, escorted by the guards, slowly drove into the Habayashi Guards camp.

In order to show the orderliness of the military, all the guards guarding the gate of the camp were replaced by tall soldiers by Li Qingyuan.

Song Jing and Yao Chong in the carriage couldn't help but nod.

"Not bad. He has a neat military appearance and a tall and powerful figure. He looks like a well-trained battlefield veteran."

"This Li Qingyuan deserves to be able to become a general at a young age. He really has two skills."

Driving all the way into the Yulinwei camp, the carriage slowly stopped in front of the commander's tent. Li Qingyuan led dozens of generals in heavy armor to greet them, kneeling on one knee and saying.

"The last general Li Qingyuan met with the Prime Minister of Song Dynasty and Prime Minister Yao!"

"Haha, General Li, there is no need to be polite, please get up quickly."

In view of the previous impression, Song Jing had a good impression of Li Qingyuan, so she walked closer and helped him up.

After the two parties finished their greetings, Li Qingyuan dropped his smile and said solemnly.

"Two Prime Ministers, the army drill is ready. Let's go to the school field for the military parade first. I will give you a reception banquet later."

"It's okay. The two of us are entrusted by the imperial court this time. That's what we mean. Let's go there together."



After the two sides arrived at the Habayashi Guards School Ground, the Habayashi Guards who had been waiting here suddenly let out a roar.

Under the sunlight, the armor looks like a sparkling lake, which looks quite impressive from a distance.

"Haha, yes, yes, General Li really leads the troops well. Five thousand people can move so neatly, even the northern and southern yamen can't find a single guard."

Yao Chong stroked his beard and said in approval.

Being praised by the important officials of the imperial court, Li Qingyuan smiled modestly. "If there are no problems with the two prime ministers, the general will be ready to conduct a military parade."

"Okay, let's get started." Song Jing flicked her sleeves and said with a smile.

Li Qingyuan waved his hand, and thousands of Yu Linwei shouted loudly, displayed their weapons neatly, and stared ahead with murderous intent.

From a distance, the five thousand guards looked like tens of thousands of people, and their momentum was extremely terrifying.

"Haha, he is indeed the famous Habayashi Guard. Just with such neat movements, it can be seen that he trains hard on weekdays."

"When I see the emperor in the future, I must mention what happened today to His Majesty."

Seeing Yu Linwei's powerful voice, Song Jing's heart finally fell to the ground and she said with a smile.

Hearing this, a look of pride appeared on Li Qingyuan's eyebrows, in order to let the soldiers practice this neat set of movements.

He spent five years of hard work. During these five years, tens of thousands of feather forest guards did nothing but practice this set of uniform movements.

When he goes to attack someone, he will not fight against the enemy's troops. He will use the powerful momentum of the Habayashi Guards to overwhelm the enemy before the war begins.

"You two prime ministers can rest assured that there will never be a deserter among the soldiers trained by the last general. If the enemy leaders meet one day."

"The last general will definitely take the enemy general's head from the crowd of thousands of troops!"

After hearing these words, Song Jing and Yao Chong were overjoyed, and the last trace of worry in their hearts disappeared.

Watching the guards perform with great interest.

Three days passed by in a flash. Under the gaze of tens of thousands of subjects, Li Xian came to the three armies wearing a yellow five-clawed golden dragon suit and said to Li Qingyuan.

"General Li, there is an emergency at the border, and the local feudal lords are eyeing us. You must guard our territory in the Great Zhou Dynasty and never let it fall into the hands of foreigners. Do you understand?"

Li Qingyuan looked solemn and solemnly clasped his fists.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. I will definitely live up to your expectations. Farewell!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the low-pitched horn sounded melodiously. Amid the farewells of Luoyang's subjects, Li Qingyuan embarked on the journey with three thousand feathered forest guards.

Luoyang, by the Luoshui River.

"No wonder Fan Qing, you don't want to be an official in the court. I wouldn't be willing to leave such a leisurely place."

On the bamboo chair, Wu Zetian shook the fishing rod gently, and a fish the size of a tail palm was lifted out of the water.

Seeing this, Fan Xin responded with a slight smile.

"Your Majesty is a man who has a wealth of thousands of miles in his mind. How could he stop his ambitions just because of a mere sight?"

"Otherwise, where did this flourishing world come from?"

Wu Zetian laughed, took off the fish and said with emotion: "Yes, I have never been a person willing to be mediocre."

"Even if time comes again, I will still embark on this bloody path."

After saying this, Wu Zetian sighed.

"That's all, I've killed countless people in my life, and my hands are covered in blood, so I'll let you live, right?"

Seeing the emperor put the fish back into the water, Fan Xin smiled and said nothing.

The emperor was old after all, and he left behind his imperial hegemony, leaving only memories of the past and a hint of regret.

Seeing that the sun was getting hotter, Fan Xin was about to ask Liu Zi to set up an iron pot and make fish soup when a Qian Niu Guard came on horseback.


Coming closer, Qian Niuwei jumped off his horse and clasped his fists at Fan Xin.

"Your Majesty, according to reports from the Shendu camp scouts, the Yulin Guards General Li Qingyuan led three thousand Yulin Guards to the Qinghai Lake camp an hour ago."

"It is said that they are taking over the garrison there!"

Signaling the Qianniu Guards to retreat, Fan Xin frowned slightly. He had heard the name of this guy Li Qingyuan before. He seemed to pay great attention to formation management, and he was a guy who regarded maintaining a neat military appearance as his top priority.

Sending such a person to take over the frontline army should not cause any problems.

With this thought, Fan Xin no longer cared about it. He would not seek political advice if he was not in his position. After the new king ascended the throne, it was better to have as little involvement as possible.

After finishing their business, the fish in the pot happened to be stewed. Fan Xin picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish maw for Wu Zetian and put it into her bowl.

"Your Majesty, please try it. This is fish raised by farmers in paddy fields. The taste is different from ordinary fish."

"This fishbone doesn't have many bones, does it?" Wu Zetian asked with a smile.

Fan Xin smiled and shook his head.

"There won't be many thorns, so don't worry."

After confirming that there were no thorns, Wu Zetian picked up a piece of fish maw with her chopsticks and put it into her mouth to chew.

Not to mention that as soon as the fish maw entered her mouth, the unique aroma immediately made Wu Zetian move her index fingers, and she rarely ate two small bowls of rice.

After the outdoor fish feast, Wu Zetian signaled Manager Geng to loosen his arms and come to the river to face the river breeze.

"I heard that after Songtsan Tridu liquidated Lun Qinling, the first general of the Tufan clan, the entire family was bloodbathed, and his descendants defected to the Great Zhou Dynasty. I wonder if this is the case?"

Although Wu Zetian abdicated, her eyes never left Shangyang Palace, so she mentioned the matter as soon as she finished eating.

Fan Xin nodded and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, this is what happened. After Qin Ling lost power, most of his direct subordinates died tragically, and only a few of his sons survived."

"In order to survive, these people fled to Liangzhou with their property and subordinates, and begged the Zhou court to take them in."

"The imperial court was arguing fiercely about this matter, but judging from the fact that the emperor sent Li Qingyuan to the front line to take charge, it is obvious that he wanted to protect these descendants of the feudal vassals."

Wu Zetian sighed softly, with a hint of complexity on his face.

"My son, I understand that the reason why he did this is simply to cultivate a puppet of the feudal clan by relying on the banner of Lun Qinling."

"But he underestimated the strength of Tufan and Turks. The two countries have been at war for so many years, and Zhou has never taken much advantage."

"Once this news reaches the Tufan Dynasty, it will inevitably start a war between the two countries. I hope that Li Qingyuan can withstand the anger of the Tufan people."

Fan Xin agreed with deep understanding: "I'm afraid there will be another war between the two countries. I hope famous ministers like Song Jing and Yao Chong can fight this battle well."

After saying that, he held Wu Zetian's arm and walked towards the carriage. The shadows of the two of them grew long under the sunset.

Qinghai Lake, frontline camp, commander's tent.

"Report! Report to General Wu Liang, the Chief Marshal of Gannan Road March is rushing to the front line and is expected to arrive in fifteen days!"

A soldier knelt down on one knee and said to two generals who were drinking.

One of the burly men with a rough red face glanced at him and waved his hand: "Please step back first."

After the soldiers exited the commander's tent, Wu Liang put down his wine glass and looked at the general opposite.

"Qin Shu, you come from the capital of the gods. Do you know the new marching general manager Li Qingyuan?"

After hearing this, the young general touched his chin and thought thoughtfully.

"This guy seems to be from the Habayashi Guards. I heard that he likes to show off, and the soldiers' movements must be uniform."

"Is that so?" Wu Liang rolled his eyes and waved to a deputy general.

"As soon as the notice is announced, the officers and soldiers of the three armies will put aside all training and train in orderly movements. If anyone fails to meet the standards, he will be beaten with thirty military sticks!" (End of this chapter)

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