Feng Pavilion, inner room.

Zhang Jianzhi sat in front of the desk and looked through the list attentively. Most of them were famous direct descendants of the Supreme Emperor.

After Li Xian ascended the throne, these people would be given idle positions or transferred as usual, and then replaced by ministers who supported the new emperor.

Among them, the most ministers who were demoted and assigned were from the Fan Xin lineage.

"This Song Jing is so brave. He actually took down so many Fan Party members at once, and he wasn't afraid that the other party would come to his door."

Zhang Jianzhi smiled and shook his head, and wrote a precise word with a swipe of his pen.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and an official walked into the cabinet and said respectfully: "Mr. Zhang Ge, Song Shangshu is outside asking for an audience."

"Say Cao Cao. Cao Cao is here. Please invite him in."

Putting down the list in his hand, Zhang Jianzhi raised his head and looked at Song Jing, who was coming towards him. The latter was holding a red newspaper with an excited look on his face.

"Mr. Ge, look, Li Qingyuan killed 5,000 of the feudal clan's main force in the Qinghai Lake Formation!"

"This is the first great victory for the new king since he ascended the throne!"

"What! This is happening? Come and show me!"

Zhang Jianzhi couldn't wait to take the Tang newspaper and tore open the cover. When he saw what was written on it, he was excited.

"What a great Li Qingyuan. He is indeed one of the rare handsome men in our great Zhou Dynasty. He raped all five thousand main feudal clan members in one move!"

"This commanding ability is even inferior to that of Li Jing and Fan Xin."

Zhang Jianzhi stroked his beard and said with a smile on his face: "Since the Tang Dynasty, we have had many battles with the local feudal lords. Most of them have won but few have lost. This time we finally let out a bad breath."

"When you go to court later, you and I will tell His Majesty the good news together, and let those veterans who are loyal to the Supreme Emperor see that the court can still run without them."

"Without further delay, let's go to court right now." Zhang Jianzhi packed up the documents, got on the sedan with Song Jing and headed towards Shangyang Palace.

Shangyang Palace, main hall.

At this time, the place was full of ministers who came to discuss the affairs of the court. Since it was the first time for the new king to hold a court meeting after he ascended the throne, everyone was wearing brand-new court uniforms.

It's just that the expressions on everyone's faces are different. Some are worried, some are excited, and they all look like all living beings.

While the ministers were waiting, a chamberlain walked up to the golden platform with Fuchen in his hand and shouted in a high voice.

"Your Majesty has arrived, and all the ministers will welcome him!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Everyone loves you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After the ministers straightened up, Li Xian nodded to the chamberlain, who picked up a yellow imperial edict from the tray and unfolded it slowly.

"The new dynasty has just been established, and many wastes are waiting to be revitalized. In order to show the grace of God, the name of the country is changed to Tang, and the world is pardoned. I admire this!"

"Your Majesty, your Majesty!" The ministers bowed respectfully to Li Xian.

"Haha, dear friends, please be safe."

Li Xian sat on the dragon chair and gave him a little support, looking at Zhang Jianzhi who was in the first place.

"Mr. Zhang Ge, I see you are looking happy. Do you have any good news to announce? If you tell me, I will be happy with all the officials."

Hearing this, Zhang Jianzhi walked out of the queue and held his hands towards Li Xianggong.

"There is no wiser person than the Emperor. You are right. Fengge received a battle report from the Qinghai front line half an hour ago."

"After arriving at the frontline camp, Li Qingyuan, the general manager of the Gannan Road March and Western Region Disposal Envoy, annihilated the main force of 5,000 feudal vassals in one fell swoop and directly recaptured Dafeichuan!"

These words were like a huge stone smashing into the water, causing an uproar and all the ministers exclaimed.

You must know that since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the two sides have fought countless battles, but the result is often a loss.

The only time that could really be considered a great victory was when Fan Xin was in Liangzhou.

No one expected that Li Qingyuan, a newcomer, would take back Dafeichuan just two months after he arrived. This feat is enough to be included in the annals of history.

The happiest person among everyone was Li Xian. He did not expect that Li Qingyuan was so powerful and had made such great achievements in just two months.

This is simply the best gift for yourself to ascend the throne.

Long Yan was so pleased that Li Xian said two good words to Zhang Jianzhi.

"Li Aiqing must be rewarded for his great achievements. What should I give him, Mr. Yi Ge?"


Zhang Jianzhi thought for a moment and then said: "Your Majesty, yesterday evening I received the by-election list from the Ministry of Civil Affairs and found that the post of General Longhu is still held by Fan Xin."

"Wouldn't it be better to let Li Qingyuan shoulder this heavy burden, which would also lighten Fan Xin's burden?"

Upon hearing these words, the faces of Minister Fan Dang present changed slightly, and they exchanged glances with anger.

Li Xian hesitated for a moment, thought about it and said.

"What Mr. Ge said is true. The burden of the Tang Dynasty cannot be placed entirely on Fan Xin. Let Li Qingyuan serve as the General of Dragon and Tiger."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Seeing that Fan Xin's power was weakened by his efforts, some ministers who had a gap with him immediately jumped out.

"Your Majesty, Youzhou is an important place in the north, and the post of Governor is a top priority. I think someone should be replaced to concentrate on the post!"

"Yes, Minister Fengge, as the central deputy prime minister, should help the prime minister handle family and state affairs. Fan Xin has never been there since he took up the concurrent post. It would be better to change to another minister."

Facing the ministers' repeated attacks, Fan Dang was extremely angry, but he didn't know that the emperor had already had this idea.

"Well, Fan Xin has worked too much on state affairs. It's a good idea to take a break. Let someone else take care of it first."

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and left the main hall of Shangyang Palace.

After the dynasty dispersed, several ministers from the Fan family gathered together, their faces gloomy and terrifying.

"Qing Zhou Si, you are the most trusted person by the prince. What should we do about this matter?" Censor Wang Chu asked.

Zhou Tong closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened his eyes and said: "As the emperor and the courtiers, this matter is probably your majesty's intention. It is beyond our control. We should send a letter to Duke Yan."

"Yes, let's go ask the Duke together, otherwise it will be our turn next!"

Everyone shouted and left Shangyang Palace together.

Luoshui Xingyuan.

Fan Xin pushed Wu Zetian in a wheelchair and walked slowly inside. Behind them were several craftsmen dressed as scholars.

"Fan Aiqing, can the oxygen machine you mentioned really be used on the plateau?"

Wu Zetian put on an oxygen mask and asked with a surprised look on her face.

"Your Majesty, the environment where the Tufan people grow up is too high, and the air above the snow-covered sacred mountain is too thin, making it difficult for our army to attack on a large scale."

"With this thing, our soldiers will greatly reduce altitude sickness and become qualified for World War I."

Fan Xin explained with a smile.

"So that's it." Wu Zetian nodded and glanced at him thoughtfully.

"I noticed that the things you mentioned recently are all related to Tufan. Do you think the imperial court will be defeated this time?"

The smile on Fan Xin's face faded, and he said seriously: "It is not that simple for Tufan to become the strongest enemy of Zhou Dynasty."

"They had restrained themselves for a period of time, not because they were afraid of us, but because they were cleaning up internal troubles. Now that Qin Ling has committed suicide, they will definitely turn their attention to Da Zhou again."

"Li Qingyuan has no experience in commanding large-scale wars. It is hard for me to believe that he can defeat the Tufan who is as powerful as a tiger." Wu Zetian knew very well who Fan Xin was. Seeing that he was not optimistic about this conquest of the Tufan, Wu Zetian naturally gave up hope.

The topic turned to who was the father of the child Shangguan Wan'er gave birth to.

While the two were talking, Manager Geng hurried over and whispered in Wu Zetian's ear.

"Your Majesty, the envoy from the imperial court is here!"

Wu Zetian raised an eyebrow and said in surprise: "Li Xian actually sent someone here, let him in."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Not long after Manager Geng left, a Qianniu Guard wearing a flying bear suit strode over and gave her a fist.

"Reporting to the Supreme Emperor, Li Qingyuan, the general manager of Gannan Road's march half a month ago, killed the main force of 5,000 native vassals and recaptured Dafeichuan!"

Wu Zetian was shocked when he heard these words, and stared at Qian Niuwei with a pair of phoenix eyes.

"You said Li Qingyuan regained Dafeichuan?"

This surprise is no small matter. You must know that neither Hei Te Changzhi nor Wang Xiaojie has taken back the Dafichuan area.

Wu Zetian never expected that she would be finished by a little person like Li Qingyuan.

Qianniuwei took out the front line newspaper from his arms.

"Your Majesty, General Manager Li has indeed severely damaged the main force of 5,000 feudal vassals and recaptured Dafeichuan. The Tang newspaper has the confirmation from the local governor's office."

Wu Zetian took a look and found the big seal stamped by the local government in the lower right corner, and the last doubt in her heart disappeared.

After a long while, she let out a breath and said to the guard.

"I already know about this, please go back and recover."

However, what surprised Wu Zetian was that Qian Niuwei stood there with no intention of leaving. Instead, he took out an imperial edict from his arms and looked at Fan Xin who was aside.

"Fan Xin, His Majesty orders you to stay at home and recuperate without any further duties."

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Wu Zetian's face suddenly stopped, and his whole face turned pale.

She never expected that just after she abdicated, Li Xian, a traitor, would dismiss her only trusted minister.

This makes it clear that he doesn't want her to retire in peace.

Just when she was about to scold him, Fan Xin calmly accepted the imperial edict.

"Fan Qing, what are you doing?"

Wu Zetian was a little confused as to why Fan Xin did this.

Facing Wu Zetian's inquiry, Fan Xin smiled slightly.

"It is not my intention to be granted the title of Marquis. I hope the sea will be peaceful. As long as the world is stable and the people are healthy, what will happen if a few official positions are inappropriate?"

After saying that, Fan Xin said to Qian Niuwei: "Go back and tell His Majesty that Fan Xin thanks him for his consideration."

"With this burden off me, I can finally live a contented life in the countryside. As for the title of Duke of Yan, I should also take it back."

"My lord?" Qian Niuwei opened his mouth with complicated eyes. Seeing that Fan Xin had made up his mind, he could only sigh softly and ride away.

Looking away from Qian Niuwei, Wu Zetian hesitated and said.

"Fan Xin, you have to think about it carefully. Each of these official positions is an important position that others can only desire. Once you hand it over, you can never take it back."

"Yes, Lord Guo, you are a legendary figure who is famous throughout the Zhou Dynasty. As long as you don't want to hand it over, no one can take back the power in your hands."

Manager Geng followed suit.

Fan Xin laughed and waved his hand nonchalantly: Your Majesty, you don’t need to persuade me anymore.

I'm not even interested in taking another look at the muddy waters of the imperial court. Let's go back and listen to storytelling.

Seeing that Fan Xin really didn't want to be an official, Wu Zetian sighed helplessly.

Halfway up the road, Liu Zi came up to him and whispered.

"Master, without our official position and military power, we may not be able to keep our property in Youzhou, right?"

Fan Xin checked his head and glanced at him, saying meaningfully.

"You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others. Do you really think that the fierce generals under my command can be mobilized with just an official position and a tiger charm?"

"Don't worry, no one in this world can touch what belongs to us, not even the emperor!"

Several hours later, Qian Niuwei, who went to Luoshui to convey the decree, finally rushed back to Luoyang and went straight to the palace without even taking a breath.

At this time, in the Qinzheng Hall, ministers Li Xian, Song Jing and Yao Chong were waiting here with anxious expressions.

They were not sure whether Fan Xin would accept the order, let alone whether this guy would send troops to attack Luoyang, the divine capital, in anger.

After all, he has the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty in his hands. If he really goes all out, no one can stop him.

"Sanlang, you are the Minister of the Ministry of War and temporarily serve as the general. Have you made arrangements for the city defense of Luoyang, the sacred capital?"

Li Xian stopped and looked at his nephew with a pale face.

Li Longji nodded: Your Majesty, I have deployed 80,000 troops in Luoyang, which should be able to resist for a while.

"However, I feel that Fan Xin will not send troops to attack the capital of the gods. Doing so will only bring him eternal infamy."

Li Xian smiled bitterly and said, "We have deprived him of all his power this time. If it were anyone else, he would be furious. I'm afraid."

As these words came out, everyone in the Qinzheng Hall fell into silence. It was obvious that they did not believe that Fan Xin would accept the order willingly.

At this time, the chamberlain came to report that the Qianniu Guards were waiting outside the door. When he heard that the guards who had delivered the order had returned, Li Xian immediately said in a trembling voice.

"Quickly, tell him to come in!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The chamberlain bowed and led the Qianniu Guard into the hall.

"General, please see your Majesty!"

Li Xian was not in the mood to chat at this time, and hurriedly asked: I ask you, has Fan Xin accepted the order, and what is the attitude of the Supreme Emperor?

Under the gaze of the monarch and ministers, the guard told the story exactly as it was. When Fan Xin received the imperial edict with a calm face, the latter hesitated for a moment.

"Your Majesty, before leaving, Fan Xin said that after he was relieved of this burden, he could finally live a contented life."

"As for the title of Duke of Yan, you should leave it to others."

Hearing this, the faces of Song Jing, Yao Chong, Zhang Jianzhi and others changed slightly, and they were all a little surprised. They did not expect Fan Xin to accept the order so neatly.

This was beyond their expectations.

Li Xian sat on the dragon chair, took a long breath, and sighed with emotion on his face.

"It's a pity. Throughout the decades of the Tang and Zhou Dynasties, there has never been a minister who was so outstanding in the country and the country, and who was so caring and righteous."

"My mother has a good minister in her life."

Yao Chong also echoed: "Yes, in terms of merit, he is enough to be listed in the Twenty-Four Lingyan Pavilion, but it is a pity that he is a member of the Supreme Emperor."

The monarch and his ministers discussed the details of the rewards for the three armies, and were about to end the meeting, when suddenly a panicked figure broke into the Qinzheng Hall.

"No, Your Majesty, something big happened on the front line!" (End of Chapter)

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