"Follow your orders!

After the messengers retreated, Wu Liang changed his previous dignity and said with a smile.

"Brother Qin, the imperial court has recently issued a batch of weapons. The quality is better than before. Can you raise the price?"

"You also know that Qinghai is a remote and remote place. If brothers don't have copper coins, their morale may be damaged."

"Don't worry, General Wu. As long as the materials of the weapons are up to standard, you will be satisfied with the price. But if so many weapons are sold, will the court find out?"

Qin Shu asked worriedly.

Unexpectedly, Wu Liang shook his finger with a proud look on his face.

"Brother Qin is overly worried. After these weapons are sold, this general will transfer a batch of old weapons and armor from the warehouse."

"Then find an opportunity to send them to the front line. As long as one person dies, who will know that we resold military supplies?"

After saying that, the two looked at each other and laughed knowingly.

In the next ten days, the frontline camp changed from its usual calm and began to train in full swing.

It wasn't until the tenth day that a guard hurried into the camp.

"Reporting to General Wu, three thousand imperial troops were found thirty miles ahead!"

"Explore again!"


After the guards left, Wu Liang stood up and smiled at Qin Shu.

"Let's go, Brother Qin, to pick up our marching general manager."

The two led a group of generals to the entrance of the camp and looked towards the official road in the distance.

There, a team with a blue Zhou flag slowly appeared on the horizon. It looked like there were about 3,000 people in total.


Everyone was refreshed and adjusted their armor, and the drummers who had been prepared began to make sounds.

As the guard stopped at the gate of the camp, Wu Liang and Qin Shu took a step forward together.

"The last general, Wu Liang, deputy general manager of Gannan Road March, and Qin Shu, the governor, see General Manager Li!"

Scanning his eyes over the two of them, Li Qingyuan nodded expressionlessly, then looked at the soldiers in the two camps.

When he saw these muscular guards who were full of energy and moving neatly, a smile finally appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you both for your hard work, please get up."

"Thank you, Chief Manager!"

After the two of them straightened up, Wu Liang was about to order his subordinates to sound the gongs and drums and blow the horns, when Li Qingyuan waved his hand.

"Let's get rid of these false traps. I am entrusted by the Holy Spirit to prepare the army for war. Let's go directly to the school grounds to take a look."

Wu Liang and Wu Liang were startled, and could only say with a smile.

"Since the General Manager is concerned about the war situation, I will accompany you to the school grounds to inspect."

After saying that, he ordered someone to bring some war horses and sit on them, leading Li Qingyuan and his party straight to the battlefield.

After the group entered the Qinghai camp, there were patrols everywhere, and Li Qingyuan nodded secretly.

It's not bad. I thought the frontline military discipline was lax, but I didn't expect it to be just one step behind the Habayashi Guards. According to this level of training, it won't take long to become a battlefield killer.

When the time comes, hundreds of thousands of troops will march out of Russell Khan Mountain. With their powerful momentum, they will definitely be able to defeat the enemy without a fight.

When everyone came to the general station, they saw a group of shirtless soldiers running in a circle on the long sandy battlefield.

The most shocking thing is that their footsteps are all the same.

Surprised, Li Qingyuan said three good words in a row, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, yes, if an army of more than 100,000 people is like this, they can be annihilated by just chatting and laughing."

"When Songtsan Chidu's head is taken, I will personally recommend you to His Majesty."

Wu Liang and Qin Shu were overjoyed and hurriedly bowed and clasped their fists.

"Thank you so much, Chief Manager, for your love. I will definitely be devastated and swear to be loyal to you until the end!"

"Let's go back and meet Lun Qinling's family."

After everyone returned to the camp from the school grounds, several dark-faced men and women wearing plateau costumes were brought to the camp.

"Are you the family of Lun Qinling, the first general of Tufan?"

Several people exchanged glances with each other, and one of them, a burly man, came closer and nodded slightly.

"I am Pozan, Lun Qinling's younger brother." He said and pointed to the young man beside him. This is Lun Gongren, my brother's son. "

"I hope the chief will not hand us over to the people in Chidu, please!"

Li Qingyuan frowned slightly as he looked at the native tribesmen standing or sitting in front of him.

"I heard that you took some personal guards with you when you escaped. Let me take a look."


Several Tuhan people were stunned and looked at each other. Some of them didn't understand why the dignified general manager wanted to look at their personal guards.

"Our general manager has already managed the army well. If you are asked to come, just call him." Qin Shu explained at the side.

"So that's it."

Several local feudal people suddenly realized this and quickly called ten burly personal guards. As soon as these people entered the door, they stopped loosely on the ground with doubtful expressions on their faces.

However, before Pozan could introduce him, Li Qingyuan's face darkened and he said impatiently.

"Hmph, no wonder the two thousand personal guards of Qinling betrayed him and were loyal to Chidu. How can he be invincible against such a loose military discipline?"

"Don't worry, since I, Da Zhou, have taken you in, I will definitely not hand you over again."

"As for those petty people like Tufan, I will definitely wipe them out within three months!"

After hearing these words, several local feudal people's eyes flashed with joy. Only Pozan hesitated for a moment and spoke to persuade.

"General Manager, I would like to advise you not to underestimate King Tufan. Although his military ability cannot match that of my brother, it is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people."

"Otherwise, with my brother's record, how could he be forced to commit suicide and die for his country?"

Speaking of Lun Qinling's death, Pozan looked sad and angry, obviously hating the Tufan King for his ruthlessness.

Unfortunately, Li Qingyuan, who was full of confidence in himself, couldn't listen at all, and ordered him to be sent to Luoyang, the capital of heaven, with a wave of his hand.

Wu Liang hesitated for a moment and then said.

"General Manager, I think Pozan's words still make some sense. Although the old enemy of the feudal clan is dead, the main force is still there."

"In addition, they have united with the remnants of the Western Turks. I'm afraid we should not act rashly. It is better to be cautious."

His own family knew his own affairs, and having been stationed on the front line of Qinghai Lake for such a long time, no one understood the native tribesmen on the opposite side better than Wu Liang.

On the surface, it seems that eliminating Lun Qin Lun has weakened the strength, but in fact, the cohesion has been greatly increased.

Therefore, with their hundreds of thousands of Zhou troops, it would be good to be able to defend the existing territory. It is almost impossible to actively defeat the Tufan.

The smile on Li Qingyuan's face gradually faded, and he gave Wu Liang a cold look.

"When Qin Ling was alive, I was afraid of him. Now that he is dead, who else in the world is my opponent?"

"Second order, the three armies are preparing for war. They will march to Qinghai Lake in ten days. We must defeat the Tibetan army on the opposite side in one fell swoop!"

Seeing that Li Qingyuan couldn't listen to the advice, Wu Liang and Qin Shu exchanged glances, clasped their fists and left the handsome tent.

"What should we do, General Wu? The Tubo people are too cruel. If we take the initiative, aren't we looking for death?"

Qin Shu said with a worried look.

Wu Liang smiled coldly.

"This matter is easy to handle. Since he insists on going to die, let him go."

"Anyway, the reselling of military supplies requires a group of scapegoats, so why not take this opportunity to send them on their way!"

Qin Shu was startled, obviously thinking of something, and he also laughed.

In the next few days, Li Qingyuan spent all day in the commander's tent, dispatching troops and generals.

For a time, the Qinghai Lake front line was filled with the smell of gunpowder of war.

When the Tibetan army on the opposite side noticed something unusual, they hurriedly sent out scouts to investigate. When they learned that the Zhou Dynasty had sent a general who was good at running the army, all the Tibetan generals came to the commander's tent.

"General Chita, according to the report from Tanma, the marching general manager opposite is a guy named Li Qingyuan. I heard that he is very good at running the army!"

The forward general Jide put his right hand on his chest and said.

Hearing this, General Chita, who was sitting behind the case, frowned.

"In addition to Fan Xin, when did generals like Wang Xiaojie and others in the Zhou Dynasty produce Li Qingyuan?"

"Back to the general, the details are unknown. I only know that he is the newly appointed marching general."

"It seems different from Wu Liang and Qin Shu, those two losers who are greedy for life and afraid of death."

Waving his hands to signal his subordinates to step aside, Chita crossed his arms over his chest and came to the sand table, his eyes flashing.

He was Songtsan Tridu's old subordinate for many years. He had fought against famous generals of the Tang Dynasty and high officials of the Zhou Dynasty, and he knew how difficult and terrifying the other side was.

Now that Zhou Ting has sent an unknown general manager to sit on the front line of Qinghai Lake, he must be outstanding.

If you rashly send troops to attack, you are likely to be severely beaten by the opponent.


After thinking about it again and again, Chita felt that it was better to be cautious.

So he let go of his hand and said to his subordinates.

"Jide, you first lead a force of five thousand people to test it out."

"Remember, temptation is the main thing. You must retreat after completing the task. Don't be reluctant to fight!"

"The general will obey the order!"

Not long after Jide retreated, a low trumpet sounded from the Tibetan forward camp.

Amidst the rolling sand and dust, an army composed of five thousand old and weak soldiers rushed towards the Zhou army camp opposite.

Zhou Jun, who saw this scene from a distance, immediately lit fireworks and sent a warning to the command camp.


A hurried report resounded over the commander's tent, breaking the military meeting inside.

"What's so urgent?" Wu Liang asked with a frown.

"Reporting to the General Manager and Deputy General Manager, a Tibetan army has been spotted ten miles ahead and is attacking us!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the commander's tent condensed, and all the generals looked solemn.

Although the two sides have been facing each other for more than half a year, this is the first time that Tibet has launched an active attack.

"This is an ominous omen." Such a thought flashed through everyone's mind.

Just as the expressions of the generals were changing, Li Qingyuan, who was sitting at the top, his eyes lit up and his fighting spirit increased.

"Well done. I'm worried that I won't have a chance to deal with the young Tibetan generals. This time I just want to teach them a lesson."

"Follow me and go out of the camp to meet the enemy!"

After saying that, regardless of whether everyone agreed or not, he grabbed the sword and went out.

Li Qingyuan has been waiting for this day for too long. Only by defeating the Tubo army can he make achievements in front of the new king and honor his ancestors.

Therefore, he must win this battle!

Arriving at the gate of the camp with tens of thousands of troops, Li Qingyuan saw the oncoming Tibetan army at a glance.

With his superb eyesight, he felt that the Tibetan army opposite was an army composed of five thousand soldiers and horses.

For such a small number of people to dare to come and kick the camp, it is clear that they look down upon him.

"Hmph, how can a small country like Tubo know the essence of Sun Tzu's art of war?"

"Come here, form an array!"

Li Qingyuan gave an order, and the tens of thousands of troops instantly burst into cheers.

The weapons in his hands were pointed uniformly at the Tubo army coming from the opposite side.

Not to mention, this powerful scene quickly shocked the five thousand old and weak soldiers.

They all stopped and looked suspiciously at Zhou Jun, who was facing him with overwhelming momentum.

I don’t understand how their movements can be so neat.

Chita, who had been secretly observing from a distance, had a burst of light in his eyes.

After more than ten years in the army, he has never seen such neat movements.

Just relying on tens of thousands of people displaying their weapons in unison, it would be impossible to practice in March and May.

This shows how good the newly appointed general manager of the Zhou army is at running the army.

"No wonder Zhou Ting sent an unknown general to take advantage of the commander's carelessness to give our Tibetan army a fatal blow. He is really cunning."

"Huimur, tell Jide not to attack and continue to test the opponent's strength."

The man named Hunmul hesitated.

"Commander, this Zhou army is so powerful. If Jide does not retreat, it is likely to be eaten by the opponent. This loss will be quite big."

Chita glanced at him and said coldly.

"The Han people have a good saying, know yourself and the enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle. As long as you can find the weakness of the Zhou army, a mere five thousand old, weak, sick and disabled is nothing. Just give it to the Han people."

Seeing that the commander-in-chief had made up his mind, Hunmul had no choice but to signal the horn soldiers to convey the order to Jide.

Soon, the situation on the battlefield was reversed. The Tibetan army, which was still aggressive before, hurriedly turned around and ran towards the way they came.

It seems that he is very afraid of Zhou Jun's momentum.

"Hahaha, it's really vulnerable."

Seeing this scene, the remaining worry in Li Qingyuan's heart disappeared, and he felt relaxed.

Facts have proved that the strategy and attack chapter in Sun Tzu's Art of War is indeed effective.

As long as you practice your formation and posture well, you can achieve the effect of defeating the enemy without fighting.

Wu Liang and others were also a little surprised. They did not expect that this arrogant Li Qingyuan really had two tricks.

As soon as he made a move, the Tubo people, who were as strong as tigers, were so frightened that they ran away with their heads in their hands.

This is incredible.

Wu Liang and Qin Shu looked at each other and congratulated Li Qingyuan with fists in their hands.

"As expected of the great general manager, this battle can be called the most enjoyable battle since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"Hahaha, it's a trivial matter. Let's deal with these Tubo people first."

Li Qingyuan looked up to the sky and laughed three times, then stopped smiling and shouted coldly at his subordinates.

"Send the order, no one of this Tibetan army will be spared! I will make them remember it!"


After receiving the instruction, the Zhou army on the battlefield roared loudly again, and their momentum began to rise.

Twenty thousand people armed with weapons marched in neat steps towards the "defeated" Tibetan army.

Some Tubo soldiers who fled slowly were overwhelmed by the Zhou army before they even had time to scream.

Compared with the loud cheers from the Zhou army, the morale of the Tubo people was undoubtedly much lower.

In just a short period of time, 60% of the five thousand soldiers and horses were lost. At this rate, it won't take long for the entire army to be wiped out.

"Commander, I'm afraid Jide won't be able to escape. Next, should we withdraw our defense line ten miles back?"

Surprisingly, instead of feeling sad at all, Chita became excited.

"Go ahead and give your orders. After three hours, all the Tibetan soldiers will immediately launch an attack!"

"I know what Zhou Jun's weakness is!"

(End of this chapter)

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