"Do you know Zhou Jun's weakness?" Hunmul asked in disbelief.

Chita laughed.

"Yes, the vanguard of Zhou's army seems to be powerful, but they don't know how to adapt and stick to their formation."

"Once such a team is overwhelmed, it will easily cause a large-scale rout!"

"According to this general's order, armies from all walks of life will gather at Qinghai Lake in five hours. It is time for the Zhou army that has been here for many years to be eliminated."

Taking one last look at the five thousand baits swallowed up by the Zhou army, Chita left the battlefield on horseback.

On the other side, seeing the vanguard army under his command wipe out five thousand Tibetan soldiers without any effort, the whole Zhou camp was shocked.

Especially the leading generals were a little excited. They had been here for several years and knew how difficult the Tubo people were.

Unexpectedly, as soon as General Manager Li arrived, he easily wiped out five thousand Tubo soldiers. It was like a dream.

"Congratulations to General Manager Li, congratulations to General Manager Li. He is worthy of being a great general who came out of the Yulin Guards. He killed the Tubo people without their helmets and armor at once. It's awesome, awesome!"

Wu Liang smiled and cupped his hands.

"Yes, we wiped out five thousand of the main Tibetan forces in this battle, which is considered a great victory. I will go back and present a report to the court right now!"

Qin Shu echoed.

Facing the compliments from the generals, Li Qingyuan snorted indifferently.

"Everyone says that Fan Xin single-handedly inflicted heavy losses on the tens of thousands of soldiers in Lun Qinling."

"In my opinion, this is nothing more than a small skill. Only when you defeat the enemy on the battlefield can you be considered truly capable."

"Let's go back to camp to celebrate this victory!"

After that, he flicked the reins and returned to the camp in a show of force.

After a while, several envoys with command flags on their backs rushed out of the camp and headed towards Luoyang, the divine capital.

Just as the Zhou army was celebrating warmly, a large Tibetan army gathered towards Qinghai Lake like a tide.


A hurried report cut through the sky and broke into the governor's house.

"General Manager Qi Li, a large Tibetan main force has been discovered in the Dafeichuan area. The frontline defenders are requesting reinforcements!"

As soon as these words came out, the laughter in the handsome man's house stopped, and everyone looked at Li Qingyuan, who had a gloomy face.

"General Manager Li, Dafeichuan reaches Qishijun in the east, Fulochuan in the west, Chiling in the northeast, Fuqi City in the northwest, and Wuhai and Hekou in the south."

"This has always been an important place for military strategists. If we lose this place, we, the Zhou Dynasty, may never be able to reach the plateau again."

"We can't afford it when the court blames us."

Wu Liang said worriedly.

Previously, he was still worried about how to get rid of the chief executive who was riding on his head.

I didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.

Facing everyone's concerns, Li Qingyuan's face was gloomy and there was hesitation in his eyes.

The importance of Dafeichuan is indeed true, but the enemy attacked Dafeichuan with such great fanfare but did not attack Shanzhou. No matter how you look at it, it seems to be trying to distract the tiger from the mountain.

However, if we do not rescue Dafeichuan, once the enemy takes over, the consequences will obviously be more serious.

"What should I do?"

Li Qingyuan was in trouble.


Li Qingyuan took a deep breath, glanced at the generals, and finally landed on his two subordinates.

"Liu Chali, I have appointed you as the vanguard general manager. You will lead 10,000 vanguard troops to Dafeichuan to reinforce the garrison there!"

"Wu Liang, Qin Shu, I have appointed you two as the general managers of the rear army, and will lead the troops to the Chengfengling area to provide support at any time!"

The three people who received the order clasped their fists together.

"Subordinate to obey!"

woo woo woo...

Amidst the melodious sound of the horn, Liu Chali led 10,000 soldiers to leave Shanzhou and head for Dafeichuan.

Behind them, a Zhou army numbering hundreds of thousands also left Shanzhou.

Looking at the backs of the army in the night, Li Qingyuan sighed softly and turned back to the commander's mansion.

These sergeants are all battlefield veterans who have undergone rigorous training.

He believed that he would be able to defeat the menacing Tubo army...


At this time, there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood, with broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, and even the air was filled with a disgusting smell of blood.

Looking at Zhou Jun who was surrounded in the distance, Liu Chali and his party all looked solemn.

"General Liu, the Tubo people are encircling and refusing to annihilate them. They are obviously planning to encircle the area for reinforcements. Let's withdraw, shall we?"

The deputy general jumped off his horse, walked to a corpse and looked at his face.

If there is no mistake, this person should be the forward general Hu Yunnan here.

Liu Chali showed a hint of bitterness and shook his head.

"Dafichuan is in a strategic location. Even if we know this is a trap, we cannot give up here."

"Tell brothers to get ready, we are going to rush in and rescue the surrounded Zhou army!"

"At the same time, we sent people to ask for help from Wu Liang and Qin Shu in the rear, asking them to reach Dafeichuan within three hours and attack the Tibetan baggage."

After that, without waiting for a response from his subordinates, he led ten thousand soldiers and rushed down the hillside.

Not long after, tragic sounds of fighting broke out in Dafeichuan.

Several scouts looked at each other, flicked their horse reins and ran towards the Chinese army behind.

Arriving at the gate of the camp, several people went directly to the commander's tent without saying anything.

"Reporting to the Governor of Qin, General Wu and Liu Zhali's army are leading a fierce battle with the enemy. Please send troops to support immediately!"

Looking at the scout kneeling on the ground, Qin Governor and Wu Liang looked at each other and asked.

"How many Tibetans are there in Dafeichuan?"

"Back to the Chief Manager, I estimate there are more than 30,000 people!"

"What? So many!"

Qin Shu was startled and realized something was wrong. He coughed awkwardly and said to several scouts.

"You guys go down first. This general will immediately dispatch an army to rescue."

"Subordinate, follow your orders!"

After a few scouts left, Wu Liang frowned.

"Qin Governor, these hundreds of thousands of troops are our family's assets. Do you really want to use them to go head-to-head with the Tubo people?"

"It's a big mistake. Please tell me to immediately turn around and return to Shanzhou."

"The most important thing is to preserve your strength at all times!"

Under Qin Shu's strong urging, hundreds of thousands of Zhou troops turned back overnight.

Unexpectedly, when passing through Chengfengling, they were attacked by the main force of Tibet. After a fight, the two fled back to Shanzhou with the remaining 90,000 people.

Seeing the embarrassed look of the two of them, Li Qingyuan felt a thump in his heart and slumped down on the handsome chair.

Big beads of sweat dripped down from his forehead, and his face was horribly pale.

Dafeichuan was lost, and fifty thousand soldiers under his command were killed. If this was reported back to the court, would he still be alive?

The subordinates who usually accompanied him with a smiling face changed their previous attitude and stayed away from him, for fear of being affected by him.

"General Manager, we have no choice but to report to the court truthfully. I hope you can understand."

Wu Liang said with a look of shame.

"I understand, please step back." Li Qingyuan waved his hand with a dull look on his face, no longer as majestic as before.

He couldn't understand how a well-trained army with uniform movements could be defeated so completely.

After an encounter, tens of thousands of soldiers were killed directly...

The crime of losing Dafeichuan and tens of thousands of soldiers was too great.

Once the court knew the news, the only way to wait for his fate was to be beheaded. Thinking of this, Li Qingyuan felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"No, there are still 100,000 troops in Shanzhou, and I still have a chance to make a comeback!"

Thinking of this, Li Qingyuan's eyes turned red.

Until now, he does not think that the defeat at Chengfengling was his fault.

But Qin Shu and Wu Liang, these two losers, were timid before fighting. They only focused on escaping and did not give full play to the advantages of the formation.

There is only one way to make a comeback for now, and that is to take the initiative!

Only in this way can he get rid of his merits before the court's decree of punishment arrives.

After making a decision in his heart, Li Qingyuan didn't hesitate at all and immediately called several close generals.

When they heard that the commander was going to take the initiative to regain Dafichuan, everyone looked hesitant.

"Okay, I have made up my mind on this matter. I will immediately mobilize 80,000 troops to follow me to Dafeichuan to regain the lost territory!"

Woo woo woo...

In the cold wind, 80,000 Zhou troops marched out of Chengfeng Ridge and headed straight for Dafeichuan in the darkness of night.

This time, in order to take advantage of the neat formation, Li Qingyuan specially sent a team of supervisors to watch from behind, and anyone who escaped from the battle would be executed directly.

Just as Zhou Jun was winding his way through the hills, several homing pigeons flew out of Wu Liang's home, looking in the direction of Tubo.

"General, a pigeon flew from the pigeon room. This is the secret message tied to it."

Taking the secret message from his subordinate, Chita took a look at it and burst into laughter.

"What's wrong, General? Do Wu Liang and Qin Shu have weapons to sell to us again?"

Lieutenant General Humur asked in confusion.

Hearing this, Chita glanced at him, smiled and shook his head.

"It's not a matter of reselling military supplies. Wu Liang said in the letter that Li Qingyuan personally led 80,000 troops to Feichuan because he was unwilling to fail."

"Now that we have passed Chengfengling, he hopes that we will find a way to kill Li Qingyuan and those soldiers wearing inferior armor in Dafeichuan."

"In return, he will offer 50,000 pieces of cloth and 30,000 loads of brown rice afterwards."

The deputy general's eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

"This is a good idea. We are about to enter the cold winter. If we bring back 50,000 pieces of cloth and 30,000 dans of grain, we will definitely be put to great use by the King of Tibet!"

"Yes." Chita nodded, looking towards the Dafichuan River in the night with his hands behind his back.

"Give me the order to retreat fifteen miles and form a pocket formation. I want this 80,000-strong Zhou army to stay here forever."

"To avenge my brother who was killed by Fan Xin in Liangzhou!"

At the end of the sentence, Zanpo and Karmochita's eyes were filled with endless killing intent.

Dafeichuan, ten miles southeast.

Eighty thousand Zhou troops were lined up neatly here, quietly waiting for orders.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sound of rapid horse hooves was heard in the night.


When he came to the front and rear of the army formation, the scout suddenly pulled the reins and clasped his fists.

"Reporting to the General Manager, there is no trace of the main Tibetan force within fifteen miles of Dafeichuan. Only small groups of troops are patrolling back and forth!"

"Explore again!"


After the scouts left, Li Qingyuan frowned slightly and quickly figured out the Tibetan people's intentions.

It stands to reason that the strategic position of Dafeichuan is extremely important, and the Tibetans should deploy heavy troops to defend it after taking it.

How could there be only a small group of troops left to guard here?

Could it be that he wanted to lure the enemy deeper and wait for his troops to enter Dafeichuan before encircling and annihilating them?

But this is unlikely. This time I left Dafeichuan before nightfall was a very secret matter. Only officials from the fifth rank and above knew about it.

Why did the Tubo people ambush here in advance? There must be some reason.

"General Manager, will the Tibetans set their sights on the source of the river after conquering Dafeichuan?"

"You must know that the importance of that place is no less important than that of Dafeichuan. Once this place is occupied, the next step can be to directly capture the ancient city of Fuai and Shanzhou, and head straight towards the Central Plains."

Counselor Gu Feng analyzed in his heart.

Li Qingyuan patted his forehead with a look of enlightenment and said with a wry smile.

"Why did I forget the source of the river? It must be like this. After the Tubo people tasted the benefits, they were ready to conquer the source of the river in one go and capture Shanzhou."

"Humph, you don't take this manager seriously!"

After figuring out the key point, Li Qingyuan sneered, pulled out his sword and pointed it at Da Feichuan.

"I want the Tubo people to know that anyone who offends me will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

"Run it for me!"

With one order, 80,000 Zhou troops rushed towards Dafeichuan like a tsunami.

Soon the screams of the Tibetan people rang out in the night.

However, what Li Qingyuan didn't notice was that densely packed Tubo soldiers were outflanking him from all sides.


I don't know how long it took, but a sergeant covered in blood mounted his war horse, fled all the way back to Shanzhou, and broke into the general manager's house.

"Sorry, General Wu, General Manager Li was ambushed in Dafeichuan and was captured!"

"What did you say!"

Wu Liang and Qin Shu were shocked. They rushed to the wounded soldier, grabbed him by the collar and shouted.

"Where are the brothers? How are they doing?"

"Woo hoo, they were all scattered, some died, some escaped, and some were captured by the Tubo people."

Recalling the tragic scene in Dafeichuan, the wounded soldiers howled and cried.

Wu Liang and Qin Shu looked at each other and signaled the guards to take the wounded soldiers down to rest.

"What should we do, Brother Qin? The Tubo people did not kill Li Qingyuan as we asked. I'm afraid there will be hidden dangers in the future."

Wu Liang said worriedly.

"Now that the matter has come to this, we can only deal with the aftermath and gather the remaining soldiers back first. This is the foundation of our lives."

"Then the imperial court impeached Li Qingyuan for being arrogant and greedy for credit, and asked the imperial court to allocate 800,000 military pay to reorganize the army and prepare for war."

Qin Shu snorted angrily.

After the two discussed the details, they jointly wrote a memorial and sent it to Luoyang, the capital of China.

Luoyang! West gate!

The sergeant guarding the city gate planned to close the city gate as usual and wait for the curfew to come.

Suddenly dozens of fast horses came from far and near, galloping wildly while waving the yellow war reports in their hands.

"Great victory at Qinghai Lake! Kill five thousand in formation!"

As soon as this voice fell, the busy city of Luoyang suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone stared blankly at the frontline envoys who broke into the city, with disbelief in their eyes.

No one expected that the general manager sent by the imperial court had killed five thousand of the main Tibetan troops in just over a month.

This is incredible.

The last time Tubo was hit hard was when the Duke of Yan was in Liangzhou.

As a result, another remarkable figure appeared in the imperial court so quickly.

"Hey, what if the Great Zhou Dynasty can recreate the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty? In just one or two years, it can actually defeat the most powerful enemy."

"Yes, first there is Fan Xin, and here comes Li Qingyuan."

"The great Zhou Dynasty will be strong and prosperous in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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