Li Xian's face darkened and he said displeasedly: "How rude is it to panic? If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"This Tang Dynasty cannot collapse without my support!"

The chamberlain knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from the front line. Li Qingyuan accidentally fell into the enemy's trap and was defeated and captured. His army of more than 100,000 people suffered heavy losses."

"Now, except for Shanzhou, the ancient city, Chengfengling, and the Heyuan area have all fallen into the hands of the local feudal lords!"


As soon as this news came out, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue. Everyone froze in place, and their faces were as pale as paper.

They never expected that Li Qingyuan, who had killed 5,000 feudal clan's main force some time ago, would be defeated and captured in the blink of an eye.

When the news of Heyuan falling into the hands of the Tufan people spreads, the whole world will be shaken, and it will probably affect the image of the new dynasty.

After coming back to his senses, Li Longji grabbed the servant's collar and said with a livid face.

"Such important news should be passed on to the Ministry of War and forwarded to the cabinet. How did you know about it?"

No wonder Li Longji didn't believe it. He, the Minister of War, didn't know about such a major battle report. This was so unreasonable.

Everyone had obviously thought of this and looked up at the chamberlain, hoping that he had reported a mistake.

However, to the disappointment of Li Xian and others, the chamberlain swallowed tremblingly.

"Li Shangshu, the frontline envoy has arrived at the cabinet. It was they who entrusted the villain to come in to deliver the message. If you don't believe it, just go back and ask the officials."

Li Longji.

After signaling the chamberlain to leave the Qinzheng Hall, Li Longji looked at the emperor with a complicated expression. Li Xian had not spoken for a long time since hearing the bad news.

"Your Majesty, I didn't expect that this Li Qingyuan was so incompetent. He achieved some small results, but he was so greedy for success that he made a huge mistake."

"I am guilty, and I beg your Majesty to punish you."

Song Jing on the side sighed and bent down, "Your Majesty, please punish me!"

Seeing the two people taking the initiative to plead guilty, Yao Chong was moved in his heart and took the initiative to speak to Li Xian.

"Your Majesty, the two of them are related to the country and the country. They are often busy until late at night before they can rest. It is impossible for them to do everything by themselves."

"It is inevitable to be fooled by villains like Li Qingyuan. As the minister of Feng Pavilion, I shoulder the responsibility of war. If you want to punish me, just punish me. Don't punish these two people."

Looking at the three people who took the initiative to plead guilty at the bottom of the steps, Li Xian's eyes gradually regained focus and he let out a long sigh.

"Now is not the time to punish the perpetrators. The top priority is to find a way to restore the frontline situation as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, once the four towns of Anxi are occupied by the feudal vassals, the entire Tang Dynasty will be in an uproar. What will I have to explain to the people of the world?"

Yao Chong and others were just showing off, not really asking for forgiveness. After hearing this, they straightened up and smoothed their beards.

"Your Majesty is right. If you want to restore the country's prestige, the only way is to recover the lost land. But looking at the Tang Dynasty, there are only a few people who can command thousands of troops."

"These people are either old or seriously ill. It may be too much to ask them to command the army in battle."

"Yeah, except if they send someone else there, they will only make the same mistake as Li Qingyuan, hey." Song Jing shook his head.

Just when Li Longji took a step forward to recommend himself, a cold voice came from outside the hall.

"What's so difficult about this? Isn't there a suitable one right now?"

The door of the palace opened, and a beauty in a red dress slowly walked over, carrying a noble and cool temperament as she walked.

"Anle, why are you here!"

Seeing his daughter coming, Li Xian stood up in surprise and quickly asked the waiter to bring her a chair.

"My father has returned to the palace after a long absence, so I have no choice but to come and pay my respects in person." Princess Anle said with a smile and glanced at Song Jing and other ministers.

The latter bowed slightly.

"I will see you, Your Highness the Princess."

When it was Li Longji's turn, he hesitated and said hello reluctantly.

Princess Anle laughed, sat on the chair and said: Just now I heard you discussing the candidates to lead the army. Is there anything happening on the front line?

As soon as these words came out, Li Longji frowned and felt extremely disgusted in his heart. This Anle was going too far. He openly broke into the Qinzheng Hall and wanted to interfere in the government affairs of the court.

What is this for?

Compared to the sensitive Li Longji, Li Xian didn't think so much and briefly introduced the situation of Li Qingyuan's defeat and capture.

Hearing that the Tang Dynasty had lost even the source of the river, Princess Anle's pretty face was covered with frost and she snorted heavily.

"This Li Qingyuan deserves to die. Tens of thousands of soldiers are buried in a foreign country. How can the imperial court explain to the world?"

"Father, if you want to save the situation before the news spreads, immediately send someone to Luoshui Xingyuan to ask Fan Xin to come out."

"He is the only one in the entire Tang Dynasty who has the ability to take back the territory, otherwise the situation will be dangerous!"

Li Xian's eyes were flashing, and he seemed very hesitant to ask Fan Xin to come out. In the end, Jiangshan Sheji prevailed.

"That's all, as Anle said, I sent someone to Luoshui to ask Fan Xin to be the general manager of the march!"

Speaking of this, Li Xian asked Yao Chong and others.

"My dear friends, Fan Xin was dismissed from all his posts within a few days. It is inevitable that he will feel resentful. Which of you is willing to go there?"

Several people looked at each other in disbelief, and Yao Chong stood up and cupped his hands.

"Your Majesty, as the prime minister of Fengge, asking Fan Xin to serve as an official according to his status is enough to show the court's sincerity towards him. It is better for me to go to the old minister."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to Yao Qing, and tell Fan Xin that as long as he wins this battle, I can resume his previous official position."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Yao Chong bowed and left the palace overnight with the golden imperial edict, heading towards the Luoshui River.

Luoyang, inn.

On the smooth official road, a carriage slowly stopped at the door, and a dark-skinned maid stepped forward and opened the curtain.

"Princess Yinzhu, we have arrived in Luoyang."

"Finally we're here."

The person in the sedan sighed with emotion, opened the curtain and slowly got out of the carriage, and it turned out to be the Turkic princess Yinzhu.

It's just different from before, there is a tough-headed child beside her.

After getting off the carriage, Princess Yinzhu came to the pavilion and smiled gently.

"We have traveled a long way to get here. Can we stay overnight and have a quick meal?"

"Are you Turks?"

The postman looked at Princess Yinzhu up and down, and when he saw that she was a Turk in simple clothes, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Luoyang is the sacred capital of the Tang Dynasty. There are tens of thousands of merchants coming and going every day. How can I have a room for you?"

"You can live in it if you want. You can also sleep in the woodshed in the backyard, but the price is a bit expensive. It's 20 taels per night."

Hearing these words, the little maid turned red with anger and scolded angrily.

"The people behind us in line have rooms, so why should we live in a woodshed? Are you still being unreasonable?"

The postman curled his lips disdainfully and pointed at the few young people who jumped in line.

"This is the young master of the Minister of Industry's family, and the one next to him is the grandson of General Jingo."

"Even the person who fanned them was a Zhengqipin County Magistrate. Why do you think so?"

Hearing Guanyi mention his name, several young people winked and laughed, and some even reached out and touched Princess Yinzhu's shoulder.

Several angry Turkic guards drew out their scimitars one after another and planned to step forward to fight, but at the critical moment they were blocked by Princess Yinzhu.

Looking at the vigilant postman, he said calmly. "Dadani, this is the Tang Dynasty. Don't cause trouble. Give him twenty taels and we will live in the woodshed."

"Miss, you?" The leader of the guards hesitated to speak.

"Do as I say."

Princess Yinzhu lowered her eyes slightly and went to the woodshed amidst everyone's laughter.

However, what no one knew was that a man wearing a bamboo hat had been sitting in front of the stall, watching this scene.

After the crowd dispersed, he dusted himself off and walked towards the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"What did you say? Princess Yinzhu came to Luoyang?"

In the study room, Fan Xin held the desk with both hands and looked at Li Lang in shock.

"Master, when I return home, I've seen with my own eyes that she is definitely a Turkic princess!"

Hearing this, Fan Xin's eyes were filled with excitement. When he left Zhaozhou that day, he thought he would never see his wife and children again. Unexpectedly, mother and son actually came to Luoyang by themselves.

I was filled with emotions for a while.

Li Lang hesitated for a moment and said with some uncertainty: Mr. Guo, what should Princess Taiping do? "

"According to the royal family law of the Tang Dynasty, a prince-in-law can only have one wife, a princess."

Fan Xin's smile faltered and he said with a sad face: "It's all my fault."

Then he looked at Li Lang: "Where are they now?"

"Back home, my lord, Princess Yinzhu, mother and son live in the woodshed of Guanyi. The Chengyi said that the room is not enough, so it must be reserved for the children of several officials' families."


The study room instantly became quiet. Fan Xin put away his smile and looked at Li Lang with a cold face.

"You mean Princess Yinzhu and my son live in the woodshed of Guanyi?"

Li Lang nodded cautiously.

"Okay, okay, very good." Fan Xin laughed angrily, with chills flashing in his eyes.

"Go and arrest those so-called high officials. I will show their descendants that so-called official positions are nothing!"

After saying this, he picked up the golden dragon sword and strode out of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

After a cup of tea, dozens of sergeants with weapons and shiny armor appeared on the outskirts of Luoyang, heading towards the hotel with murderous intent.


At this time, in the Emperor's room, several well-dressed young men were changing cups.

While joking, a man with a vain expression spoke.

"Let me tell you, we have played a lot with the beautiful little lady. If we haven't tasted this Turkic woman yet, why don't we go and have fun?"

Several people put down their wine glasses and looked at each other, hesitating.

"Brother Zhang, isn't this good? Luoyang is under the emperor's feet, and molesting a common girl here is punishable by beheading. If something happens, our lives will be ruined."

The young man named Zhang Guang curled his lips and waved his hands indifferently.

"What are you afraid of? Our parents are all fifth-grade officials at the lowest. It doesn't matter if you play with a woman."

"Besides, that little girl is a Turk and is not covered by the laws of the Tang Dynasty."

"After sleeping, the worst thing is to give him some money to send away."

When several young people saw that what Zhang Guang said made sense, they couldn't help but feel excited. To be honest, they had slept with many women, but this was the first time they had slept with a foreign woman.

After some hesitation, the request was finally agreed to.

"Okay, since you all agree, let's go to the woodshed to meet the Turkic lady for a while!"

Zhang Guang laughed, and led several young men towards the woodshed with drunken eyes. To be on the safe side, he deliberately gave a few postmen ten taels of silver and asked them to help him guard against being sabotaged.

When they arrived at the woodshed, the two Turkic guards guarding the door were about to shout loudly when a group of wolf-like officers put their swords on their necks and warned them not to make any sound.

Then Zhang Guang straightened his clothes and opened the door.

"Little lady, the uncle is here to see you."

Suddenly seeing several Han people barging in, Princess Yinzhu hugged the child and her pretty face fell, scolding: "Who let you in, get out!"

"Hey, little bitch, you are quite fierce. I will make sure you are submissive soon." He said, reaching out his hand to touch Princess Yinzhu's face.

Just when his fingers were about to touch his skin, a cold voice came from outside the door.

"If you dare to move your hand even half an inch forward, my country will destroy all ten of your clans!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was knocked open with a bang. A group of sergeants holding torches rushed in and surrounded Zhang Guang and several young people.

Then Fan Xin, wearing a black python suit and a cape, strode in. Behind him were a dozen weak-looking postmen with their heads hanging down.

"Are you Fan Xin?"

Following his father in official circles all year round, Zhang Guang recognized Fan Xin's identity at a glance.

"Yes, it's me."

Seeing that his wife and children were safe and sound, Fan Xinxin breathed a sigh of relief, and then a surge of rage surged into his heart.

That damn guy actually plotted something against his wife. He deserved death. If he had done it a little later, wouldn't he have regretted it for the rest of his life?

After thinking about this, Fan Xin looked at Zhang Guang and others as if they were looking at dead people.

Zhang Guang has been involved in official circles for many years, so he naturally knows Fan Xin's current situation, so although he is scared, he doesn't take it seriously.

How long can a toothless tiger be so majestic?

"Since this Turkic lady is yours, I won't bother you anymore and say goodbye!" Chao Fan Xin bowed his hands, and Zhang Guang was about to leave with the others.

Unexpectedly, when he came to the door, a golden dragon sword stopped in front of him.

Zhang Guang frowned and said displeased.

"What do you mean, Mr. Guo? Do you still want to kill me?"

"What do you say?"

Feeling the killing intent in Fan Xin's eyes, Zhang Guang's expression changed slightly and he warned.

"Fan Xin, we Ming people don't speak secretly. My father was the fifth rank of the dynasty, and my grandfather was the counselor of Prime Minister Yao Chong."

"If you kill me, you will never come back to the court again."

From Zhang Guang's point of view, he had raised two heavyweight backers one after another, but any smart person would know what to do.

It's a pity that he underestimated Fan Xin's character, and even more underestimated Fan Xin's determination to kill.

Putting away the sword, Fan Xin chuckled lightly and said neither salty nor lightly.

"Man said it was your father, your grandfather, and even Yao Chong who didn't dare to speak like this in front of me. Don't you have a distinguished background?"

"I will show you how ridiculous they are in front of me!"

"Zhang Huan, bring Zhang Daochong and Lai Ji to me!" (End of Chapter)

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